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Research article format

Title (from 12 to 17 words)

Abstract (One full paragraph: from 150 to 250 words)
1-Research background and problem statement
2-Purpose of the study
3-Methodology (Research design/theoretical or conceptual framework/sampling/data
collection method/Data analysis method/
5-Implications of the study (Who will benefit from the study?)
Keywords (5 to 7 words)

Introduction (One or Two paragraphs)

1- Importance of the topic
2- Challenges related to the topic
3- Contrasts in the previous studies
4- Lack of studies related to your topic/theory/method
5- Purpose of the study
Literature Review (One page and a half)
1-Definition of the topic
2-Review of previous studies
3-Research gaps in the previous studies
4-The purpose of the current study
5-Research question/s
a. Research design (one paragraph) (approach and conceptual framework)
b. Sampling (Participants/Respondents) (one paragraph)
c. Data collection method/analysis (two paragraphs)

Findings (The number of paragraphs can vary)

Present your findings based on your research questions.
The findings should include tables and figures with percentage to show frequencies,
similarities, and/or differences
Discussion (four or five paragraphs)
1.First paragraph (restate the purpose, the method, the theory, and the major findings)
2.Second /Third paragraphs (Compare between your findings and the findings of previous
3.Fourth paragraph (the main contribution of your study)

Conclusion (Two paragraphs)

1.Restate the major finding
2.The implication of the study (who will benefit from your study?)
3.The limitations of the study
4.Suggestions for future studies

References (Arranged alphabetically)

Length of the article: from 4000 to 8000 words

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