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My overall MCI score was 91 with some of my highest moral competencies was being

able to keep promises, ability to let go of others’ mistakes, and admitting mistakes and failures. I

would agree with all of these because I feel when I make a promise I intend to keep it whether it

causes me more work or not. I also don’t want others to be beaten up because of mistakes

they’ve made because we all make them. Even the people that think they live the perfect little

life and have no flaws still make mistakes and it’s truly about how you respond to those

mistakes that will define you.

Some of my lower competencies were standing up for what is right, embracing

responsibility for serving others, and acting consistently with principles, values, and beliefs. This

is where I really sit and think about these three moral competencies and ask myself if this is how

I want to be defined. I would say I sometimes sit back and not speaking out on the right thing

because either my friends or family think it’s dumb or not correct in their heads but it is to me

and everyone else. These are honestly three things that I am going to work on because when

you have a flaw I am the type to attack that and make it a goal of mine to be better in all aspects

of life.

I don’t think really I had any surprises because my highest has defined me for years

because it’s just who I am. The negatives were a little surprising to me but at the end of the day

I know I am not perfect and that every single day I need to become a better person overall

whether that’s speaking what is right or just completely growing as a person. There is always

room for growth in whatever you try to accomplish. I lastly truly believe that this MCI will help me

really think about certain situations and try to reflect on them in a positive manner and make

proper adjustments to my life to become a better man at the end of the day.


10- fours
26 five’s












Highest Moral Competencies

Keeping Promises

Ability to let go others’ mistakes

Admitting mistakes and failures

Lowest Moral Competencies

Standing up for what is right

Embracing responsibility for serving others

Acting consistently with principles, values, and beliefs

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