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Nomen: _____________________________

1-18: Give the Latin form of the Demonstrative Pronouns; 19-30: Give the Case and Number

1. that: ABL sing (fem)

‌2. these: ACC pl (fem)
‌hic, haec, hoc (this, these)
‌3. that: NOM sing (masc)
ille, illa, illud (that, those)
‌4. those: GEN pl (neut)
is, ea, id (that, those)
‌5. that: GEN sing (neut)

‌6. these: ABL pl (fem)

‌7. those: NOM pl (masc)

‌8. that: ACC sing (masc)

‌9. this: ABL sing (neut)

‌10. those: DAT pl (fem)

‌11. this: DAT sing (masc)

‌12. those: ABL pl (neut)

‌13. that: GEN sing (fem)

‌14. those: GEN pl (masc)

‌15. that: ACC sing (fem)

‌16. these: ACC pl (neut)

‌17. that: NOM sing (masc)

‌18. those: NOM pl (neut)

‌19. hīs (fem)

‌20. is (masc)

‌21. haec (neut)

‌22. illī (fem)

‌23. hunc (masc)

‌24. illīus (fem)

‌25. ea (neut)

‌26. eīs (neut)

‌27. hāc (fem)

‌28. illōrum (masc)

‌29. illam (fem)

‌30. eīs (masc)‌‌

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