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Name: Irma Iwanatus Sholihah

NIM: 126203203207
Class: TBI 4C
Attendance List: 40

Answer the questions!

1. What is the contemporary teaching method?

2. What is your opinion about the important of contemporary teaching in education
3. What is the best method for teaching English language during pandemic situation!
4. How many kinds of teaching method, mention are there in English
5. How to implement the teaching strategies, give the example!


1.Contemporary teaching methods is the act of using the ideas and philosophies of
educators before us and combining it with your own ideas and philosophies to form a new
way of teaching the next generation.

2. In my opinion, contemporary learning has an important role at this time, because

technological advances are getting faster, so it demands that everyone can follow it.
Contemporary learning can also advance education for the better in the future.

3. A good and appropriate method to use during a pandemic like now is the online method.
This method can be used as a means of teaching and learning without having to make direct
physical contact which can cause the spread of the covid virus.

4. Kinds of Teaching Methods

1. Lecture Method
2. Discussion Method
3. Demonstration Method
4. Recitation Method
5. Experimental Method
6. Field Trip Method
7. Practice Method
8. Design Method
9. Debate Method
10. Mind Map Method

5. An example is, Cooperative/Group Learning Strategy. Group learning model is a series of

learning activities carried out by students in certain groups to achieve the learning objectives
that have been formulated. Cooperative learning strategy is a learning model using a
grouping system/small team, which is between four to six people who have a background in
academic ability , gender, race, or ethnicity that is different (heterogeneous), the scoring
system is carried out on groups. Each group will receive an award (reward), if the group
shows the required achievements.
This strategy uses several relevant learning methods, including:
a. Discussion method
b. Field trip method
c. Experimental method
d. Assignment or recitation method

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