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 Activity 2 : Getting key idea from sentence


A. In each of the following sentences, underline the words that give the key idea.
Example: Children who live in a ghetto find fun in the street even when they have no

1. Even teenagers with good driving records pay higher insurance rates than
2. While the prices have steadily declined, personal computers are still too
expensive for the average consumer.
3. Neighborhood action groups make a major difference in the quality of life in
most cities.
4. The mayor’s aides canceled a scheduled meeting with an active community
group that supported the mayor’s reelection.

B. In the space provided after each sentence, write the key idea of the sentence.
Example: A recent issue of Time magazine contained an article about attempts by
environmental groups to stop the worldwide slaughter of whales.
Time reported on efforts to save whales.

1. Recent high school students have shown improvement in their SAT scores, after
nearly twenty years in which performance on these tests declined.

 high school students have shown improvement in their SAT scores

2. Local teenagers on the north side of the city developed a plan for patrolling the
streets during the day and in the evening so that senior citizens could leave their
homes in safety.

 Local teenagers develop a plan to patrol

3. Thomas Wolfe’s play Welcome to Our City, written fifty years ago and
published a few years ago for the first time, deals with the modern American
South and some of the strange, passionate, and greedy people who live there.

 Thomas Wolfe’s play Welcome to Our City for the first time deals with
the modern American South

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