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READING 4th Grading Week 3

Name : _____________________________________________________________________________

Commanding - tells a person to do something.

Examples : Write your name inside the box , draw a ball below.

I. Read and answer each question. Follow the given instruction.

1. Who can go underwater ? Check ( / ) your answer.

2. Which animal quacks ? Encircle your answer.

3. Where you can sleep well ? Color the box RED.

II. Read the following sentences. Follow the directions given in each number.

1.. Mother has a new hat. 3. Carl has a new toy

Draw a hat. Color it red. boat. Draw a boat. Color it

2. Daddy has a new tie.

Draw a tie. Color it blue.

B. Follow the direction.

1. Draw the flag of the Philippines. Color it.

2. Write your name inside the box.

Write your nickname below it.

3. Draw a rectangle. Divide the rectangle into four equal parts.

V. Listen as your parents read the story and the following questions:
Kat’s Dream

Kat’s dram is to become chef one day. Chef is someone who cooks well.
Kat’s wrote a cook book. In his cook book , he wrote the steps on how to make
a sandwich. He said. He said : “ Do you want to know how to make a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich? “ First , you need to get two slice of bread . Next
spread peanut butter smoothly on the bread. Then , spoon some jelly on top of
the peanut butter, finally , put your bread together and take a bite.

1. Who is the story character in the story?


2. What does he want ?


3. What did Kat write ?


4. What is the title of the story ?


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