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Qawatin Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

Vol. 1, No. 1 (Juli 2021) 1– 14

e-ISSN: 2614-0071 || p-ISSN: 1410-9328



Rifky Adam Yasin, Dr. Dwi Handayani,S.H.,M.Hum,

Dr. Andika Prawira Buana, S.H.,M.H
Mahasiswa Sarjana Ilmu Hukum
Universitas Muslim Indonesia

This study aims to find out what causes default and to find out the settlement of default in the
dispute over buying and selling houses in Decision No. 17/Pdt.G/2019/PN Mks.
This research method uses the normative method. The approach used is the statutory approach
and the case approach. The types and sources of legal materials used are primary sources of
legal materials, secondary sources of legal materials and tertiary sources of legal materials.
The source of the legal material obtained will be processed and analyzed so that it is expected
to obtain a clear picture, presented descriptively in order to provide a clear and focused
understanding of the research results.
Based on the results of this study indicate that: 1) The factors that cause default, namely the
debtor is able to fulfill the achievement but not done in a timely manner. 2). The process of
resolving this case is in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and the Panel of Judges
carries out the trial process in accordance with the rules of the Civil Procedure Code.
The research recommendation is that the parties should carry out their rights and obligations
in accordance with what has been agreed in the mutually agreed agreement and it is better for
the disputing parties to conduct deliberations to settle the case peacefully so that the problem
does not go to court.
Keywords: Default, Agreement, Sale and Purchase

Lisensi CC BY-4.0

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