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a) 4

b) 1

c) 5

d) 2

e) 3




c) is with you

d) “(...) to be organized and plan (…)”


a) To avoid overload into work we can make a timetable and dividing work up with in
daily chunks.

b) According with the author, our bodies release warning sings when we go into
overload. These alarms can warn you that you are stressed and you need to take a
break. If you did it “(…) you will be amazed at just how powerful a 20- minutes nap
can be, when it comes to rebooting you(…)”.

c) I don´t agree with the last advice given in the text due to the fact that making a
timetable and dividing work up into daily chunks just helps you to be more organized,
it does not reduce anxiety and stress.


a) “(…) a quick fix (…)”

b) “(…) make mountains out of mole hills (…)”

c) “(…) whole lot more than a cool attitude to life (…)”

d) “(…) huge toll (…)”

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