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Cell - Structure and Function

Q1. What is a cell?

Ans. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.
Q2. What is a tissue?
Ans.Tissue is a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together
as a unit.
Q3. Write the functions of the following structures.
a. Nucleolus:- Protein synthesis.
b. Genes:- Units of inheritance - help in transmitting characters from parents to
c. Vacuoles in animal cells:- Waste removal and digestion.
d. Cell wall:- The cell wall gives shape to the plant cell, offers protection and
provides rigidity to the cell.
Q4. Why is the cell wall important in plant cells and not in animal cells?
Ans. The cell wall is important for plants since they do not have a skeleton for
support and protection, nor can they move to escape environmental stress.
Q5. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
Q6. Write the differences between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm/.

Q7. Why are cells of different shapes and sizes? Give suitable examples to support
your answer.
Cells have different shapes because they do different things. Each cell type has its
own role to play in helping our bodies to work properly, and their shapes help them
carry out these roles effectively. For example, neurons are very long, thin,
branched cells. They also need to connect with other neurons to form
communication networks, so they have many long branches, RBCs are shaped like
a doughnut to carry more hemoglobin, and to fit through small spaces.
Q8. State the key functions of the ‘Cell Theory’.
Ans. 1. All living organisms are made up of cells.
2. The cell is the basic unit of life.
3. New cells arise from old cells.
Q9. Name any two types of cells that are capable of changing their shape. How
does this feature help them in their functions?
Ans.White Blood Cells(WBC) - Help them to kill germs by engulfing them.
Amoeba- Help them to move from one place to another and capture its food.

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