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Addition and Subtraction 3- and 4-digit: Lesson 2: adding 4-digit numbers

60-minute lesson

1. Play “I Have, Who Has” (addition)

a. The teacher usually starts the round.
b. Hand one card to each student, if there are extra cards, give some students 2
cards, ensuring all the cards are being used.
c. When the student read out their numbers, make sure to repeat them, ensuring
all students hear the numbers.
d. If an answer is not being identified, give prompts to help determine the sum.
e. Collect the cards when the game is completed.

2. Review adding 3-digit numbers.

3. Write a 4-digit plus 4-digit number horizontally on the board.
4. Ask the students how to solve the number.
a. Make sure they:
i. Stack the numbers and line up in the correct place value
ii. Start adding on the right (units place) and move left
iii. Regroup when necessary
5. Check for concept understanding (thumbs up, down, or side).
a. If there is lots of uncertainty, do more examples.
6. Explain to the students that adding 4-digit numbers follows the same steps as adding 3-
digit numbers, and the same will be true for adding 5-digit numbers and more.
7. Teach the students to play “Sum It Up.”
a. (Instructions attached)
b. Hand out a game board in a pocket to all students.
c. Play a round of the game as a class (teacher will use the white board and
students have their own boards) to ensure understanding.
d. Verify that all students understand the game.

8. Students can play “Sum It Up” with their table groups until the end of class.

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