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Addition and Subtraction 3- and 4-digit: Lesson 4: math talk (addition and subtraction)

60-minute lesson

1. Ninja math
a. Make sure to update worksheets in the pockets according to the master sheet.
b. Hand out the pockets to the students, face side down and reminding students to
leave the pockets face side down until instructed to start.
c. Advise all students to have a white board marker in hand (allow them a minute
to locate one).
d. The students will begin the math at the same time. As the students finish, they
will raise their hands and you will collect the pockets (placing them on a pile).
After 2 minutes and 30 seconds, start piling the pockets in a different direction.
e. The goal is for the students to complete their sheet in under 2 minutes and 30
seconds, but we do not tell them that.
f. At a later time, when time allows, you can review the worksheets for accuracy
and bump students up to the next level.

2. Ask for student volunteers to hand out the math cover page scribblers.
3. The students will need scissors, glue, and a pencil for this activity.
4. Create a cover sheet simultaneously with the students while you give instructions.
5. The “Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers” instruction page and cover page
template is attached.
6. Pay extra attention to the Add and Subtract flaps, teaching the students appropriate
math language. If math “slang” terms are presented, discuss those terms, but remind
students that we should be focussing on “technical” math language. (maybe the “slang”
terms could be put in parenthesis if any are suggested by the students).

7. The students will create their own equations (with the provided numbers on the cover
sheet) and solve the sums and differences for each.
8. The students can play “Sum It Up” with a partner as they complete their cover sheet.

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