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your quarantine plan - Likely suitable > You selected: Based on the information you provided, your place of quarantine is likely considered suitable. You will be asked about your quarantine plan to confirm it meets requirements, and you may be referred to a Quarantine Officer for additional review. If you are referred, the Quarantine Officer will determine whether your plan complies with requirements. What you need to do next Meet all the = = ‘Pan ) LOR Se ete) QO @ EB COVID-19: Assess your quarantine plan - Sharing * Are you planning to share this place with anyone else during your quarantine? (required) ONod, I'll be alone @With people I live with and travelled with OWith people I live with who didn’t travel OWith people I don't usually live with, who I travelled with Shared places include any settings where you can't separate yourself from others, including: Pao} Oa F Ru OQ @ your quarantine plan - Type of place * Which best describes your place of quarantine? (required) O Apartment or condo @ House or cabin O Hotel or motel O Student residence at a designated learning institution O Industrial camp O Group residence (nursing home, residential treatment facility) O Hostel O Construction trailer O Residential care or long-term care facility rx) OGARRu OQ @ to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our country, our communities, and our families. *Do you have a place where you could quarantine for 14 days, if determined necessary at the border? (required) @Yes ONo Some situations can result in needing to stay in quarantine for longer than planned. For example, if during your 14-day quarantine period, you: ¢ start having symptoms of COVID-19

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