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Teachers at the college level should be able to require students to type all their assignments

Hook: One of the most important differences between a good and a bad performing student is

Metacognition and typing one’s assignments creates a huge margin in this.

Introduction: Many teachers have different conclusions regarding the preparedness of high school

seniors moving to college level work. Most of these students are not ready to face the wrath of college

level work and the preparation they make is a prediction of the studies that are about to come. Even after

taking such pre-emptive steps, there are lots of students who fail to get their desired result in college.

Thesis: Teachers at the college level should be able to require students to type all their assignments.

The process of learning is complete when all senses are exposed to it. To learn something completely,

one needs to listen to it, see it and then write it down so that the chapter just learnt does not fade away

easily. Reading through or listening to a class brings one closer to learning a subject but the most difficult

and effort oriented part is skipped most of the time. A learning starts with known beliefs about the

processes people use to learn best. Such beliefs revolve around choices like if they need to go to a class

at all and the way they study. The more flawed belief one carries, the less effective is his learning. Some

common flawed beliefs being:

1. A student can be good at a subject if he has as inborn talent around it.

2. Studying might look hard but it is possible to learn fast.

3. Some separate facts together form a piece of knowledge

4. Multi-tasking while studying has no effect on learning processes.

Among all these, the main aura of learning also fades away which is writing or typing.
Metacognition is the level of awareness a student carries. In simpler terms, the quality of metacognition

makes the difference between a good and a bad student. A subject may be difficult to understand for a

poor student while easy to understand for a bright student but this difference can be covered by writing up

whatever the student learns. Writing or typing provides a new level of grasp for students and the memory

imprint it leaves is much deeper. This again becomes one of the key factors that improve a student’s

memorizing and grasping ability.

While going through a chapter, one can notice that highlighting key points also helps in memorizing.

Taking down notes in brief becomes an active process of closely following a lesson and knowing the

presentation. When one writes down the whole concept, it will form a link between all the key points in the

chapter and the concepts can be recalled easily at a later stage.

Overall, learning is solely based on the approach and the coverage and interaction with the learning

material. Listening and reading are important but typing brings in the added effort that helps leave a

permanent impact on the brain.

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