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PAR 3rd Term Exam.

GNS3 Networking


● The more accurate your simulation is, the higher your grade will be
● Highest possible marks are in square brackets [ ]. For example, [1] means that possible marks
are between 0 and 1.
● In order to obtain the maximum mark, the requested function must work properly, and must
have been captured adequately.
● No proof of work -> Mark = 0.
● From now on all over this document, “YI” means “Your Initials”. For example, if your name
happens to be “Jane Doe” then “YI” must be replaced with “JD”.
● Captures: NEVER capture full screens or windows: just capture the requested area.

Create a GNS3 project named “YI-exam” according to the diagram below:


● YI-R1, YI-R2, YI-R3: Cisco 3745

● YI-SW1: Ethernet switch, not partitioned.
● YI-Ubuntu-1: Ubuntu (netplan-based)
● YI-bridge: bridged to your HW ethernet card (replace br0 with your HW ethernet interface that
connects your host to the Internet)

Answer these questions and include requested captures in an ODT document, and upload it to

1. [1] number of networks, including connection to the cloud

6 Networks, Including R2 f2/0 connection to the cloud

2. IPv4: choose any Private Class A IPv4 Network /20 address (pseudo randomly chosen, for example
10.211.128…), and create subnets, according to the FLSM fixed length subnetting mask scheme. Use
the lowest possible number of bits for the subnet. Write them on the diagram as usual:
■ On every net, the chosen net address prefix
■ On every interface: the chosen host part only

Network: my choice:


Number of required subnet bits: ceiling(log2(5))=ceiling(ln(5)/ln(2))=ceiling(2.32)=3.

The 6th network already has its own address, because it is the physical network.
Subnets (FSLM): all subnets are /23, so the third byte can’t be an odd number.

3. IPv6: choose any (not used in previous examples, and pseudo randomly chosen, for example
…:af43:9a37:...) Global Scope IPv6 Network /48 address, and create /64 subnets. Write them on the
diagram as usual:
■ On every net, the chosen net address prefix
■ On every interface: the chosen host part only

Global Scope networks currently assigned by IANA: 2000::/3

Provided that 20h in binary is 0010 0000, a Global Scope address always starts with 2 or 3 in the first

My choice: network: 3001:48:a::/48

Subnetworks: (all are /64):


4. [1] Capture the complete, fully configured GNS network diagram, showing all IPv4 and IPv6
networks, masks, host parts, interface labels, device names, etc.

5. [1] IPv4 Interfaces. Enable and configure all interfaces, according to your diagram. Configure R2 f2/0
as DHCP client: it must get an IP from your DHCP server on your physical network. Configure NAT on
R2 (f2/0 is outside). Show an “interface brief” report for IPv4, and capture it.
6. [1] IPv6 Interfaces. Enable and configure all interfaces, according to your diagram. Provided that there
is no IPv6 connectivity to the cloud, you don’t need to configure an IPv6 address for f2/0. Show an
“interface brief” report for IPv6, and capture it.
7. [1] IPv4 RIP version 2: enable RIP v2 on every Cisco router. Create a default route towards the cloud
on router R2. Configure RIP to transmit default routes everywhere but Ubuntu-1 (because it is not a
router). Routes must be summarized. Enable SNAT on R2. Capture ALL routing tables.
8. [1] IPv6 RIPng: enable RIPng on every Cisco router. You don’t need to set a default route up.
Configure RIP to transmit default routes everywhere but Ubuntu-1 (because it is not a router). Routes
must be summarized. Capture ALL routing tables.
9. [1] Configure netplan on Ubuntu-1 for IPv4 and IPv6. Set R2 as gateway4 and gateway6. Be sure that
“ping”, “traceroute” and “dig” are installed. Disable the VirtualBox NAT interface on the Linux system.
Capture: ping, ping R1 using IPv6, ping R2,R3 using IPv4
10. [1] WireShark: filter RIPng traffic on R1 f1/0 interface. filter RIPv2 traffic on R3 f1/0. Capture both.
11. [1] IPv6 traceroute from Ubuntu-1 to R1. IPv4 traceroute from R3 to Capture both.
12. [0.5] Fault tolerance: pause all links connected to SW1, and the link between R3 and Ubuntu-1. Then
IPv6 traceroute from Ubuntu-1 to R1. IPv4 traceroute from R3 to Capture both.

13. [0.5] TTL of any ICMP packet going towards the cloud, captured between R2 and the cloud. Capture
the proper screen section of wireshark, showing this TTL.




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