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3/6/2021 Functions - Jupyter Notebook


A function is similar to a program that consists of a group of statements that are

intended to perform a specific task.
There are several ‘built-in’ functions in Python to perform various tasks. For example, to display output, Python has print() function.

Similarly, to calculate square root value, there is sqrt() function

Similar to these functions, a programmer can also create his own functions which which are called ‘user-defined’ functions.

1. Once a function is written, it can be reused as and when required.
2. Functions provide modularity for programming. which makes it easy.
3. Code maintenance will become easy because of functions. When a new feature has to be added to the existing software, a new
function can be written and integrated into the software.
4. When there is an error in the software, the corresponding function can be modified without disturbing the other functions in the
software. Thus code debugging will become easy.
5. The use of functions in a program will reduce the length of the program.

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In [ ]: def sum(a, b):

""" This function finds sum of two numbers """
c = a+b
print('Sum=', c)

#call the function

sum(10, 25)
sum(1.5, 10.75) #call second time

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In [ ]: #a function that returns two results

def sum_sub(a, b):
""" this function returns results of addition and subtraction of a, b """
c = a + b
d = a - b
return c, d #get the results from the sum_sub() function

y = sum_sub(10, 5)

In [ ]: #display the results

print("Result of addition:", x)
print("Result of subtraction:", y)

In [ ]: #Returning a list

def sum_sub(a, b):

""" this function returns results of addition and subtraction of a, b """
c = a + b
d = a - b
return [c, d] #get the results from the sum_sub() function

s_d= sum_sub(18, 5)

Functions are First Class Objects

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Functions are First Class Objects
In Python, functions are considered as first class objects. It means we can use functions as perfect objects.

In fact when we create a function, the Python interpreter internally creates an object.

Since functions are objects, we can pass a function to another function just like we pass an object (or value) to a function.

Also, it is possible to return a function from another function. This is similar to returning an object (or value) from a function.

The following possibilities are noteworthy:

1 It is possible to assign a function to a variable.

2 It is possible to define one function inside another function.

3 It is possible to pass a function as parameter to another function.

4 It is possible that a function can return another function.

In [ ]: #assign a function to a variable

def display(str):
return 'Hai '+str

#assign function to variable x

x = display("Krishna")

In [ ]: def display(str):

#assign function to variable x

x = display("Krishna")

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In [ ]: #define a function inside another function

def display(str):
def message():
return 'How are U?'
result = message()+str
return result #call display() function


In [ ]: #functions can be passed as parameters to other functions

def display(fun):
return 'Hi! '+ fun

def message():
return 'How are U? '

#call display() function and pass message() function


In [ ]: def fun1(str):
return str

def fun2(str):
return str

#call display() function and pass message() function


In [ ]: #functions can return other functions

def display():
def message():
return 'How are U?'
return message
#call display() function and it returns message() function
#in the following code, fun refers to the name: message.
fun = display()

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Pass by value represents that a copy of the variable value is passed to the function and any modifications to that value will not reflect
outside the function.

Pass by reference represents sending the reference or memory address of the variable to the function. The variable value is modified by
the function through memory address and hence the modified value will reflect outside the function also.

Neither of these two concepts is applicable in Python. In Python, the values are
sent to functions by means of object references.

When we pass values like numbers, strings, tuples or lists to a function, the references of these objects are passed to the function.

In [ ]: #passing an integer to a function

def modify(x):
""" reassign a value to the variable """
print("x inside the funcion", x, id(x))
#call modify() and pass x

x= 10
print("x outside the funcion", x, id(x))

From the output, we can understand that the value of ‘x’ in the function is 15 and that is not available outside the function.

When we call the modify() function and pass ‘x’ as: modify(x) we should remember that we are passing the object reference to the
modify() function. The object is 10 and its reference name is ‘x’.
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Inside the function, we are using: x = 15. This means another object 15 is created in memory and that object is referenced by the name

In Python integers, floats, strings and tuples are immutable. That means their data cannot be modified. When we try to change their
value, a new object is created with the modified value.

On the other hand, lists and dictionaries are mutable. That means, when we change their data, the same object gets modified and new
object is not created.

In the next program, we are passing a list of numbers to modify() function. When we append a new element to the list, the same list is
modified and hence the modified list is available outside the function also.

In [ ]: # A Python program to pass a list to a function and modify it.

#passing a list to a function
def modify(lst):
""" to add a new element to list """
print(lst, id(lst))

#call modify() and pass lst

lst = [1,2,3,4]
print(lst, id(lst))

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In [ ]: # A Python program to create a new object inside the function does not modify outside object.
#passing a list to a function
def modify(lst):
""" to create a new list """
lst = [1,2,3,4]
print(lst, id(lst))
#call modify() and pass lst

lst = [1,2,3,4]
print(lst, id(lst))

In [ ]: a=[1,2,3];print(id(a))
b=[1,2,3]; print(id(b))

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In [ ]: def sum(a, b): #a, b are formal arguments

c = a+b
#call the function
x=10; y=15
sum(x, y) #x, y are actual arguments

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Positional Arguments
These are the arguments passed to a function in correct positional order. Here, the number of arguments and their positions in the
function definition should match exactly with the number and position of the argument in the function call.

In [ ]: #A Python program to understand the positional arguments of a function.

#positional arguments demo
def attach(s1, s2):
""" to join s1 and s2 and display total string """
s3 = s1+s2
print('Total string: ', s3)
#call attach() and pass 2 strings

attach('New', 'York') #positional arguments

Keyword Arguments
Keyword arguments are arguments that identify the parameters by their names.

For example, the definition of a function that displays grocery item and its price can be written as:

def grocery(item, price):

At the time of calling this function, we have to pass two values and we can mention which value is for what. For example,

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grocery(item='Sugar', price=50.75)

Here, we are mentioning a keyword ‘item’ and its value and then another keyword ‘price’ and its value. Please observe these keywords
are nothing but the parameter names which receive these values. We can change the order of the arguments as:

grocery(price=88.00, item='Oil')

In [ ]: # A Python program to understand the keyword arguments of a function.

#key word arguments demo
def grocery(item, price):
""" to display the given arguments """
print('Item = %s'% item)
print('Price = %.2f'% price)
#call grocery() and pass 2 arguments

grocery(item='Sugar', price=50.75) #keyword arguments

grocery(price=88.00, item='Oil') #keyword arguments

Default Arguments
Let’s take the definition of grocery() function as:

def grocery(item, price=40.00):

Here, the first argument is ‘item’ whose default value is not mentioned. But the second argument is ‘price’ and its default value is
mentioned to be 40.00.

At the time of calling this function, if we do not pass ‘price’ value, then the default value of 40.00 is taken. If we mention the ‘price’ value,
then that mentioned value is utilized.

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In [ ]: #default arguments demo

def grocery(item, price=40.00):
""" to display the given arguments """
print('Item = %s'% item)
print('Price = %.2f'% price)

#call grocery() and pass arguments

grocery(item='Sugar', price=50.75)
#pass 2 arguments
grocery(item='Sugar') #default value for price is used.

Variable Length Arguments

Sometimes, the programmer does not know how many values a function may receive.

The variable length argument is written with a ‘ * ’ symbol before it in the function definition as:

def add(farg, *args):

In [ ]: #A Python program to show variable length argument and its use.

#variable length argument demo
def add(farg, *args): #*args can take 0 or more values
""" to add given numbers """
print('Formal argument=', farg)
for i in args:
print('Sum of all numbers= ',(farg+sum))
#call add() and pass arguments
add(5, 10)
add(5, 10, 20, 30)

A keyword variable length argument is an argument that can accept any number of values provided in the format of keys and values.

If we want to use a keyword variable length argument, we can declare it with

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‘ ** ‘ before the argument as:

def display(farg, **kwargs):

Here ‘kwargs’ is called keyword variable argument. This argument internally represents a dictionary object. A dictionary stores
data in the form of key and value pairs. It means, when we provide values for ‘kwargs’, we can pass multiple pairs of values using
keywords as: display(5, rno=10)

Here, 5 is stored into ‘farg’ which is formal argument. ‘rno’ is stored as key and its value ‘10’ is stored as value in the dictionary that is
referenced by ‘kwargs’.

In [ ]: # A Python program to understand keyword variable argument.

#keyword variable argument demo

def display(farg, **kwargs): #**kwarg can take 0 or more values

""" to display given values """
print('Formal argument=', farg)

for x, y in kwargs.items(): #items() will give pairs of items

print('key = {}, value = {}'.format(x, y))

#pass 1 formal argument and 2 keyword arguments

display(5, rno=10)

#pass 1 formal argument and 4 keyword arguments

display(5, rno=10, name='Prakash')

Local and Global Variables

When we declare a variable inside a function, it becomes a local variable. A local variable is a variable whose scope is limited only to that
function where it is created. That means the local variable value is available only in that function and not outside of that function.

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In [ ]: #local variable in a function

def myfunction():
a=1 #this is local var a+=1 #increment it
print(a) #displays 2

print(a) #error, not available

The Global Keyword

Sometimes, the global variable and the local variable may have the same name. In that case, the function, by default, refers to the local
variable and ignores the global variable. So, the global variable is not accessible inside the function but outside of it, it is accessible.

In [ ]: # A Python program to understand global and local variables.

#same name for global and local variables
a=1 #this is global var
def myfunction():
a=2 #this is local var
print('a=', a) #display local var

print('a=', a) #display global var

When the programmer wants to use the global variable inside a function, he can use the keyword ‘global’ before the variable in the
beginning of the function body as:

global a

In this way, the global variable is made available to the function and the programmer can work with it as he wishes.

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In [ ]: # A Python program to access global variable inside a function and modify it.
#accessing the global variable inside a function
a=1 #this is global var
def myfunction():
global a #this is global var
print('global a=', a) #display global var
a=2 #modify global var value
print('modifed a=', a) #display new value

print('global a=', a) #display modified value

When the global variable name and local variable names are same, the programmer will face difficulty to differentiate between them
inside a function. For example there is a global variable ‘a’ with some value declared above the function. The programmer is writing a
local variable with the same name ‘a’ with some other value inside the function. Consider the following code:

In [ ]: a=1 #this is global var

def myfunction():
a = 2 #a is local var

Now, if the programmer wants to work with global variable, how is it possible? If he uses ‘global’ keyword, then he can access only global
variable and the local variable is no more available.

The globals() function will solve this problem. This is a built in function which returns a table of current global variables in the form of a
dictionary. Hence, using this function, we can refer to the global variable ‘a’, as: globals()['a']. Now, this value can be assigned to another
variable, say ‘x’ and the programmer can work with that value.

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In [ ]: #same name for global and local variables

a=1 #this is global var
def myfunction():
a = 2 #a is local var
x = globals()['a'] #get global var into x
print('global var a=', x)
print('local var a=', a)

print('global var a=', a)

Recursive Functions
A function that calls itself is known as ‘recursive function’.

For example, we can write the factorial of 3 as:

factorial(3) = 3 * factorial(2)

Here, factorial(2) = 2 * factorial(1)

And, factorial(1) = 1 * factorial(0)

Now, if we know that the factorial(0) value is 1, all the preceding statements will evaluate and give the result as:

factorial(3) = 3 * factorial(2)
= 3 * 2 * factorial(1)
= 3 * 2 * 1 * factorial(0) = 3 * 2 * 1 * 1 = 6

From the above statements, we can write the formula to calculate factorial of any number ‘n’ as:

factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1)

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In [ ]: # A Python program to calculate factorial values using recursion.

#recursive function to calculate factorial

def factorial(n):
""" to find factorial of n """
if n==0:
return result

#find factorial values for first 10 numbers

for i in range(1, 11):

print('Factorial of {} is {}'.format(i, factorial(i)))

Towers of Hanoi problem through recursion

Towers of Hanoi is a famous game from ancient China.

It is believed that this game helps to develop intelligence of the children who play it.

In this game, there will be a group of disks on a pole ‘A’ such that the biggest disk will be at the bottom and the smaller disks will be on its
top. One is supposed to transfer all these disks from pole ‘A’ to another pole, let’s say ‘C’ in minimum number of steps.

While moving these disks from ‘A’ to ‘C’, we can take the help of an intermediate pole ‘B’. But, the rule is that while moving the disks from
one pole to another, we should never place a bigger disk on a smaller disk.

For example, to transfer 3 disks from the pole ‘A’ to ‘C’ with the help of an intermediate pole ‘B’, we can use the steps shown below:

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In [ ]: # A Python program to solve Towers of Hanoi problem.

#recursive function to solve Towers of Hanoi
def towers(n, a, c, b):
if n==1: #if only 1 disk, then move it from A to C
print('Move disk %i from pole %s to pole %s' %(n, a, c))
else: #if more than 1 disk
#first move n-1 disks from A to B using C as intermediate pole
towers(n-1, a, b, c)

#move remaining 1 disk from A to C

print('Move disk %i from pole %s to pole %s'%(n, a, c))

#move n-1 disks from B to C using A as intermediate pole

towers(n-1, b, c, a)

#call the function

n = int(input('Enter number of disks:'))

#we should change n disks from A to C using B as intermediate pole

towers(n, 'A', 'C', 'B')

Anonymous Functions or Lambdas

lambda argument_list: expression

In [ ]: #a lambda function to calculate sum of two numbers

f = lambda x, y: x+y #write lambda function
result = f(1.55, 10) #call lambda function
print('Sum =', result) #display result

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Here, the ‘function’ represents a function name that may return either True or False; and ‘sequence’ represents a list, string or tuple.

The ‘function’ is applied to every element of the ‘sequence’ and when the function returns True, the element is extracted otherwise it is

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In [ ]: # A Python program using filter() to filter out even numbers from a list.

#filter() function that returns even numbers from a list

def is_even(x):
if x%2==0:
return True
return False

#let us take a list of numbers

lst = [10, 23, 45, 46, 70, 99]

#call filter() with is_even() and lst

lst1 = list(filter(is_even, lst))


Passing lambda function to filter() function is more elegant. We will rewrite the Program using lambda function.

In [ ]: #a lambda function that returns even numbers from a list

lst = [10, 23, 45, 46, 70, 99]
lst1 = list(filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, lst))

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In [ ]: # Program 33: A Python program to find squares of elements in a list.

#map() function that gives squares

def squares(x):
return x*x #let us take a list of numbers

lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

#call map() with squares() and lst

lst1 = list(map(squares, lst))

When the same program is rewritten using lambda function, it becomes more elegant.

In [ ]: #Lambda that returns squares

lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
lst1 = list(map(lambda x: x*x, lst))

It is possible to use map() function on more than one list if the lists are of same length. In this case, map() function takes the lists as
arguments of the lambda function and does the operation.

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In [ ]: # A Python program to find the products of elements of two different lists using lambda function.
#Lambda that returns products of elements of two lists
lst1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
lst2 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
lst3 = list(map(lambda x, y: x*y, lst1, lst2))

Function Decorators
A decorator is a function that accepts a function as parameter and returns a function.

A decorator takes the result of a function, modifies the result and returns it.

Thus decorators are useful to perform some additional processing required by a function.

The following steps are generally involved in creation of decorators:

1. We should define a decorator function with another function name as parameter.

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2. We should define a function inside the decorator function. This function actually modifies or decorates the value of the function
passed to the decorator function.

In [ ]: #A decorator to increase the value of a function by 2.

#a decorator that increments the value of a function by 2

def decor(fun): #this is decorator function
def inner(): #this is the inner function that modifies
value = fun()
return value+2
return inner #return inner function

#take a function to which decorator should be applied

def num():
return 10 #call decorator function and pass num

result_fun = decor(num) #result_fun represents 'inner' function

result_fun() #call result_fun and display the result

To apply the decorator to any function, we can use the ‘@’ symbol and decorator name just above the function definition. For example, to
apply our decor() function to the num() function, we can write @decor statement above the function definition as:

In [ ]: @decor #apply decorator decor to the following function

def num():
return 10

It means decor() function is applied to process or decorate the result of the num() function. When we apply the decorator in this way, we
need not call the decorator explicitly and pass the function name. Instead, we can call our num() function naturally as:

In [ ]: print(num())

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In [ ]: #a decorator that increments the value of a function by 2

def decor(fun): #this is decorator function
def inner(): #this is the inner function that modifies
value = fun()
return value+2
return inner #return inner function
#take a function to which decorator should be applied
@decor #apply decor to the below function
def num():
return 10

#call num() function and display its result


In [ ]: # A Python program to create two decorators.

#a decorator that increments the value of a function by 2

def decor(fun):
def inner():
value = fun()
return value+2
return inner

#a decorator that doubles the value of a function

def decor1(fun):
def inner():
value = fun()
return value*2
return inner

#take a function to which decorator should be applied

def num():
return 10
#callnum() function and apply decor1 and then decor
result_fun = decor(decor1(num))

To apply the decorators to num() function using ‘@’ symbol, we can rewrite the above program
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pp y () g @ y p g

In [ ]: #a decorator that increments the value of a function by 2

def decor(fun):
def inner():
value = fun()
return value+2
return inner #a decorator that doubles the value of a function
def decor1(fun):
def inner():
value = fun()
return value*2
return inner #take a function to which decorator should be applied
def num():
return 10

#call num() function and apply decor1 and then decor


Generators are functions that return a sequence of values. A generator function is written like an ordinary function but it uses ‘yield’

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In [ ]: #generator that returns sequence from x to y

def mygen(x, y):
while x<=y:
yield x
x+=1 #fill generator object with 5 and 10

g = mygen(5, 10)

# print(next(g))
# print(next(g))
# print(next(g))
# print(next(g))
# print(next(g))
# print (next(g))

# print (next(g))

#display all numbers in the generator

#for i in g:
# print(i, end=' ')

In [ ]: for i in g:
print(i, end=' ')

Once the generator object is created, we can store the elements of the generator into a list and use the list as we want. For example, to
store the numbers of generator ‘g’ into a list ‘lst’ we can using list() function as:

In [ ]: lst=list(g); print(lst)

If we want to retrieve element by element from a generator object, we can use next() function as:

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In [ ]: #generator that returns characters from A to C.

def mygen():
yield 'A'
yield 'B'
yield 'C'

#call generator function and get generator object g

g = mygen()

#display all characters in the generator

print(next(g)) #display 'A'
print(next(g)) #display 'B'
print(next(g)) #display 'C'
print(next(g)) #error

Generating an Infinite Sequence

In [ ]: a = range(5)

In [ ]: def infinite_sequence():
num = 0
while True:
yield num
num += 1

In [ ]: for i in infinite_sequence():
print(i, end=" ")

In [ ]: gen = infinite_sequence()

In [ ]: next(gen)

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In [ ]: next(gen)

Detecting Palindromes

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In [ ]: def is_palindrome(num):
# Skip single-digit inputs
if num // 10 == 0:
return False
temp = num
reversed_num = 0

while temp != 0:
reversed_num = (reversed_num * 10) + (temp % 10)
temp = temp // 10

if num == reversed_num:
return num
return False

In [ ]: for i in infinite_sequence():
pal = is_palindrome(i)
if pal:

Solving a complex problem is a challenging task for the programmer.

For this purpose, structured programming is the strategy used by programmers in general.

In structured programming, the main task is divided into several parts called sub tasks and each of these sub tasks is represented by one
or more functions.

To understand this concept, let’s take an example where we are supposed to calculate the net salary of an employee.

Every employee will have some basic salary. The company may provide some benefits like dearness allowance (da) and house rent
allowance (hra), which when added to basic salary will give the gross salary. So, Gross salary = basic salary + da + hra.
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( ) y g g y y y
The net salary or take home salary is calculated based on gross salary. After making deductions like provident fund and income tax from
the gross salary, the remaining amount is called net salary.

So, Net salary = gross salary - pf – income tax. Hence, in a program to calculate the net salary, we need to calculate the following: da,
hra, pf and income tax. All these will come under sub tasks and to represent these sub tasks, we can write functions.

Finally, using these functions we can calculate the net salary of the employee.

This methodology is called structured programming or sometimes functional programming.

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In [ ]: #to calculate dearness allowance

def da(basic):
""" da is 80% of basic salary """
da = basic*80/100
return da

#to calculate house rent allowance

def hra(basic):
""" hra is 15% of basic salary """
hra = basic*15/100
return hra

#to calculate provident fund amount

def pf(basic):
""" pf is 12% of basic salary """
pf = basic*12/100
return pf

#to calculate income tax payable by employee

def itax(gross):
""" tax is calculated at 10% on gross """
tax = gross*0.1
return tax

#this is the main program #calculate gross salary of employee by taking basic
basic = float(input('Enter basic salary:'))

#calculate gross salary

gross = basic+da(basic)+hra(basic)
print('Your gross salary: {:10.2f}'. format(gross))

#calculate net salary

net = gross - pf(basic)-itax(gross)
print('Your net salary: {:10.2f}'. format(net))

Creating our Own Modules in Python

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A module represents a group of classes, methods, functions and variables.

In Python, we have several built-in modules like sys, io, time etc. Just like these modules, we can also create our own modules and use
them whenever we need them.

Now, we can create our own module by the name ‘employee’ and store the functions da(), hra(), pf() and itax() in that module. The
module can subsequently be imported in any program to use these functions. Remember we can also store classes and variables etc. in
the same manner in any module.

The Special Variable name

When a program is executed in Python, there is a special variable internally created by the name __ name __.

This variable stores information regarding whether the program is executed as an individual program or as a module.

When the program is executed directly, the Python interpreter stores the value ‘__ main __’ into this variable.

When the program is imported as a module into another program, then Python interpreter stores the module name into this variable.

Thus, by observing the value of the variable __ name __, we can understand how the program is executed.

zip() function in python

In [ ]: dir(__builtins__)

In [ ]: numbers = [1, 2, 3]
letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']
zipped = zip(numbers, letters)
print(zipped) # Holds an iterator object


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In [ ]: numbers = "abcd"
letters = "def"
zipped = zip(numbers, letters)
print(zipped) # Holds an iterator object


In [ ]: numbers = (1, 2, 3)
letters = ('a', 'b', 'c')
zipped = zip(numbers, letters)
print(zipped) # Holds an iterator object


Traversing Lists in Parallel

Python’s zip() function allows you to iterate in parallel over two or more iterables. Since zip() generates tuples, you can unpack these in
the header of a for loop:

In [ ]: letters = ['a', 'b', 'c']

numbers = [0, 1, 2]
for l, n in zip(letters, numbers):
print(f'Letter: {l}')
print(f'Number: {n}')

In [ ]: tup = ('a',0),('b',1)

for l, n in tup:
print(f'Letter: {l}')
print(f'Number: {n}')

In [ ]: c=1,2; c

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In [ ]: total_sales = [52000.00, 51000.00, 48000.00]

prod_cost = [46800.00, 45900.00, 43200.00]
for sales, costs in zip(total_sales, prod_cost):
profit = sales - costs
print(f'Total profit: {profit}')

In [ ]: fields = ['name', 'last_name', 'age', 'job']

values = ['John', 'Doe', '45', 'Python Developer']
a_dict = dict(zip(fields, values))

You can also update an existing dictionary by combining zip() with dict.update().

In [ ]: new_job = ['Python Consultant']

field = ['job']
a_dict.update(zip(field, new_job))

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