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Fragile X Syndrome is genetic condition wherein it causes a range of development problem including
disabilities in learning and cognitive impairment. Males are more affected by this genetic disorder than
females. Individuals who are affected by this genetic disorder have delayed development in language and
speech. Most males with fragile X syndrome have mild to moderate intellectual ability while one-third of
females who are affected are intellectually disabled. One-third of individuals who are affected by fragile
X syndrome have features of autism spectrum disorder that may affect the communication and social

Fragile X Syndrome is caused when there is a change of gene on the X-chromosome called the FMR1
Gene. FMR1 Gene is a gene that produces a protein that helps the brain to function normally. If the gene
is changed, there is a possibility that it cannot produce its normal protein which can cause the genetic
condition called Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X Syndrome has a lot of symptoms. The symptoms of this
genetic disorder are the trouble in learning skills, problems with speech and language, hand-flapping and
not making eye contact, temper tantrums, poor impulse control, anxiety, extreme sensitivity to light or
sound, hyperactivity and trouble in paying attention, and the aggressive and self-destructive behavior in

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