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SUBJECT TITLE: Organisational Psychology

Tutorial Question – Chapter 4

1. Why are standardization and objectivity important in psychological testing?


• Standardization refers to the consistency or uniformity of the conditions and

procedures for administering a
psychological test.
• Objectivity refers to a scoring process that is free of personal judgment or bias.
• Both conditions are important if we hope to reliably and fairly compare the test results
of different individuals who take the same test.

2. Distinguish three ways of establishing the reliability of a psychological test.


• Test-retest method is a way to determine reliability by administering a new test twice to

the same subjects and correlating the two sets of scores.
• Equivalent-forms method uses a test-retest approach, but uses a different (but similar)
• Split-halves method is determined by dividing the items of a test into two groups and
correlating the two sets of scores.

3. In what ways are computerized adaptive testing programs superior to paper and
pencil testing programs?


• Computerized adaptive testing is a way of administering tests to groups of people in

which an applicant’s response to one item determines the level of difficulty of
succeeding items.
• Advantages include less wasted time answering questions that are too easy or too
difficult, it can be done at any time in the selection process; they allow for the use of
different types of test items.
• It requires a larger initial investment, but is more cost effective in the long run than
paper and pencil tests.

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