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Involvement in community

Involvement in community life is essential to our development. Participating in community

development develops social identity, the feeling that we are part of a large family, and this
motivates us to be proactive and to initiate beneficial changes for society. Involvement also helps
to increase self-confidence and the ability to make effective and ethical decisions.

In order to have a more united community, people should communicate with each other and
respect each other. we protect the values of our community, then who would do it, we are the
power of the community, we must protect it. Arguments against community involvement may be
that not always what we say is taken seriously, we may be put in horrible situations and be
humiliated, more power in the community has those people who are known, who have money
and so on .

As I said before, not everyone has the right to be involved, being a good example of young
people, it does not take into account what I say, there are certainly a number of barriers that
sometimes stand in the way of youth involvement, and among the most present are: lack models
of positive involvement for young people and poor intergenerational interaction, so it is often
difficult to learn from the mistakes or wisdom of our parents or grandparents, so what we young
people need to be heard.

Positive models would be: the development of analytical and strategic thinking and
communication skills and developing the ability to manage conflicts and build social
relationships, I believe that first and foremost communication in a society is the most important,
so it is a power that would not give back to give in to difficulties.

In conclusion, I could say that not in every locality is the involvement of everyone, for
example, in my locality, the elderly are respected more than the young, being that they think they
are superior and we would not have a particular opinion that we have. it could change something,
so a change must be made to be something united and beautiful.

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