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Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 17 (2012) 251

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Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

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Fetal neurology: Volume I

One of the most exciting fields in advanced fetal and neonatal modality, adding morphological information to sonographic find-
medicine must be that of fetal neurology. For centuries, different ings, as well as metabolic information by magnetic resonance spec-
approaches have been performed in the various disciplines of neu- troscopy and functional assessment by dynamic steady-state free
roembryology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, pathophysiology precession and brain connectivity by diffusion tensor imaging
and neuroimaging. Pioneering efforts during the last 20 years and tractography (Chapter 5). Sophisticated ultrasound imaging
have improved remarkably. As expectant parental anxiety has and advanced MRI are collaborative and complementary imaging
been increasing with regard to having a healthy baby with normal modalities in fetal neurology.
neurological function, there is now great demand for accurate Chapter 6 shows interesting pathophysiology of fetal hydro-
prenatal central nervous system (CNS) diagnoses because the fetal cephalus. Although CNS disorders, including ventriculomegaly,
brain is key to each individual future life. Therefore, ethics is an congenital anomalies and intrauterine brain injuries have been
essential dimension of the management of pregnancies compli- well demonstrated in detail by imaging modalities (Chapter 7),
cated by a neurologic anomaly (Chapter 1). the pathophysiology of congenital and neonatal hydrocephalus is
More than 99% of the human neocortex is fashioned during still not well understood. Finally, estimating the neurological
intrauterine life, resulting in the fascinating diversity of fetal func- outcome and prognosis of ventriculomegaly diagnosed antenatally
tions and activities. For understanding fetal and neonatal brain and counseling parents are difficult tasks for clinicians. Chapter 8
structure and function, knowledge of neurophysiology is essential describes management and prognosis of ventriculomegaly cases.
(Chapter 2). The articles here cover many aspects of fetal neurology but all of
High-resolution three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound enables the distinguished authors have the exactly same goal for ‘the fetus
visualization of small embryos and fetuses, and embryology as patient’. I sincerely hope that the publication will be of help to
in vivo – 3D sonoembryology – has been established based on current and future practitioners in this field.
conventional embryology (Chapter 3). Neurosonography by
advanced transvaginal sonography combined with 3D ultrasound Ritsuko K. Pooh*
has revealed normal and abnormal intracranial morphology. Trans- CRIFM Clinical Research Institute of Fetal Medicine PMC, 7-3-7,
vaginal 3D sonography demonstrates bony structure, multiplanar Uehommachi, Tennoji, Osaka 543-0001, Japan
analysis of inside detailed morphology, tomographic ultrasound
imaging in all cutting sections, volume calculation of ventricles
* Tel.: þ81 6 6775 8111; fax: þ81 6 6775 8122.
and/or intracranial lesions as well as 3D sonoangiograms (Chapter
E-mail address:
4). Advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is another useful

1744-165X/$ – see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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