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Northwood Technical College Activity Plan

Your Name: Sadie Hernandez Flores

Learning Experience Title: Dinosaur Letter Matching Game Ages of Children: 2-3
Type of Learning Experience: (check all that apply)
 Creative Art  Social Studies  Social
 Sensory Play
 Literacy & Language  Gross Motor  Emotional
 Health/Safety
 Dramatic Play  Fine Motor  Community Building
 Cooking/Nutrition
 Music & Movement  STEM  Other:
 Nature/Outdoor

Learning Experience Presentation Type: (check one)

 Large Group—all children  Small Group—a portion of  Activity choice during free play
participating at the same the children participating
time at the same time
Number of children participating at the same time:
Skills (what children will do):

Identify letters
Match letters
Practice letter sounds
Develop alphabetic awareness
Name letters with modeling and support from my teacher

Concepts (what children will learn/know):

I will begin to identify letters and their sounds.

I will be able to match the dinosaur lower-case letter to the dinosaur upper-case letter.
I will be able to produce and comprehend word sounds.
I will be able to imitate sounds from my teacher.

This learning experience has been planned to feature the following WMELS performance standards:

I.B.EL.2 exhibits eye-hand coordination, strength, control, and object manipulation.

III.C.EL.2 Develops alphabetic awareness.
III.C.EL.3b Develops phonemic awareness.
III.C.EL.3 shows appreciation of books and understands how print works.
V.A.EL Engages in meaningful learning through attempting, repeating, experimenting, refining and elaborating on
experiences and activities.

Why have you chosen to do this experience? What observations have you made about the development, interests,
needs of individuals or groups of children in your care?

This group of children enjoy reading, so I thought it would be a good idea to see where some of the children are at
with developing literacy skills by identifying letters.

Specific list of space and/or materials needed including colors, amounts, sizes, etc.

White cardstock
Laminating pouches

Source of materials:
 All are available at the center/in the classroom
 Provided, in part, by cooperating teacher
 I am providing the following: I will bring all materials needed for this activity

Teacher preparation needed before activity presentation, i.e., mixing paint, cutting paper, construction of flannel
board characters, etc.

1. Print out the dinosaurs and eggs onto card stock.

2. Then cut out the dinosaurs and the eggs. (You may want to leave a little white edge around the dinosaurs,
otherwise, they are quite flimsy especially the T-Rex arms.
3. You may want to laminate them if you are going to be using them frequently.

Teaching Sequence of the Learning Experience

Set-up and arrangement of materials and equipment

This activity will take place at the table or can be done on the circle time rug. The teacher can ask the student to take
out the letters and have them sort them to begin the matching game.

Transition Planning: Describe how the children will transition into the learning experience. Transition in to the
activity (preschool) OR Incorporation of individual child routines (infant/toddler).

As free time choices open up, I will have this game as an option to choose from. I will explain to them that we will
match the dinosaur up to the correct dinosaur egg.
Procedure: What is the teacher’s role (what will you do) during this learning experience? What will the children do
during the learning experience? (Remember children are active, hands-on learners!). List all the steps in your activity
using numbers or bullet points, including an introduction and a conclusion.


1. Layout the dinosaurs that have hatched from the eggs on a flat surface and the eggs.
2. You can choose whether you would like to have your child identify the lower-case letters on the dinosaurs or
the upper-case letters on the eggs first.
3. Now ask them to say the letter name, or the letter sound. Feel free to mix it up with what sound does that
letter make. Or ask them to name the letter instead depending on what you have worked on before.
4. They now can match up the baby dinosaur with the egg that it has come from.

1. Join the teacher at the table to begin the letter recognition activity.
2. Mix the dinosaurs around to find the right letter and match it to the correct dinosaur egg.
3. Continue to find all the corresponding dinosaurs to the correct dinosaur eggs.
Questions to support inquiry and discussion and vocabulary words to introduce.

Questions: What sound does this letter make? What letter does your name start with?
Vocabulary: letter, alphabet, match(ing),
How will the learning experience area be cleaned up? (How will the children help in this process? Where will the
leftover materials be put? Where will the children’s art work be placed?)

The laminated eggs and dinosaurs can be placed back in the bag/folder they came in.
There is nothing that needs to be thrown away or sent home with the child.

Transition Planning: Describe how the children will transition out of the learning experience.

As the child/children leave the activity, you can ask them what sound does this letter make? You can also ask them
what letter their name starts with.

Notes on Differentiation, Guidance, Family Culture, and other group-specific considerations.

As children grow, matching upper- and lower-case letters is a skill that they will eventually need to develop over the
next couple of years. This activity is a nice way to introduce letter and sound recognition.
This activity is simple but doesn’t have to be “pushed” as this skill may be too much for this age group.

ACTIVITY PLAN ASSESSMENT BY SUPERVISING TEACHER – This completed plan must be submitted to your
instructor for grading prior to implementing with children:

/5 Activity plan is developmentally appropriate (age appropriate, individually appropriate, culturally

/5 Activity plan follows best practices (play-based, open-ended, multi-sensory, hands-on)
/5 Professional presentation/spelling & grammar is correct/form is completely filled out

Once the Activity Plan has been assessed by the Supervising Teacher, make any changes to your plan and
then teach it. Make sure both you and your Cooperating Teacher have printed copies of the plan and the
evaluation forms that follow.
Self-Evaluation of Learning Experience: The following questions should be answered as soon as possible after
presenting the activity in the classroom.
Reflect on your success. Describe what went well.

Did the learning experience support the developmental skills, concepts, and standards that you planned to support?
How do you know?

What changes would you make in the space and/or materials used in this learning experience? All recommended
changes should be supported with examples of the children’s participation. If you said, “no change,” support your

What changes would you make in your teaching of this learning experience? Support each change you list. If you said,
“no change,” support your response.

Would you do this learning experience again? Why or why not?

Cooperating Teacher Evaluation of Learning Experience: The following questions should be answered during or as soon
as possible after student presented the activity in the classroom.
Reflect on the successes. Describe what went well.

Did the learning experience support the developmental skills, concepts, and standards that the student planned to
support? How were you able to tell that the learning goals were met?

What changes would you suggest for the space and/or materials used in this learning experience? Please support all
recommended changes with examples. If you said, “no change,” please explain why not.

What changes would you suggest for the teaching of this learning experience? Please explain each change you list or if
you said, “no change,” support your response.

Do you think this learning experience should be repeated? Why or why not? Any other suggestions or tips or


Adapted from The Registry (2018)

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