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Institución Educativa Efraín Varela Vaca

Pablo Emilio Camacho Perea

Maria Camila Fernández Arrubla

Juan Diego Posada Andrade


Presentado Al Instructor Del SENA:

Adres Mauricio Clavijo Peña

Presentado A La Docente:
Yaneth Gómez Victoria


Aprendieses SENA En:

Programación De Software


Condicionales Y Funciones

Abstracción (abstracción):

Dela property and/or technical software that hides the details

of implementation. Java supports abstract classes methods
yabstraccion. The abstraction of methods sedefine separating
the use of a method without knowing comoesta implemented
this method. If you choose to combine TQ, the client program
will be affected. Such similar kinds of abstraction hides TQ
customer class.

Acoplamiento (coupling):
Measurement of the degree in which an object or other
componentedepende. Low coupling minimizes
lasdependencias and is an indication of good design

Agregación (aggregation):
Relationship in which an object is made up or is construidode
one or more objects, so that the collection
completarepresenta a whole. The relationships of the
aggregation seespecifican between classes and are reflected
in instances deobjetos

Algoritmo (algorithm):
Method that describes how to resolve a problem entermino of
the actions that are executed and specific order in which
these actions are executed. The algoritmosayudan the
developer planning a program before desu writing in a
programming language
Ámbito de clase (scope
The private variables defined outside the metodosinternos
class have class scope. Accesiblesdesde are all the methods
inside the class, conindependencia of the order in which they
are defined. Private Losmetodos also has class scope.

Análisis (análysis):
Process of identifying, modeling and description of what
makes a system and how it Works

Aplicación (application):

Standalone Java program such as any programaescrito using

a high-level language. Applications you can run from
cualquiercomputadora with a Java interpreter. Applications
are submitted to restrictions of Java applets. An application
class must contain a metodomain. It is used as a synonym for


Special type of Java program that you can run (run) directly in
a Web browser or applet unvisualizador. An applet will impose
security diversasrestricciones. For example, an applet not
sepuede run a system user input/output operations and
therefore cannot be read or escribirarchivos or transmit
computer viruses.
Argumento (argument):

This information is passed to a method. The arguments

sesuelen also call parameters. Unmetodo than esperarecibir
arguments must contain a declaration of formal deargumentos
for each part of the header of the current argument. When
invoked to unmetodo, the values of the current arguments
8reales) secopia in the corresponding formal arguments.
Current Veaseparametro (current parameter)

Array (array, vector, lista):

Object container that stores a sequence indexadade the same
types of data. The elementosindividuales are normally
referenced by an index value. ToIndex is an integer value that
often starts, in 0 for first elements, 1 for the second and so on

Asignación (assignment):

Storage of a value in a variable. The sentenciade assignment

is one that implements the yutiliza assignment an assignment

Asociación (association):
A relationship between two classes such as an instance ofa
class reference to an instance of another class.


Order in which is envaluan equal precedenciao priority within

an expression operators. The associativity by really produces
an evaluation from left to right andthe associativity to the right
leads to a potential right to left.



Collection of classes (java.awt. *) which is used to

paraimplementar graphical user interfaces.
Contienecomponentes such as buttons, labels, installing
fields, text areas, scroll bars, boxes cards and menus. AWT
classes providehigh interface for development platform-
independent graphical user interfaces and Visual programs.
Biblioteca de clases (class
Organized collection of classes that provides a set of
components and reusable abstractions

Binding (ligadura)

Binary digit that can take two possible values: 0 and 1 bits are
basic elements of construction programs and data

Bloque (block):
Judgments and statements enclosed between a couple
dellaves (opening and closing, ´ {´ and ´} ´.) For example, a
body book Java 3de a class, is a block, just like the body of
unmetodo, a block defines a level of scope.

Bolean (bolean, lógico):

Primitive data types in Java. The type Boolean puedetomar
only two values: true (false) yfalse.

Bytecode (códigos de byte):

Result of the compilation of the Java source code. LaJVM
(Java Virtual Machine) interpreted the bytecodes with
lafinalidad run a Java program. The bytecode
esindependiente of machine and run any machine that has a
runtime environment. Losbytecodes are stored in files class

Cabecera de la clase
(class header):
Head of the class definition. The cabeceraproporciona a name
to the class and defines its access. Also describes if it is an
extended class (extends) ofa superclass or implement
interfaces (implements)

Clase (clase):
Collection encapsulated data and operations to actuansobre
data. The concept of class is fundamental object-oriented
schedule. A class constademetodos and data. The methods
of a class defined elconjunto of operations allowed on the
data of someClass (attributes). A class can have
muchasinstancia of the class or object

Clase abstracta (abstract

Superclass containing features comunescompartidas by
subclasses. They are declared using the reserved word
abstract. Abstractaspueden classes contain data and
methods, but not is puedeninstanciar (creating objects); i.e.
crearobjetos of this kind cannot be.

Clase cliente (client class):

A class that makes use of another class.

Clase concreta (concrete

A class designed to create (have) object instances

Clase hija (child class):

See subclass

Clase interna (inner

An inner class is a class in another class. Internal Lasclases
define small objects auxiliaresy units of behavior that make
the programasmas simple and concise.
Clase interna (inner class):
Term used to describe a class declared inside another class

Clase miembro (member

General term used to describe a clasedeclarada within
another class declaration.
Cohesivo (cohesive):
Way of describing a class that has parts
fuertementeintegradas, each of which contributes to describe
showed abstractions
Cometario (comment):
Piece of text that are intended to document the program and
show you how it was built. Comments are statements of
programming and sonignorados by the compiler. Java
comments estanprecedidos by two bars (/ /) in a line or
enclosed between / and * / in multiple lines.

Process of translation of a programming language. This
process usually involves the translation of whilst programming
from high-level to low-level programming language, or the
binary format of a set of specific instructions. Translation
dserealiza with a program called a compiler. Java
Uncompilador translated programs into bytecodes

Compilación (compiling):
Name given to the process of translation of the abytecodes
source code

Compilador (compiler):
Software program that performs a process (translation from
source language lenguajemaquina) decompilation of a
program written in a high-level programming language. In the
case of Java, it is unprograma that translates Java source
code into bytecode. J2SDK Elcompilador referred to javac.

Compilador en tiempo de
ejecución (inst-in.time
Compiler can compile each bytecode once, already then
restarts the compiladorepetidamente code when executes the

Constante (constant):

A variable declared at final in Java. A constant Dela class is

normally shared by all objetosde the same class; Therefore, a
constant of clasese normally declared as static. A
constantelocal is a constant declared within a method

Constante de la clase
(class constant):
A variable defined as final and static

Constructor (constructor):
Special method used to initialize the unnuevo object state.
The constructor allows you to create objetosutilizando the new
operator. The constructor tieneexactamente, the same name
as the class that contains it. Constructors can be overloaded
in order to defacilitar the construction of objects with different
devalores initials.

Constructor por defecto

(default constructor):
Constructor that has no parameters and serves for
inicalizarun object
Contenedor (container):
A class that implements a structure of data that contieneuna
collection of objects. Is used also pararepresentar a GUI,
graphical (GUI user interface component; Graphical User
Interface) that contains unacoleccion of other GUI
Cuerpo de la clase (class
Body of a definition of a class that includes definitions of the
members of the class: fields, nested classes metodosy

Declaración (declaration):
It defines the variables, methods yc lasees in a program.

Definición (defnition):
Synonym Declaration, although in the process writing a
program is usually differentiate

Depuración (debugging):
Process to find, fix and eliminate errors in unprograma. For
these tasks is often used tool of programming known as

Depurador (debugger):
Tool to help the location of errors in unprograma: jdbc is
provided as part of the J2SDK. A debugger can set
breakpoints (breakpoint), simple stop through a program
einspecciona the State of the variables.
Diagrama de clases (class

A graph constructed using formal unanotacion to visualize and

document the relacionesentre kinds of a system.

Diseño (diseño):
Activity of defining how they should structure implementing a


Location and protection of the internal characteristics of an

object yestructura. Combination of methods and data to a
single data structure. Comoclase is known in Java

Entero (integer):
A full number (it is not a real number with comadecimal) such
as - 5, 1, 10 and 2002. The integer is puedenrepresentar in
Java in two ways: using the int tipoprimitivo or using an
instance of a claseinteger
Excepción (exception):

An event (event) provided not indicating that a programaha

failed in some way. The exceptions are representanpor object
exception in java. The exceptions are manejancon a
sentences try/catch block

Expresión (expresión):

A subpart of a ruling that represents a value. Instance, the

arithmetic expression ´2 5´ represents the value7. In Java,
any legal syntactic construction querepresente a value is an

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