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Individual Task

Subject : Environment Impact Analysis (AMDAL)

Class : Geography (International)
Date : September 4, 2019
Role : 1. Please watch the video about Environmental Management System
2. Answer the question using English (save in PDF)
4. Submit it before September 11, 2019 using ELISA

Base on video that you have watched, please answer all the questions below!!!

1. What is Environmental Management System? How does the cycle of EMS work?
2. Who is TxDOT’s?
3. What should contractor and TxDOT’s do before the construction activity is
4. What do they do to preserve the water quality from the impact of the construction?
5. Why is wetland becoming one of Environmental Requirement that should be
protected from the project?
6. Why communication is important in EMS?

Elok Surya Pratiwi, S.Si., M.Sc

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