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A. Read the article below and answer the questions.

1. What’s the main idea of this article (main idea = principal idea)
In this article, the article is talking about Emotional Intelligence and how it can
impact our lives and learning process. It also explains the concept of emotional
intelligence which is the ability to control emotions and become more self-aware
(more conscious) and tolerant while interacting with people. Then the article will
connect emotional intelligence and learning process and list 5 important
components of emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, emotional control, self-
motivation, empathy, and relationship/social skills and how they can positively
impact our learning process

2. When does a student need to develop emotional intelligence?

Before, during and after the period they are engaged (participating) in the
learning process

3. What is self-awareness in the learning process?

The ability to distinguish emotions and build confidence that makes people
believe in themselves and their ability to understand what they are learning.

4. According to the article, what happens when a student can control their
They will rarely attack, criticize or put the blame on others – they will listen to
themselves, and get a more transparent understanding of people's emotions,
even in non-verbal communication.

5. What happens to students who are more self-motivated in the learning

They become relentless in their pursuit of academic excellent

6. What happens in the learning process when students are more empathetic?
The learning processes become more progressive and impactful.

7. In the conclusion, what are the positive results of emotional intelligence in the
learning process?
The learning process will become a healthier, more fulfilling and successful
activity for everyone

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