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Name : Erischa Rahayu Putri

NIM : 19340014

1. Of the five stories have elements of historical and socio-cultural documents for the
community where the story originates. In addition, the five stories also contain elements
of local wisdom so that the folklore can be used as an important monument in the life
behavior of the supporting community. The historical elements that can be traced are
related to place names, such as in the Rawa Pening story, namely Ngasem, Mount
Telomoyo, Pathok. As a socio-cultural document, it is believed that the Rawa Pening
story is a story that tells of Endang Sawitri having to conceive and give birth to a child in
the form of a dragon alone because of a curse.

2. A

3. Hal yang relevan dari cerita Rara Jonggrang adalah perbuatan curang, membunuh, berniat
jahat, dan ingkar janji adalah hal yang tidak baik untuk dilakukan. Cerita Rawa Pening,

4. This is worth telling because it contains an interesting historical element to tell and to
know the perception of the next generation about folklore that has been passed down
from generation to generation by the local community or the general public. And also this
story is worth it because we can add knowledge, especially those who have an interest in
literature so that we can analyze these stories.

5. This is not worth telling because maybe the next generation will not be able to believe the
folklore that has been told from generation to generation by the local community or the
general public because they have entered a more advanced era so they will not believe
about the things that happen in the story, especially mystical things. And also they may
not be interested in things related to folklore because they may find it less interesting.

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