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Erwin L.

BS Electrical Engineering
Application for Studypool Tutor

Explain the Pythagorean Theorem, its proofs and applications.

Pythagorean Theorem is one of the fundamental theorems in the world of Mathematics

particularly in Trigonometry. The said theorem focuses on the concepts of a right triangle; the
relation of its sides in terms of length. To break down this significant statement of Pythagoras, it
is said that the sum of the length of the two sides of a right triangle perpendicular to each other is
equal to the length of the hypotenuse which is the longest side. One of the proofs of this theorem
is the most popular example of drawing boxes to each side of the right triangle. Scientists and
researchers found out the area of the two smaller squares (when added) is equal to the area of
that biggest square. The idea of the Pythagorean Theorem originated from this interesting
concept. Almost all of the proofs related to the foundation of this theorem revolve around the
subject of the Euclidean Geometry. Drawing lines, segments, and squares are essential to put the
figure into the actual representation to guide us locate the congruency of the sides in terms of its
length. There are lots to explore of these amazing proofs but the most important idea is that we
know the basic concept underlying the Pythagorean Theorem as said in the upper sentences of
this explanation. Studying Math is not fulfilling without its application to the outside and real
world. Many students here in our country are complaining why is it so to study complex
Mathematics and it didn't even literally applicable to the daily activities in the world. But, it is
actually important to study Mathematics and its branches; Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry,
and Calculus. This makes sense to the Pythagorean Theorem that we were talking in this written
paragraph because it covers important applications to this complex world. The language of
Mathematics is important to make the world a better place to live in because of numbers and
theories that we will use to find solutions to various problems. Because the idea of this theorem
focuses on the length of the sides of a right triangle figure, its solutions also paved the way to
find the length of various right-triangled figure in real life. Simply buying the best television, we
will include the idea of how big it is. A 32" flat screen television has the underlying idea of
Pythagorean Theorem. The 32-inches concept here is the diagonal of the television which also
discusses the hypotenuse of the two right triangles when being cut from a rectangle television
screen. There are lots of applications out there to feed our hungry minds of amazing
mathematical theorems like the Pythagorean Theorem. We will just need to be hungry for
learning and be like Pythagoras.


Das, R. Pythagorean Theorem: Real Life Application. Retrieved from:

Al-Khaled K. & Alawneh, A. Pythagorean Theorem: Proof and Applications. Retrieved from:

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