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Intercollegiate MRCS Part A

Exam overview
Part A of the Intercollegiate MRCS is a five-hour MCQ exam consisting of two papers
taken on the same day. The AM paper is three hours and the PM paper is two hours in
duration. The standard price is £539, however in some non-UK centres a local
administration fee is also included.
The exam uses both single best answer MCQs and extended matching MCQs designed
to test knowledge of both applied basic science and principles of surgery in general to a
level that a surgical trainee should have achieved two to three years after qualification.
To be eligible to sit the MRCS exam, you must hold a medical degree that is acceptable
to the UK General Medical Council (GMC) for full or provisional registration or to the
Medical Council in Ireland for full or temporary registration.
First time applicants whose names do not appear on the registers of the GMC or
Medical Council (Ireland) must submit their original certificate (or an authenticated
copy) of a medical degree acceptable to the councils of the four colleges.
Full details on candidate eligibility can be found on the intercollegiate MRCS exam
Application for admission to the exam must reach us no later than 5pm on the closing
The MRCS exam will only test knowledge at the level expected of all trainees
completing core training irrespective of their chosen specialty.
The syllabus is divided into 10 modules:
 Module 1: basic science knowledge relevant to surgical practice
 Module 2: common surgical conditions
 Module 3: basic surgical skills
 Module 4: the assessment and management of the surgical patient
 Module 5: perioperative care of the surgical patient
 Module 6: assessment and early treatment of the patient with trauma
 Module 7: surgical care of the paediatric patient
 Module 8: management of the dying patient
 Module 9: organ and tissue transplantation
 Module 10: professional behaviour and leadership skills
For detailed information on the MRCS syllabus please visit the intercollegiate exam

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