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We study the verb to be, its contractions and short answers, paying attention to

the verb forms and describing the people. We saw about his family and cultural
traditions in the English language, describing the family tree and using the simple
past tense, we also managed to Investigate and study the following topics Parts of
a meal, Categories of food. We investigate and study the following topics the present
continuous, spelling rules for the present participle likewise the present
continuous rules for forming statements. The present continuous rules for forming
questions, a topic that I found super interesting as was The present continuous
rules for forming questions, we also learned to make a list of regular and irregular
verbs in the past, we learned about the different means of transport in English, for
my part, I totally learned how write about the future in English learning To talk
about the future, use “will”, “shall” and “is going to”. The most common auxiliary
verbs to speak in the future tense are "will", "shall" and "is going to"

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