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Nama: Vera Feriska

Nim: 2027087
Kelas: 2A
Bahasa Inggris

Nurse : "Good morning Ms. Lula. My name is Vera and I’ll be looking
after you for this morning."
Patient : "Good morning nurse"
Nurse : "How are you feeling today?"
Patient : "I’m feeling good nurse"
Nurse : "Ms. Lula Can i give you an injection in your arm?"
Patient : "Hallo, no thanks. Iam afraid of injection nurse"
Nurse : "it doesn't hurt, just like being bitten by an ant"
Patient : "Really??"
Nurse : "yes, are you ready? "
Patient : "yes nurse."
Nurse : "ok Ms. Lula, I've done the action. how do you feel now?
does it hurt?"
Patient : " No nurse"
Nurse : "Then I'll be back, excuse me"
Patient : "Thanks a lot nurse"

Nurse : "Good morning Ms. Lala. My name is Vera and I’ll be looking
after you for this morning."
Patient : "Good morning nurse"
Nurse : "How are you feeling today?"
Patient : "I’m feeling good nurse"
Nurseb: “ ms. Lala here i will give medicine to you. The cure is
prednisone. The goal for allergies that are in the you and later please
ms take this medicine.”
Patient : “How to use nurse?”
Nurse: “Use prednisone only by mouth, with food or milk”
Patient : "ok, nurse thanks a lot".

Family : "excuse me"
Nurse : "Yes can I help you"
Family : "why did it take so long to come to this room, I was very
worried because there was a problem with the infusion not dripping
and the blood was rising"
Nurse : "ok, i Will check first"
Familly : "Yes please"
Nurse : "there seems to be a problem with the infusion hose, sorry
this won't happen again."
Familly : "Yes, please dont be careless next time"
Nurse : "ok, i'am so sorry."

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