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Article Analysis- Digital Footprint

After reading articles 1,2,3 answer the following questions:

1. What is a Digital Footprint?

Digital footprint are records and traces that we leave behind as we use the internet.
It includes all the traces of our online activity including our comments on articles,
posts etc and it keeps record of your online purchases.

2. What are some of the ways in which we can positively and negatively impact our
digital footprints?

Positive:You must not comment or post on others' replies or posts because by doing
that you can negatively impact your digital footprint and it gives you a bad digital
reputation and you must never get provoked and must never show yourself as a bad
and a rude person on social media or other websites.

Negative:You would comment and reply to other peoples posts and you’d comment
rudely and show yourself as a bad person on online websites.

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