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2nd Virtual CSD Department Meeting

September 28, 2021, | 3:00 pm – 5:15pm | Google Meet

Balanday, Jovilyn
Benamer, Gladys
Biteng, Diana Recorder
Goden, Grundy Prayer leader
Ho-Ting Chang
Magpantay, Carla Joyce
Paez, Voltaire
Roxas, Jerome Angelo
Tesorero, Angelyn

The meeting started at 3:00pm with a prayer led by Mr. Goden.

The agenda is presented by Ms. Jovilyn Balanday.


1. Updating TLC plans and permission

- Ms. Balanday reminded the teachers to allow permission or access to edit the
TLC Plan and bookmark the TLC Plan because it is served as the Lesson
Plan and will be compiled by the school.
- Always put link of the activities or lessons even if it is not in the TLC.

2. Submission of Mid Quarter Grade

- Ms. Balanday asked the teachers if they were able to update and inform the
students of their missed activities.
- Ms. Balanday reminded the teachers about the submission of the Class
Record on October 1, 2021. Send the Mid Quarter Grade in PDF format,
Picture, or image. Email to DH, cc to Principal and Assistant Principal.
- She asked the Class Advisers to connect or communicate with the subject
teachers with concerns of the Grade Level students regarding performance
and activity submission.
- If the teacher wishes to communicate and set conference with the students
regarding performance of a particular students make sure to cc. the invitation
to DH so that it will be recorded.
- Mr. Paez suggested the advisers to create an excel spreadsheet to gather
data of those students who were not submitting activities in different subjects
so that it can be easier to see and collate concerns.
Grade 7 – 8 c/o Ms. Carla
Grade 9 – c/o Ms. Diana
Grade 10- c/o Mr. Grundy
Grade 11- c/o Ms. Angel
Garde 12- c/o Mr. Jerome
- The official class record will be the one in the LWSIS.

3. Class Observation for Academic Quarter 1

- For the whole school year 2021-2022 there will be 4 Class Observation
- Two types of Class Observation: (1) Announced and (2) Unannounced
- The teachers will have a liberty to choose schedule when they wanted or
what class they would like to be visit.
- The DH, Principal, and Assistant Principal will be visiting the Classes.
- Ms. Carla raised her concerned that supposedly she is done with the
discussion this week so for the schedule of class observation next week on
her class will be more on ILT session and PETA making. Ms. Balanday said
that it is okay, and she will still use the same standard even if it is ILT.

4. CSD Celebration Planning & United Nation

- Each department is tasked and encourage to come up with marketing
strategies for their respective Month.
- Cultural Studies Department will lead on the month of October and November
with collaboration with Languages and Humanities Department.
- CSD and LHD come up with initial plan for the UN Celebration.
- UN Theme: Traditions of Peace and Non-Violence Diversity
o JHS & SHS Mr. and Ms. United Nations.
o Mechanics, Committee and Activities for UN- Please refer to the
presentation of Ms. Balanday.
- Christian Emphasis on December. Think of something that we can endorse
and market the University. Initial Plan: Fellowship with other Christian
- Intrams c/o Sir Paez and Sir Jerome

5. Other Matters
- Students concerns: Some students reported that there are teachers who do
not attend classes and always do ILT.
- Some students were not able to submit their activities in the TLC. Teachers
are tasked to check and update the students to submit activities.
- Special Case- Patricia Olalia (Grade 9 -Innovation), Ms. Biteng will be
creating a document with conditions to be met for PETA collaboration.

The Meeting ended at 5:15pm with a prayer led by Mr. Goden.

Prepared by:

Ms. Diana Rose L. Biteng

Approved by:

Ms. Jovilyn R. Balanday

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