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Reflection Papers

KPOP “Kooperatiba Para Sa Kabataan Programa At

Opotinidad Pangkabuhayan” – August 27,2021
Mejia, John Bernard C. August 28, 2021

KPOP:” Kooperatiba Para sa Kabataan, Programa at Oportunidad sa Pangkabuhayan”

In this time of pandemic, many students are struggling financially. There are plenty of
people who can not afford online education or are not able to provide the materials they need
to study effectively and efficiently. The use of gadgets and the internet are not the priority of
some less fortunate students who are hardly able to meet their daily needs in this time of
pandemic. But if there is a will, there is always a way. And as a student coming from a
Catholic school, I will always keep in my mind the saying that "God will provide". And there
is the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Region 1, which brings knowledge to us
in many different ways. They conducted a webinar/program called "KPOP", which aims to
provide some ways to ease the struggles of students who are willing to study and their
parents, who seek to provide for their children's needs. There is TESDA, whose goal is to
provide directions, policies, programs, and standards toward quality technical education and
skills development. There are many courses offered by TESDA that can help you land a
decent job with or without an educational background. Graduating from TESDA programs
will earn the trainee a National Certificate from TESDA Assessment, which comes with
benefits such as quality assurance that the graduate has acquired proper knowledge and
understanding of the task at hand through a series of practical and hands-on demonstrations,
positive attitudes from interviews with people who contributed to the job, and so on. Not
only that, but the certificate will ensure that the graduate has acquired the values that will
help him/her develop the skills needed for the said occupation as well as future opportunities
that may arise as a result of the current project's success. Another program that caught my
eye is the KAYA Loan Program. This program offers zero-interest loans of up to Php
500,000 payable in five (5) years to young agripreneurs, specifically those who are 18 to 30
years old, and are graduates of either formal or non-formal schooling (Graduates of
agriculture and fishery-related degrees from higher education institutions, DA and ATI-
accredited programs, TESDA programs, farm schools, and secondary schools with
agriculture and fishery-related courses are all eligible). This is a great opportunity because
you can use the amount you borrow to finance your studies and, by the time you are able to
land a job, you can repay it with zero interest in a span of five (5) years. Also, you can start
your own business, but it is a risk for me to not know whether the business you start will earn
a profit or none. Other than that, this program seeks to entice and empower youth to venture
into agriculture as start-up business owners, offering not only loans but also workshops and
mentorship sessions, which are now being done through web conferencing. There are other
topics that they open, but these two only caught my attention. Cooperatives can be helpful to
us in many ways. No wonder there are lots of successful cooperatives in our country.In
conclusion, there are many ways to improve your life. It is your will that will drive you to
exert effort on how you will be able to achieve it. Since I am a graduating accountancy
student, I am lucky enough to pursue my degree. and this webinar/program made me realize
that there is a much bigger picture than finishing your degree. It is in how you apply it in
daily life and how you can help your family and, most importantly, yourself, that you are
able to this on your own self perseverance. 
Maria Eloiza D. de Guzman August
27, 2021

Kooperatiba Para sa Kabataan: Programa at OportunidadsaPangkabuhayan


As a graduating student I’ve been thinking and worrying a lot about my future. I’ve been thinking
about what my future will be once I graduate in college. How am I able to get a job? Especially now that
we are still in the midst of pandemic and most of the employers and companies want a person with a job
experience. And as a part of the youth in this generation we have been experienced a lot of first times,
such as the K-12 Program and this Online Classes. It really put us into pressure and I came to the point
where I almost want to give up. But luckily this program of Cooperative Development Authority of
Regional Office I brought relief into my mind.

After attending this webinar/program I felt relieved knowing that there are many different
cooperatives that are open and willingly to help the youth for our development. Also, I am grateful for the
informations and opportunities they told us. This will surely help me in achieving my goals in life.

Just like what I have said, I came to the point where I almost want to give up because of too much
pressure not knowing that I am one step closer into one of my dreams which is to graduate from school.
And as I get closer, there will be more opportunities waiting for me. Thanks to KPOP that enlightens me
that I am not alone, where there are different programs that can help me to enhance my knowledge and
skills. One of the programs that I am really interested is the DOLE Youth Employment Programs where
they can help us to have decent access employment which is they will help us to have an effective
transition from school to work. Which I believe it is important for every student, especially now that we
are in the middle of pandemic and we are not allowed to be deployed in the working field. Which results
lack of experience in the working field/environment which might cause or affect us to find a job
immediately once we graduate.

I am glad that their program addressed the tricky situation of every youth which is ‘you cannot
get a job because you don’t have experience, and you cannot get the experience because you can’t get a
job.’ Throughtheir programs, it will help us lessen the transition gap from school-to-work. Furthermore,
this will also help us to have experience in order to be employed in our dream jobs. Aside from that, we
don’t only get the experience of working because we will also get paid from training on their program.
Isn’t it great? Those are just some of the programs of cooperative that will surely help us to have a
brighter future and for sure there will be many more so that we don’t need to worry for there will be more
opportunities waiting for us.

Lastly, I agree to what Ma’am Dionne Cruz said ‘do not give up’.Aside from the opportunities
they offer to us, we must also help ourselves to achieve our goals, there are many people that are willing
to help us but before that we must prove to them that we are deserving for the assistance and opportunities
they are offering. For me, youth stage is where we are so vulnerable. Because we are in the transition of
being a teenager to adult, we feel pressured from school and in the house, we are easily influenced by
other people, we get anxiety and depression, and many more but we must not give up, we must keep on
living and fighting.
This webinar made me realized that it is not just the job that I have to get, it is about on bringing
out the best version of myself in order to help my family and country to have a bigger and brighter future.
Cadinong, Nelia C. Aug 27,2021

Block C

Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) successfully conducted a webinar on this day

August 27, 2021 via Zoom Platform with registered cooperatives and students of University of
Luzon-College of Accountancy. As part of our On-the-job training online our college Dean Mr.
Renante D. Balocating required us to join this webinar prepared by the Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA). I believe that this webinar conference will serve as a great help
for us graduating students to find a quick job and to develop our entrepreneurial skills. This
program is about the Koopertiba para sakabataan: programa at oportunidad na pangkabuhayan
(KPOP). For me, this programs and livelihood opportunities for young citizens will help us
pursue to share two different worlds between the government and students to develop access to
Financing, business opportunities and skills training that can be provided by cooperatives and
Cooperative Development Authority’s partners – Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
Technical Educational and Skills Development (TESDA), Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE), Department of Agriculture and Local Government Units.

One of the objectives of this activity is to stir the youth participants, 18-30 years old to
become entrepreneurs with the end new of creating jobs rather than job seekers, thus help uplift
their economic conditions and their community. Moreover, this will serve as an avenue for the
youth to access government programs and services in order to uplift and social welfare.

This one of the Cooperative Development Authority’s partner Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) launched its program, called Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP). I think, this
program will help us young Filipinos develop our entrepreneurial skills through comprehensive
of interventions. Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) is focused program to address the
young demographics of the country to become productive individuals through entrepreneurship.
This program of DTI also help us to stand on our own and develop our skills and mold us to
become a skilled entrepreneur.

The Department of Agriculture also digitizing the implementation of kapital access for
young entrepreneurs (KAYA). This program of Department of Agriculture will help the less
fortunate to their farm/fishery business. This loan program also offers a ZeroPercent Interest to
theirqualifiedYaggies ( Young Entrepreneurs) that aims to attract young generation farmers and
fishers. KAYA program which was launched earlier this year, seeks to entice and empower the
youth to venture into agriculture as startup business owners, offering not only loans but also
workshops and mentorship sessions, which are now being done through web conferencing
Mati, Angela Hazel D.

BSA 4-1A

The KPOP Kooperatiba para sa kabataan Programa at oportunidad

pangkabuhayan is a group of individuals who assist teenagers to construct themselves
into a superior version of their self. And to assist each young person to have a better and
stronger future. In going to this webinar/zoom meeting I’ve learned a lot to
continuously battle for your future and never allow up to attain all your dreams. And
I’ve learned too that indeed we are young we are able to too help our individual young
people. The word that marks on me to realize that I can also help with my individual
young individuals as an SK is the word of one speaker which is Now is the time, Not
sometime in the future to invest in the young people, Because young people are not just
the future They are much the present. We can also help by sharing them what we learn
in this webinar so that they will also enlightened. And to make our future better we can
give importance first on our study even though where struggling sometimes. Maybe
learning can be a lifelong process that enhances our understanding of the world and
improves the quality of our life But we all know that if you have patients in your study At
the end of it, there’s a good outcomes that are waiting for you or there are many good
opportunities that are waiting for us to grab.

We all know that millennials now a days are identified as complaining a lot with
self-entitlement, effectively bored, tech sharp, jumping from one work to another,
hungry to travel and easily not contented, either in the role gives or salary level. It is
important for us young people/millenials to practice to feel satisfaction (on everything
we accomplish in life and things we have), self confidence, and being thankful (on our
life, in what we have, in our work, in our compensation that we receive, people that
surround us, and to the environment that we belong). As a graduated student and soon
to be working I’ve learned in this webinar that I should mold and practice to my state of
mind and abilities to be able to manage other people conjointly to have a better work
environment. These are the abilities and attitudes that we have to practice in our work
environment To begin with, we require the communication and interpersonal skills to
induce on and work with other individuals, and especially to exchange and receive
messages either in composing or verbally. Second, we should also have decision-making
and problem-solving skills to be able to understand problems, and discover solutions to
them, alone or with others, and after that take action to address them. Third, to think in
several and unusual ways around issues, and discover new solutions, or to generate
modern thoughts, coupled with the capacity to evaluate data carefully and get it its
significance. Fourth, to have self awareness and compassion to be able to get it ourselves
and being able to feel for other individuals as in the event that their encounters were
happening to you. Since it doesn’t cruel that we are right, they are wrong. Perhaps we
fair haven’t seen life as we see and perhaps we fair haven’t encountered the life that they
have experienced. Fifth, you should moreover have the assertiveness and poise abilities
so that you just can stand up for yourself and for other individuals, and stay calm indeed
within the confront considerable provocation. Finally, strength to recuperate from
difficulties and having ability to manage issues and treat them as opportunities to learn,
or essentially encounters.
Tamayo, Mika Ann S.

August 27, 2021

“You don't have to be great to begin, but you must begin to be great.” The words

that came to mind after the webinar were a Ziglar quotation. The Youth Entrepreneurship

Program demonstrates to us young people that there is a big world ahead of us. A lot of things

can transform our mirrors into windows. Mirrors in which we only see our own failures and

disappointments, but if we believe in ourselves and begin now, windows of opportunity will

wave to us, waiting for us to come out and embrace them. Programs that provide us with work

experience, assistance, career coaching, and the opportunity to learn new skills, among other

things, allow youth to grow and become the people they aspire to be.

Everyone is affected by the pandemic in terms of health, safety, employment, and so on.

It is more difficult to find a job that will allow you to put food on the table, which is why I agree

with one of the webinar's points about people aged 15 to 24 being the most unemployed. Young

Filipinos associate the school-to-work transition with change, waiting, and uncertainty. It's

difficult to be young when no one believes in your knowledge and skills. Many people are

looking for work, and it can be exhausting to wait for the right opportunity.

We, the youth, are now seeing things that we thought were impossible thanks to the

programs discussed in the webinar. One of these is about how the KAYA program benefits

agriculture graduates and businesses. KAYA (Kapital Access for Young Agripreneurs) assists in

the funding of a business by providing loans to start-ups or existing farm/fishery businesses. It is

aimed at qualified Young Agripreneurs and aims to attract young generation farmers and
fishermen because the loan is interest-free. One of the topics that stuck with me was the Benefits

of Jobstart to Youth, which was about keeping the youth in the workplace. Career counseling and

employment training, life skills training, wage employment, and a variety of other services are

available. I liked their goal of assisting young Filipinos in starting careers and obtaining

meaningful paid employment, as well as shortening the school-to-work transition.

Youth have a long way to go, and there are many things they need to improve and learn

in order to pursue the career and work they desire after completing their chosen education. I

agree that beginning to gain work experience through on-the-job training provided by various

programs will be a big help in conquering each youth's selected field of work as well as taking

them on the right pathway to success. Able to receive assistance from the various programs

discussed is essential for us young people to see a brighter future ahead of us. That there is still

hope in this uncertain world. Starting early means getting ready for something big. I believe that

if you don't work hard for something big, it won't come your way. You must do something to

improve yourself in order to be better, to be greater, and good things will surely come your way.

After watching the webinar, I realized that the work experiences, career coaching, and other

benefits that the programs discussed provide to youth will shape who we become. Consider the

webinar as someone encouraging us to get up, believe in ourselves, and get started as soon as

possible so that we are ready when the opportunity is given.


In today's generation, many of us do not follow policies that are implemented by our
governing body. For example, in this time of pandemic, they have the "no mask policy" where
you cannot enter establishments without a facemask. A policy is a deliberate system of
guidelines to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent,
and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by a governance
body within an organization, which can assist in both subjective and objective decision making.
In the webinar conducted by CDA Region 1, which is titled "Policy Formulation for
Cooperatives", teaching on how to formulate or develop good policies for cooperatives on their
own, which provide guidelines for actions to meet the objectives of the said cooperatives and
also contemplate the cooperative's vision and mission. Other than that, the webinar also taught us
the function and purpose of a policy. The function of the policy in a cooperative is to describe
the cooperative's mission in general terms. They don't just tell the members what they should do,
but show them how to do it. They put in place a system for controlling the cooperative's
behavior. On the other hand, the purpose of a policy is to ensure that laws and regulations of the
cooperative are followed, provide guidance for decision-making, and help to streamline internal
processes. They also discussed the different types of policies, but the only type of policy that
caught my attention was the strategic policy on cooperatives, because we study how
organizations and companies strategize. In our subject, Strategic management. As a result of
strategic policies, cooperatives are able to achieve their objectives by aligning their vision with
their mission. In it, you'll learn how to deal with unpredictable situations. Other topics that have
been discussed are: what are the characteristics of a good policy? Conformity to the VGMO
(vision, mission, goals, objectives) of an organization/cooperatives, Clarity, Relevance, Broad
and Complete. Also, it taught us what the components of a policy are and the steps in policy
formulation. In this webinar, I learned and realized the importance of policies/guidelines in our
daily life, and the effort it takes to formulate or develop a policy that most of us ignore and
disobeyed. Everyday in our life we encounter different ethical or government policies and in that
case, I will start to be responsible enough to be conscious of my own self-discipline on how to
follow policies effectively.

Reflection Paper: Policy Development for Cooperatives As we grow older we cannot

avoid policy since it serves as guide, ensures compliance with rules and regulation, and also help
to achieve ones goal. All of are following to a policy, it may be in our own home, schools,
religion, work, and government. And as time goes by there will be more policies that we have to
follow, even if we don’t want to. Just like what Ma’am Jing Matias said, policy formulation
today is extremely relevant since we are in the pandemic and it causes so many changes from the
things that we are used to do. And I agree on that, as a student who is not used on
online/distance learning it is hard for me to adopt on the changes that is happening
today. It does not only change our mode of learning but also the way we live. Unlike
before, I can go and do anything I want with lesser restrictions but now I can
merely go outside our house if I have to do something important. And I know that it
is not only me who noticed that policies that are developed today are more stringent
than policies before. But I know that these policies were made for our own good.
Despite of our situation right now I am happy that cooperatives are doing their best
to cope up and continue serving the people and if they continue to operate they are
also helping our economy to cont. One of Ma’am Jing’s presentation is the quote of
Stephen Covey which is ‘Most leaders would agree that they’d be better off having an average
strategy with superb execution than a superb execution with poor execution’ and this gave me
the best impact in the entire webinar as I have realized that it has a point. Because most of the
time I always plan things and expect it to be perfect but in the end I ended up being upset
because it didn’t reach my expectations. And I admit that I was wrong for being upset because
it’s okay if things didn’t go as you planned as long as you did your best. And as long as you are
not disobeying any policies and still making some improvements it is okay. After attending this
webinar of Cooperative Development Authority, I have learned about the importance of policies
development not only for cooperatives but also for our lives as it serves as guidance to achieve
our goal. We must also remember that we cannot live without policies and whether we like it or
not we have to follow it.

The essence of today's webinar was to gain knowledge and skills in developing effective
policies for implementation. What has stuck with me about this topic is that policies are created
to achieve the goals of a cooperative and others. It is also a rule that can be used to guide decisions
and achieve rational results. I agree with the speaker's statement that this is a principle
to guide decisions and achieve reasonable outcomes by knowing how to focus on what needs to
be done. To be aware of the path to be taken and to complete the task without troubles.
Cooperative Policy is a policy that focuses on community needs and participation. This policy
appealed to me because it ensures that when a community requires assistance, a helping hand
will be extended to a specific community in need. There are several types of policies discussed,
including Ethical, Operational, Personnel, Lending, and Membership Policy, and some others.
On a daily basis, Ethical Policy approaches the process of doing business. Operational policy is
concerned with the process of getting the job done. Both of these policies, in my opinion, are
critical to establish because they serve as a guide in every cooperative to effectively achieve its
daily goals, as well as to get the job done perfectly and to avoid having conflicts when working
as a team. A good policy must be clear, relevant, responsive, complete, and broad, according to
the characteristics discussed. I agree because a policy that isn't clear is difficult to follow, and an
irrelevant policy won't make a difference when followed, so I believe that all of these
characteristics should be met when developing a policy. Policy formulation is the process of
making important organizational decisions; it includes policy components such as a purpose
statement, applicability, effective date, responsibilities section, and policy statement. I believe
that it is critical to consider all of the components when developing a policy in order to ensure that
the policies you develop are truly needed and will have an impact on the cooperative's
objectives. Identifying is the first step in policy formulation. It is about determining where the
policy is required and what actions must be taken. Second, Formulate. This is where you draft
the policy. Third, Adopt the Policy. Fourth, is to disseminate and must be in written form. Fifth,
put the policy into action, making certain that everyone involved understands it. Finally, there is
control. Determine whether the manager is adhering to the established policy. After today's webinar,
I now understand how to formulate policy and why policy is made. Policies serve as our guide in
everything we do, assisting in the completion of tasks that must be completed excellently, and, most
importantly, educating us on the do's and don'ts in order to achieve our goals.

I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to join this kind of webinar where
the discussion is very clear and knowledgeable, I really learned a lot. We all know that it has a huge
difference between attending a webinar in this time of pandemic unlike before when were allowed to
have face to face seminars, but the pandemic will never be a hindrance for us to learn. The
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) region 1 conducted a webinar entitled "Policy
Development for Cooperatives”. One of the participants in the said webinar are
the Accountancy Students of University of Luzon. Mrs. Agustina Jing Matias from Northwestern
University, the guest speaker delivered very well a lot of lessons about formulating relevant and
effective policies. Policies are very helpful for us in this time of pandemic many policies have been
developed and implemented by the government due to the pandemic to guide people. Example of this
are, the correct and proper wearing of face mask and face shield inside and outside the house,
practicing social distancing and following curfew hours. But, not everyone follows the health
protocols implemented so the number of people infected and dying with Covid19 continues to rise.
This webinar also made me realized that developing policies will help a lot of people to understand
why implementing and formulating policies are important. I think, this will also help me in future as
a professional t practice the proper implementation of policies. This will also serve as a guideline for
actions to attain the established objectives of cooperatives. This webinar also help me to understand
why policies are relevant. Policies are relevant because it will also referred to as a principle or rule to
guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. As defined in the webinar, these policies will serve as
our guide in every actions we make to reach our objectives. This will come in handy for me in the
future. I also learned the deeper meaning of these policies. In fact, these are referred to as Directives
by higher authorities and this is served as the framework in making business. Cooperative policy was
also introduced to me as this was more on about community needs. In this webinar, they also taught
us the difference between policies and rules or procedures in which before this session I initially
thought they were the same. I also learned about the functions of policies, the types of policies which
are ethical/strategic policies and operational policies. After the session, I can also now determine a
good policy by its characteristic. I really learned quite a lot in this webinar especially in the vast
world of cooperatives. Hence this is only about the policy development and I can't wait to learned
more in the next sessions.

Economic development is a growth indicator measured through the status of

living in the community. It describes the status and living conditions of our people. In relation to
this are the services provided by the government to open doors for opportunities. Economic
development is an indicator that defines the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the
government in terms of service delivery. Policy formulation is the crafting alternatives or options
for dealing with a problem or the process of making important organizational decisions. These
are the steps in policy formulation that I’ve learned in webinar First, Identification wherein we
have to determine the specific areas where policies are needed and identify the specific action
that needs to be done and after that we have to solicit suggestions and gather existing model
policies and discuss. Second, Formulation wherein we have to draft the policy and after that we
will have to go on policy hearing and deliberation. Third, We will have to adopt the policy.
Fourth, is the Dissemination or Distribution that it should be in written form made know by the
general membership. Fifth, is implementing the policy and the manager is the responsibility for
carrying out board policy, make sure that it is understood by concerned individuals. Lastly, is to
Control wherein we have to determine if the manager is carrying out the established policy. And
in monitoring and evaluating the policy formulation we have to always remember that It should
be have a clear purpose and It should be optimistic and it apply a consistent approach. In
conclusion, I think most of the cooperatives here in the country are pretty successful. They also
give excellent assistance to their members and never fail to submit to its social responsibilities. I
am happy that I was able to join the said webinar because as I have learned a lot
SEPTEMBER 25, 2021

John Bernard C. Mejia

Group 15 – Reflection paper

I learned a lot from this webinar, not only about entrepreneurship, supply and value
chain, but also about how to make our ambitions and fantasies come true. And I recognized that
in order for things to work, it would take more than just me to do it. But, of course, with the
assistance of others around me. It is said that the greatest way to forecast the future is to make it.
And that fits the definition of entrepreneurship, which refers to a person who has a business
concept and plans to put it into action. We can't move forward in our life if all we do is fantasize
about something or imagine something without taking effort to make it happen. They stated
earlier in the webinar that "no man is an island," implying that no one is fully self-sufficient and
that a person will always require the company, assistance, and comfort of others in order to
thrive. As previously stated, being an entrepreneur contains a number of beneficial attributes,
like hard work, confidence, leadership, risk-taking, and, most importantly, integrity. And we
must apply this not only to entrepreneurship but also to our daily lives. And I believe that these
qualities will not only lead to commercial success, but also to personal success. In addition, I was
motivated by the speakers comment, "If you don't have great aspirations and objectives, you'll
wind up working for someone who does," which she expressed during the webinar. Although
working for someone is not bad if the work is good, it is much better if you are the one in charge
or the boss. Because I admit that I once fantasized about owning a business. And, after attending
this webinar and learning that there are cooperatives prepared to assist and encourage all
entrepreneurs, my goal came true. And rest assured, I will do everything in my power to graduate
and make my parents pleased. And to make amends for all of their sacrifices on our behalf.
Overall, I've learnt that entrepreneurship not only produces new businesses, but it also offers
opportunities for you and others. Because as you pursue your aspirations and goals, you are also
assisting others in becoming more self-sufficient. Being a part of the entrepreneurship
community will also allow you to improve your living standards. Furthermore, because we live
in a period that is full of innovation and advances, It is much better if we can contribute to
society in some way.
Maria Eloiza D. de Guzman
Group 15

Reflection Paper: Webinar on Entrepreneurship

and Basic of Supply and Value Chain for Cooperatives

They say the best thing to predict the future is to create it.And that suits the meaning of
entrepreneurship as it refers to an individual who has an idea and intends to execute that idea.
Just like in our lives we all can’t move forward if we only dream of something or imagine
something without making an action to make it happen.
Upon attending this webinar I have learned a lot of things not only about
entrepreneurship, supply and value chain but more on how to make our dreams and imaginations
do come true. And I had realized that to make things work, it is not just only me whose going to
work for it. But also of course with the help of people around me. Just like what Dr. Edmund
Chris Acosido said earlier on the webinar ‘no man in an island’ meaning no one is truly self-
sufficient and there will always come a time that a person will be needing someone’s company,
help, and comfort in order to thrive.As what they have discussed earlier, being an entrepreneur
possesses several positive characteristics such as hard work, confidence, leadership, risk taker
and most importantly integrity. And we must not only apply this on entrepreneurship but also in
our life. And I believe this characteristics will not only lead us to success in business but also
success as a person.
In addition, I am also inspired on the quote ‘If you don’t have big dreams and goals,
you’ll end up working for someone that has’ that has been shared by Ma’am Corazon during the
webinar. Although it is not bad to work for someone as long as the work is good but it is much
better if you are the one who has control or the boss. Because I admit that I once dreamt of being
an owner of a business. And upon attending this webinar and knowing that there are cooperatives
whose willing to help and support all entrepreneurs, that dream of me became alive. And for
know I will do my best in order to graduate to make my parents proud. And in order to repay all
their sacrifices for us.
All in all, I have learned that entrepreneurship does not only creates new business, it also
builds opportunity not only for you but also for others. Because as you build your dreams and
goals, you are also helping others to be sustainable. Being part of entrepreneurship will also help
you to have a better standards of living. Furthermore, it also helps to drive changes with
innovation since we are living in a generation that’s full of innovation an improvements, much
better if we have something to contribute to the society.
Mati, Angela Hazel D.
BSA 4-1A
The One Stop Agribusiness Center it offers services and assistance to investors, producers, to
facilitate access to market/price information, technical services, agribusiness opportunities and direct
links with private sector/institution, LGUs and other government agencies.. In going to this
webinar/zoom meeting I’ve learned a lot to continuously battle for your future and never allow up to
attain all your dreams. The word that marks on me to realize that I can also help with my individual
young individuals is the word of one speaker which is If you don’t have big dreams and goals, You’ll
end up working for someone that does, Because if you dream it is not important if it is big or not You
have to make it as your guide, motivation and inspiration to do all your best everytime so that you
can achieve what you’re dreaming of. We can also help by sharing them what we learn in this
webinar so that they will also enlightened. And to make our future better we can give importance
first on our study even though where struggling sometimes. Maybe learning can be a lifelong process
that enhances our understanding of the world and improves the quality of our life But we all know
that if you have patients in your study At the end of it, there’s a good outcomes that are waiting for
you or there are many good opportunities that are waiting for us to grab.We all know that millennials
now a days are identified as complaining a lot with self-entitlement, effectively bored, tech sharp,
jumping from one work to another, hungry to travel and easily not contented, either in the role gives
or salary level. It is important for us young people/millenials to practice to feel satisfaction (on
everything we accomplish in life and things we have), self confidence, and being thankful (on our
life, in what we have, in our work, in our compensation that we receive, people that surround us, and
to the environment that we belong). As a graduated student and soon to be working I’ve learned in
this webinar that I should mold and practice to my state of mind and abilities to be able to manage
other people conjointly to have a better work environment. Lastly, to have self awareness and
compassion to be able to get it ourselves and being able to feel for other individuals as in the event
that their encounters were happening to you. Since it doesn’t cruel that we are right, they are wrong.
Perhaps we fair haven’t seen life as we see and perhaps we fair haven’t encountered the life that they
have experienced. And you should moreover have the assertiveness and poise abilities so that you
just can stand up for yourself and for other individuals, and stay calm indeed within the confront
considerable provocation.
Tamayo, Mika Ann S.
September 25, 2021

Every one of us is unique in our own way, with different beliefs, knowledge, ideas, and

attitudes. Choosing to have an entrepreneurial mindset can be advantageous for yourself because

our attitude toward the challenges ahead of us will determine how we will overcome them. Being

an entrepreneur requires a lot of hard work and perseverance, but you also need to be brave and

strong to get through all of the problems and discouragement that will come your way when you

first start out. Our country is still facing economic challenges, which is why entrepreneurship is

important, but it is only one path to economic growth. Economic development must be achieved;

we require strong Filipinos to innovate and grow our economy in order to improve the quality of

life in our country. To make things happen, we will need natural resources, human resources,

capital formation, and technology. Many well-known entrepreneurs, such as Henry Sy and Jeff

Bezos, have established and grown their own businesses. These are the people we should look up

to in order to be motivated and inspired to work harder and become a successful entrepreneur

someday. I also learned about the four Ps of marketing after watching the webinar: price,

product, place, and promotion. These four p's are critical to understand if you want to build a

product and effectively sell it to the market. Marketing your own product is difficult and

expensive, especially nowadays, when advertisements are popular and celebrities are paid to

promote products. Always remember to work hard, never give up, and approach financial and

business decisions with an entrepreneurial mindset. Explore more to generate new ideas for

innovation, and never stop learning. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed as an

Nelia C. Cadinong September 24, 2021

BLOCK C/ACP41 Group 15



The webinar on the Entrepreneurship and basics of supply and value chain for cooperatives,
organized by Cooperatives Development Authority (CDA) Region 1 office in partnership with the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). it was held today September 24, 2021 started from 9am and
ended to 12nn in the afternoon. The webinar started later than the said time in the invitation link, we had
attendance via Google form as a proof that we truly attended the said webinar. As a graduating student, I
am grateful that I have joined this kind of webinar where the discussion is very clear and knowledgeable,
I really learned a lot. We all know that it has a huge difference between attending a webinar in this time
of pandemic unlike before when were allowed to have face to face seminars but this pandemic will never
be a hindrance for us to learn. Instead, we are very thankful despite in this pandemic there still
Cooperatives that is willing to conduct a seminars via online platform, which it is very helpful to us
students because it is very convenient to listen and to learn a lot of Experiences from them since it was
held via Zoom Platform. This webinar taught me a lot of lessons and realizations to take this events
seriously. Many things have been discussed through the help of Ms. Helena Roxanne A. Indigne, a
student from Ateneo De Manila University (ADMU). She Clearly discussed their platforms for their dear
students which is about the "Formation Program" which is the main goal was to raise the awareness of the
students to the reality of poverty and fosters solidarity action advocacy work, Utilizes service learning as
a pedagogical strategy across various academic discipline, and serves as a pedagogical link of the Loyola
schools to marginal communities. To develop future leaders who have critical consciousness and the heart
for the marginalized and live a life of faith that does justice. She also tells important words for the office
of concern and involvement which is To Love, To take a risk and To Liberate. In which these three has a
big role in their advocacy. First, To Love because in order to become united with the community you
should develop your relationship with other people and to connect with them. She also tackled the OSCI’s
formation program under their new curriculum. The First one, was entitled “Binhi” she said that it was
their term for the freshmen enrolled under their curriculum it only focuses on the social formation of the
students awareness of what’s going to happen to their surroundings. This also help students to socialize
with their fellow classmates. The second was entitled “Punla” she said that it was their term for the 2 nd
year students wherein, the goal here was to deepen the relationship of the with their community. To
further expand children’s thoughts regarding each other’s experiences, and The Last and definitely not the
least was entitled “ bigkis”she said that it was their term for the third year students. Wherein, she
discussed that you can’t say To Love, To take a risk and To Liberate without taking actions, you need to
take action first in order to do all that. For me, I truly agree that if everyone isn’t trying to do anything
there really is nothing to happen and there will be no unity without taking action.

First and foremost, I did not expect myself to be able to handle this level of pressure as a
group leader, but I am optimistic that the Almighty is preparing me for this type of situation
where I belong. As a result, being a leader entails a great deal of responsibility, discipline, and
hard work, but after the task is completed, the satisfaction and sense of relief is one of the most
pleasant feelings I've experienced this semester. I'm also grateful for the chance to educate, or
should I say teach, lower-year accounting students. This experience has shown me how difficult
it is to be an instructor or professor, and how hard they work to be able to teach us properly and
efficiently. Also, for those first-year students, I remember being a freshman who struggled with
studies, so I tried to understand them and assist them with their activities and assignments, even
at the expense of my own free time. I didn't realize how much I was enjoying our lesson sessions
as the days passed. Also, keep in mind that our tutorials serve not only them; we profit as well
because we were able to review and master earlier themes. It's a privilege to be one of the
freshmen tutors because I got to be a part of their CPA journey. I'm sure they'll forget about us at
some point, but hopefully not our accounting tutorials, since that's what tutorial sessions are for.
I make an effort to be upbeat, nice, and approachable to them in order to encourage them to learn
more. As a result, I receive personal messages from them asking for accounting assistance. And
it feels amazing; I'm pleased that kids are no longer shy as time passes. With that, I know I've
earned their trust, and I'll be eternally grateful to them for that, since it's also helped me acquire
confidence. As their leader and brother, I tried my hardest to teach them in a way that they could
grasp. To sum up, perhaps I am more grateful than the students we taught because our student
lives are drawing to a close, and with that experience, it feels like we will always be excited
when we learn new things as the years pass, and my student life will be more tested, with the
CPA board exam serving as the penultimate challenge, and these experiences serve as a sense of
urgency for me or for us to study smart and be responsible as always.

Finally! I’ve got the chance to express my wonderful experience in tutoring freshmen
students. It feels like déjà vu. Déjà vu because it reminds me of my freshman days, And I am so
grateful to have this kind of internship.

I’m not going to lie, being a tutor is hard and what more to our professors who handles so
many students? But just like what I have learned from my professors whose always optimistic,
God fearing, patient, respectful and many more, I always make sure that I also apply that while
having tutorial. During our first meeting, I admit that I was a bit nervous that time since it was
my first time tutoring accounting subject and to think that accounting subject is never easy. Of
course during that day we introduced ourselves as their Ate’s and Kuya, we also told them that
they can share their problems on the topics where they are having a hard time understanding and
that we are willing to teach them the best that we can.

As days goes by, I didn’t notice that I am already enjoying our tutorial sessions. And also
take note, it is not just them who benefits in our tutorials, we also do benefit from it since we got
to review previous topics and master it. Being one of the tutors of the freshmen is such a
privilege for I became a part of their CPA journey. I know that there will come a time that they
will forget us, but hopefully not our accounting tutorials since that is the purpose of tutorial

Another thing that I’ve realized is that being a teacher/professor is not and will never be
easy, especially during this online class that there are times where you can’t hear any response
from your students when you are asking. That’s why I gained more respect to all professors. Also
I can see myself from them, because there were times, well, most of the time actually they are
shy and hesitant to ask questions. But just like what I have said earlier I do make sure to be
optimistic, friendly and approachable to them so that they will be encourage to learn more.And
as a result, I do receive personal messages from them asking for help about accounting. And it
feels great, I am grateful that as time goes by they are not shy anymore. With that, I know I have
gained their trust and I will be forever thankful and grateful for them as it also helped me to
boost my confidence. And as their Ate I did my best to teach them in a way where they can
understand is more easily.

One of the best thing that I will keep and treasure in this whole internship in tutoring
freshmen is the relationship that we have built. Not only our relationship with our students, but
also my relationship with my members. My whole semester with my group built a wonderful
friendship. We’ve learned to support and help each other especially during our public lecture.

My whole internship, tutoring freshmen as a 4th year student, has been a very challenging
experience for me. Since it was my first time tutoring first-year students and I don't have
experience teaching accounting topics to my fellow students, it's not easy to manage time since
we are teaching accounting online. We all know that learning and listening online is difficult
because we don't know if they are really listening or focusing on the topics we discuss. Not to
mention, there are a lot of social media platforms that can disturb them while studying. I find this
difficult for me since I'm not good with this thing, which is teaching accounting topics. During
our first couple of days in accounting tutorial, even though we're not as good as our professors,
We are happy that the students assigned to us are cooperating and interacting with us. I also
observed that they were really listening and focusing on the topics that we discussed. Every
meeting, they're getting better and very good at analyzing and computing the accounting
problems that we have prepared. I also observed that sometimes some of them were not even
attending our tutorial. But, since our tutorial is recorded every meeting, it is way easier for them
to review the past topics that we've discussed. This internship made me realize a lot, especially
during these tutorial sessions with the first years. Because we're not just teaching them, but we
are also re-gaining our knowledge with past lessons from basic accounting, which is both
beneficial for us as graduating and first-year students. In this internship, I've learned to
appreciate every one of them since the beginning because they've been like our little brothers
and sisters, and we appreciated them as individuals. This internship taught me a lot, especially
with our situation that teaching online is not easy because you need a lot of patience and energy,
so I salute all of my professors because they're very dedicated to providing us with the quality
education we need. My experiences this semester taught me some very important things about
tutoring, which will not only help me in my future job, but I can also use these lessons to
strengthen my knowledge of the accounting basics that will help me when taking the licensure

Internships tutoring freshmen students are somewhat rewarding. Having the opportunity
to teach about what you have learned, reviewing previous topics to give tips to your co-students,
and having the feeling that you have helped will make you realize how far you have come and
how much you have experienced. It's really true that, "The best part of learning is sharing what
you know," said Vaughn Lauer, just being a fourth-year accounting student felt like a dream
come true. Who would have guessed that this clueless lady would learn about a course that she
can share with her co-dreamers who, like her, want to be accountants? The first step you should
take when teaching is to reread your old books and make presentations so that your audience can
easily understand what you are sharing with them. When you study your old Accounting topics,
you will notice that you do not need to memorize it because it feels like a language that you have
always known and was always present in a part of your brain. At times like this, you will be
grateful to all of your professors who have taught you, and all of the stress and anxiety you have
experienced as a result of not being able to recite correctly and obtain a high score on quizzes has
indeed paid off because you learned. Teaching made me learn new things, the topics became
clearer, and I realized that you can't teach what you don't understand, that is why I am overjoyed
that I understood the lessons I encountered, even if not perfectly, at least I can share something
of what I gained, small things can still make a big difference. There are times when I struggle to
explain sample problems that include computation. I'll never forget all the stutters I had while
teaching, trying to find words to explain what you wanted to say because I don't make scripts
since it feels like I'm just reading and not teaching.
Fortunately, my group members are encouraging and extremely helpful. Without them, I
would not have been able to manage all of the topics I have discussed. When I'm confused
about a topic, they're only a message away. The freshmen students are responsive, and they
are always thankful after our lessons, which made us feel appreciated. All of the hours we
spent together in our tutorials were an experience I never expected to have because I am used
to people teaching me, not the other way around. This internship is both exciting and
challenging. Even though it is not the typical internship because of the pandemic, it is still a
pleasant experience, and our knowledge gained with this course from the beginning to where we
are now is enhanced especially when shared with your fellow accountant aspirants

Being a tutor and being a instructor in course were two distinctive

encounters. On my portion, I appeared to approach to my tutee and the understudies within the
team-teaching lesson in an unexpected way, and on the students’ portion, they too appeared to
treat me in an unexpected way. In my intellect, a tutor is close to a partner with whom
understudies can have an intimate relationship and have more individualized input due to the
nature of learning circumstance and have more adaptability in numerous ways such as planning,
and the subject of study. I figure as a tutor I took challenges and deterrents more by and
by and more promptly, but the results were not continuously beneficial or obvious
basically since of the restricted time outline and need of experiences in teaching a
“person”. To begin with and persevering challenge all through the complete sessions
was how to successfully communicate with the tutee in arrange to start the primary
mentoring session and proceed it. In a way, I feel I almost get apprehensive since
that was our first experience to tutor first year students about Accounting. Am I some way or
another empowering this colorless relationship? How was I gathered to position myself at the
beginning? I don’t mean that I ought to have been more strict, definitive, or uptight which I don’t
accept as an picture of being a professor. But by one means or another anything impressions I
made to him truly didn’t work out for getting our mentoring rolling. I don’t still have a
arrangement for that. What I am getting at here is that it is in some cases basic to characterize the
relationship with tutee depending on instructing settings and conceptualize my part
as a instructor and position myself in a way students can advantage the foremost. I
accept how I show myself to students is as important as and portion of what I
instruct and how I educate But I can say that tutoring our co-students may be a
awesome experience. And it also help me to keep in mind our past lessons that I’ve
overlooked as of now. And I moreover have a realization that I ought to moreover
dig more profound looking into our past lessons that we take so that It can be easier
for me our following lessons to take particularly now, we’re on higher years already

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