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Teléfono: 062700425- 062700426- 062700427
2021 – 2022



AÑO LECTIVO: 2021 – 2022

Articulate these knowledge, skills and abilities promoting comprehensive knowledge and adapting them to our reality
Learning objective: in technical high school, for a future application in the workplace.

Specific objective: EFL 5.3.1. Find specific predictable information in short, simple texts in a range of age-and level-appropriate topics.

Learners can find specific in- formation and identify the main points in simple, straightforward texts on subjects of
Evaluation indicator:
personal interest or familiar academic topics.REF. I.EFL. 5.10.1. (I.1, I.2, S.2

La revolución industrial y su entorno en el desarrollo laboral, social y económico

Proyect’s name:

ACTIVITIES WEEK 1: 03-07 January

Topic: Industrial revolution Value of the week: empathy
Subtopic: Connectors of contrast

Industrial Revolution 1) Which of the following invention led to the idea of interchangeable
parts used on different types of machines?

A: Sewing machine

B: Telegraph

C: Cotton gin

D: Steamboat
2) Which of the following led to improvements in transportation, use of
electricity and industrial processes?
In the late 1700s in Britain and in the United States, the Industrial Revolution in A: War of 1812
the United States, dramatically changed the way people lived and worked. The
Industrial Revolution from 1820 to 1870 changed the world. Most people used B: Embargo Act
hand tools or simple machines to make the things they needed for everyday
C: Neither A or B
life. This changed home production of goods to machines and factory
production of goods. D: Both A and B
The birthplace of the revolution took place in Great Britain. Great Britain was 3) Which of the following allowed the harvesting of grain to be faster and
sending and selling many of their products to the people of the United States. cheaper?
However, this came to a halt due mostly to the Embargo Act of 1807, which
ended the import and export of products from other countries. The War of A: Cotton gin
1812, when the U.S. went to war with Great Britain, also forced America to
B: Reaper
seek ways to become more independent and not rely on other countries for
needed products. C: Steel plow
The act and war led to the expansion of transportation, further use of
electricity, and industrial processes that increased the production of goods in D: Interchangeable parts
America. The Industrial Revolution brought about many important events, 4) Which of the following invented the telegraph which allowed
inventors, and inventions. communication from the east coast to the Mississippi River?

A: Samuel Morse
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1794. The cotton gin increased the
speed of separating cotton seeds from the fiber. Later, the spinning (removing B: Robert Fulton
the seeds) and the weaving was joined together into one factory, allowing for
lower costs and more efficiency, which led to the textile industry throughout C: Eli Whitney
the New England states. In 1846, Elias Howe invented the sewing machine,
D: John Deere
which allowed for the faster production of clothing. The cotton gin invention
also helped Eli Whitney come up with the idea to use interchangeable parts, 5) All of the following were problems related to the increased population of
which are standard parts that can be used on different types of machines, and cities EXCEPT:
again lowered the cost and increased the efficiency of manufacturing.
Other improvements took place in the farm industry. The reaper was invented A: Disease
and allowed the harvesting of grain to be faster and cheaper. John Deere B: Poverty
invented the steel plow in 1837 helping farmers become more efficient and
faster in growing crops. The increase in the number of factories and production C: High wages
of goods outside the home led people to move from farmlands into the cities.
However, more people moving into the cities brought about new problems. D: Joblessness
Overcrowding, disease, joblessness, and poverty was everywhere. There was 6) The Erie Canal helped the economy by creating a route between the
violence stemming from the protests of workers against bosses who were Great Lakes and which of the following?
paying very low wages. Some factories used child labor.
A: Pacific Ocean
Other improvements, though, were made in communication and
transportation. In 1844, Samuel Morse created the telegraph which allowed B: Mississippi River
communication from the east coast to the Mississippi. The Cumberland Road
became the first national road beginning in 1811, and river transportation also C: Cumberland Road
improved through the invention of the first steamboat in 1793 by Robert D: Atlantic Ocean
Fulton. The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 created a route from the
Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes helping the economy.
Connectors of contrast
Finally, a transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869 at Promontory, Utah
helping increase trade and travel across the United States. The railroad linked
the most important Midwest cities with the entire Atlantic coast as well. It
became much easier to move material, products, and other supplies between
the producers and the consumers.
The Industrial Revolution inspired many other great inventions during the rest
of the 19th century and well into the 20th century, including the lightbulb by
Thomas Edison in 1878, the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1877, and
the automobile by Karl Benz in 1885.
Es un tipo de CONNECTOR que sirve para comparar o contrastar dos ideas en
la oración.
• He is not very elegant; however, he is very sweet.
Él no es muy elegante; sin embargo, es muy dulce.
• My dog can do many tricks though he seems lazy.
Mi perro puede hacer muchas jugarretas, aunque parece vago.
Rewrite the sentences using the connector of contrast. ( Escribe las
oraciones añadiendo el conector en el lugar correcto), observa los ejemplos
de arriba.
1. Maria didn´t receive a scholarship / she is an excellent student

2. Katty couldn't cash her paycheck, she managed to buy a new TV set.

ACTIVITIES WEEK 2: 10-14 january

Topic: How do you think you can manage a business? Value of the week: self-knowledge
Subtopic: Identify the main points in simple straightforward texts
Answer this question: 2. Look for this vocabulary into Spanish.
What service could you provide to your community?
Seven Keys to Succeed in Business

3. Read the texts and answer the following questions individually

• What are the 7 steps of organization and management?
1. Read the text • Which steps do you think are the most important? Why?

4. Write your product or service description. Include a picture and the


ACTIVITIES WEEK 3: 17-21 january

Topic: Are you good at making predictions? Value of the week: decision-making
Subtopic: future tense with present progressive

Talking About the Future

2. Look at the following pictures about STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics) professions and use them to talk about how
you see yourself in 10 years.

You can talk about things you will probably do and about things that are not
part of your future plans. Use the future tense structure.

1. ________________________________
1. Look at these pictures and tell your partner what is going to 2. ________________________________
happen next. 3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
1. A


• Cuidarme y cuidar de mi familia siguiendo las medidas de prevención, como lavarme las manos correctamente y usar correctamente la
• Presentar mis trabajos completos de forma limpia y ordenada.
• Seguir un horario o rutina durante toda la semana.
• Seguir las indicaciones de la actividad de educación física para para tomar medidas de higiene y cuidado personal en el retorno seguro a la
Mantener un trato empático y respetuoso con todas las personas, ya sea en interacciones presenciales como en las conexiones virtuales.

Escribe tus reflexiones de las preguntas activadoras en una hoja y guárdala en tu portafolio.

• ¿Cómo hiciste el trabajo diario? Estrategias y procesos.

• ¿Qué es lo que más te ha costado?
• ¿Salió como esperabas?
• ¿Qué crees que muestra este trabajo de ti?
• De volver a hacerlo, ¿qué cambiarías?
• ¿Qué crees que has aprendido?

Fuente: Del Pozo, Montserrat. (2009). Aprendizaje Inteligente. TekmanBooks. Pág. 335. Madrid, España.

Fuente: Del Pozo, Montserrat. (2009). Aprendizaje Inteligente. TekmanBooks. Pág. 335. Madrid, España.

Done by : Lic. Mariana Samaniego A.

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