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Project Plant Pals | SMART Goals

January 5

Goal One: “Office Green wants to increase brand awareness.”

SMART Goal One: “Office Green wants…”

What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
Yes. It is specific that website launch is required with a support channel and plant care

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Yes, we are introducing a support channel which could improve the customer satisfaction by
providing answers instantly.

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
It defines adequate time to build the website using inhouse web developers, budget and plan
to hire support team which makes it achievable.

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
to improve on existing customer service standards and boost efficiency

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

9 month

Goal Two: “Office Green wants to raise the customer retention rate.”

SMART Goal Two: “Office Green wants to retain customers by introducing a new
support channel who would answer queries and by utilizing an analytics app after
one month of website launch to study the number of visitors checking the Tips and
Care section and simplifying user navigation based on website visits”.
What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
analytics app with a timeline to study the user behavior and a support channel.

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Website visits, user navigation path, time and money

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
website launch which gives us time to work on this goal. That would help the number of users
visiting the website.

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
will improve customer experience and they will stick to the company.

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

1 month after website launch and we are ready to see the website traffic.

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