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Philosophical Portrait of Myself

Growing up I was always excited for each new school year. The thought of school

shopping, getting new organizers, backpacks, binders, pencils, and paper was something I looked

forward to. What seemed like a rigorous experience to most students was fun to me. I could not

wait to meet my new teachers and see what the new school year would bring. I am still like that


A few years after graduating high school, I came to the realization that teaching is my

calling. The fact that I love children, school, and good education in general, it just all made

sense. Before I starting pursuing my teaching degree, I attended the Art Institute of California,

majoring in Fashion Marketing and Management. I attended there for two years but I did not

graduate. Fashion was a passion of mine. But after moving to Las Vegas, Nevada in the summer

of 2015, I decided to pursue my other passion presently, which is teaching.

Being in Elementary Education courses for the past several years, has taught me that

teaching is not an easy task. You must have the patience and be serious about teaching if you

want to make an impact. There is learning how to deal with students with special needs, learning

how to deal with difficult parents, learning how to manage a classroom, learning about the

different teaching styles, and much more. So far, my education journey has opened my eyes to

the “behind the scenes” of teaching, and real-life scenarios that teachers go through daily. I love

my field observations and student teaching with my students. They are so energetic, enthusiastic,

and willing to learn. I was very impressed at how intelligent they were. I am also close to my

mentor teacher, he is laid back but at the same time, made sure things got done, and the students
respect him. I quickly got attached to the students and them to me, and I was enlightened to what

goes on in a classroom.

I observe how tasks were delegated, why certain students were separated from the class,

the teaching style the teacher used to teach his students, and just an overall observation of how

the teacher ran his classroom. My teaching style preference would be progressivism because I

believe in teachers and students working together. It is good when students work together in

groups or discuss projects, while the teacher walks around the room making sure things are going

as planned, and seeing to the need of students. I believe my teaching style will favor this


I am excited to be obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, and in full

stride in working towards my Mastor’s in the next few years. I would like to teach at a private

school because I like the high standards, high education, organizations, and the uniforms that

private schools are mostly known for. But at the same time, I will teach where God leads me and

where I am needed, because after all, it is all about the students and them getting a fair shot at a

great education. A few of the main goals I hope to accomplish as a future teacher is to be a

positive role model, teach to the best of my ability, and make sure the children get the best

education possible, to succeed in the future.

Many are always telling me how a good teacher I would be or that they could see me

teaching. I am grateful for the support of my family and friends who help encourage me and help

me to stay goal oriented. My mom is my biggest cheerleader and supports me in whatever

decision I make, even if I am indecisive at times. Sometimes things get discouraging and I stop

and think to myself if I am cut out for teaching, but again, the support of family and friends help

drive those thoughts out. I cherish those who genuinely want the best for you, and want to see
you succeed. Self- motivation is important to reach your goals and to keep going even nobody

else believes in you, but it is a blessing when you do have support from others to help undergird

your journey to success. Occasionally, it is nice to hear, “Go get em’ tiger.”

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