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Linux Boot Process.

MBR ##################Master Boot record
GRUB2 ##################Grand unified boot loader
Kernel ##################
init ##################used in older release whereas systemd is
used in RHEL7 & above
runlevel ################## runlevel 0 will shutdown system ...... 5
for reboot in graphical mode..... 6 is used to reboot the system

Password age
chage -M <days> <user>

For alert to change passwd to user before expiry

chage -W <days> <user>

To view user password policy

chage -l <user>

to Set user account expire

chage -E <yy/mm/dd> <user>

cat /etc/passwd

encrypted password file

cat /etc/shadow

init 6 ############# reboot
init 0 ############# system shutdown

shutdown -r +5 ########### system will reboot in 5 min

shutdown -c ############## cancel system shutdown
shutdown -h 22:00 "<Message>" ############## send msg to user before shutdown

nice ############ Command to modifyl the process priority time

value -20 is higher and 19 means lowest ############ the higher the value the
process time will be increased
ps -eo pid,nice,comm | grep < process name> ########### to vie the process id with
renice -n <value> <process ID> ############## to cahnge the priority of process

Read=r=4 Write=w=2 Execute=x=1

File permission formula
for file subtract the umask of user from 666 ####################### 666-022
for directory subtract the umask of user from 666 ################## 777-022

chattr +i <file name> ############# To lock file from deletion

chattr -i <file name> ############# To unlock file from deletion

chkconfig --list ################# to check which service will run on which level
chkconfig --list <Service Name> ################# to check specific service will
run on which level
chkconfig <service name> off ################# to disable service from starting
after reboot
chkconfig <service name> on ################# to enable service from starting after
chkconfig <service name> --level <runlevel> off ############### to disable specific
service to start in specific run level
chkconfig <service name> --level <runlevel> on ############### to enable specific
service to start in specific run level

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