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TEFL Worldwide Prague

Trainee: Sofía Rodríguez

Aneta Slaviokva: Need Analysis Summary

Aneta is a 23-year-old female student, and she is currently living in Prague while working as a
waitress in a coffee. She mainly uses English for speaking and reading rather than writing and
listening. The trainee commented she periodically uses English to talk with international customers
and students from her university.

Aneta’s English level is Preliminary (B1) according to her performance in Cambridge General
English Test. She believes her pronunciation is not good enough and she would like to improve
her speaking skills, since she says, “it is the most useful skill you can have to communicate with
others” and because she would like to work abroad somewhen in the future. However, she
acknowledges she must improve her listening expertise because it gets hard to understand others
when they have different accents.

Aneta’s history of learning English comes from a long time ago. She started learning English in
nursery school when she was four years old, mainly focusing on colors and numbers. When she
began primary school, she began to have three lessons per week. She also had three times per
week during high school and took a volunteer seminar on English as a Second Language,
preparing students for the First Certificate in English (FCE). During our interview, Aneta
commented that she wanted to take the test. However, she was insecure about her skills and did
not take the test; also, she said, “I do not want a certificate but to feel I can master English.”

Overall, Aneta agreed that she would like to focus on listening skills, explicitly concentrating on
different accents through speaking activities.

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