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Needs analysis

Name: Date:

1.- Tell me about one thing you like a Language class you’ve had in your past and one thing
you didn’t like.

2.- Tell me about your hobbies.

3. Tell me what you would like to achieve in the long term while learning English (e.g. FCE or
any other type of exam, maintaining the current level, improving a skill, expanding
vocabulary regarding a specific topic, etc.).

4.- What do you use English for?

5-. When do you use English?

6.- Which areas do you find easy/problematic while learning English?

7.- Tell me about your history of learning English (how long and the background – which type
of courses they have attended so far, their plans language-wise for the future, any
experience with exams etc.).

Task: A 100-word written assigment on an agreed topic.

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