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Workshop 1

Oppgave 1 Optical illusions

Focus on vison and how our brain works. Relating this to our subject:

B: Side effect

Oppgave 2

Cognitive overload, how and why optical illusions work.

Our brain is designed to recognize similarities, patterns, know objects etc. When we are introduced
to a optical illusion, our brain cant process everything. Eks we are good to notice the central vison,
but we cant process the peripheral vision.

Oppgave 3

How the video exploits illusions to sell products.

Desirable difficulties framework. When you struggle to understand something you pay more
attention. Top down attention: The same factors that make a piece of information attract and hold
our attention top-down also increase the intensity with which it is processed. This means we
remember not only the visually spectacular ads, but also the ones that are original and make us

Oppgave 4

Subliminal messaging

Stuffed animals, lot of small subliminal messages throughout the experiment. People all influenced
by small messaging. Making us think we make our own decisions, but we are actually influenced by
the marketing society. This can happen gradually over a time frame. The conditioned response
becomes stronger with repetition of the association between the two stimuli. This happens
particularly when the repeated exposures are not too close, because the brain ignores ignores
repetitive stimuli. Example food advertisements, even though we might not crave the food right
away, over time we can get a certain need for a particular product.

Even though this might seem like a real experiment, we cannot always know that. In this case it
might have been a case of publication bias. To gain legitimacy they could have used random
bypasser, or interviewed a bigger sample. Example through a street with several subliminal messages
and signs, asking for a task at the end of the street.

Oppgave 5


The eyetracking is not mainly focused on every gamer. Mostly its aimed at the content creator, feks
streamer, youtuber etc. The next group is someone who wants to learn from their vision, and use this
as a learning tool when gaming. The last not so important category is someone who just want it for
fun and experience.
They are present at streaming/gaming conferences, example twitchcon. Here the streaming/gaming
community is present, which is their main targeted group of costumers. They are also advertising
through reviews as this one.

They can gather big data through the eyetracking. Through this they can create a memory bank. They
can categoriez where the user mostly looks, and through that strategically place subliminal messages
and advertisements.

Oppgave 6


Classical and operant conditioning. Classical= You respond to a event by previous experiences
example doctor, shot, wont hurt a bit, but hurts, and dentist, mirror, wont hurt a bit, negative
response because it hurt in previous experiences to the sentence(doctor).

b)Both animals and humans

Oppgave 7

Cognitive learning

No change in answer from previous task

Oppgave 8

Workshop 2

Oppgave 1

Placeboeffect på homeothaphy.

Oppgave 2

Aldi Problem

They might think its worse quality

Solve it by communicating why they are cheap

They explain the cost efficiency theory and why it helps creating low prices

Normal and europris. Normal takes in products from around the globe that are excess storage
products from different companies.

Oppgave 3

Sentiment analysis

Time efficiency, experience, monitoring, statistics, cost efficiency.

a) Doing things manually, smaller firm, closer to the costumer

b) Larger firm doing analysing tool
Oppgave 4

Ted talk reptilian brain

Diagnose the pain

Differentiate your claims

Demonstrate the gain

Deliver to the reptilian brain

The conflict between the different parts of the brain:

Unconscious id-Reptilian(Instinct)



Oppgave 5

Workshop 3

Oppgave 1


Credibility through family and friends, Celebrity Endorsement, halo effect, the belief of becoming an
entrepreneur and become your true self aka self-concept. They also create a family/social society
through their events.

Oppgave 2


Presuasion, he planted a word or feeling before persuading. This can be related to supriminal
messaging. They recognize it but don’t know it affects them.

Oppgave 3

Long run consumer: Annoying to separate an ad-news from regular.

Long run advertiser: the consumer create a understanding of the persuading technique over time,
creating the red queen hypothesis, making it less effective and creates a bad rep for the product.

Oppgave 4

Come back to you, how you need to turn around a situasion to sell something now. Come back to
you they never do.
Oppgave 5

Narrow down the choices, clear and strong message, lose money or get half, elimination technique.

Oppgave 6

Airline-repetitive information, behavioral script but negative because they have heard it a lot of times
causing a low involvement in the ELM, they think they know it but when in danger and disturbance
chaos, they forget it and act on instinct and not rational. They have possibly never been in the
situation before.

Cycling, act on instinct, they have been thaugt this in many other situations either car, cash line etc,
causing a permenant behavior in the behavioral script. Because of this they act normal and
instinctual, which causes no problem.

Workshop 4

Oppgave 1

Bystander effect

Oppgave 2

Roller social


Operant conditioning

Learned helplessness

Oppgave 2

Tulip Mania

Herd behaviour

Positive attitude

Status symbol

Information cascade

Oppgave 3

As explained by the schemedude, the fomo is essential here to make profit. This is built oppon
demand by the market pushing the value up for bitcoin by crowdscourcing, so that u can sell it at a
higher price. But the fomo is also pushed upon the others in the group, or the ones he advertise to.
Herd behavior of the group is also a key, creating a buble on the bit coin. Creatin Group through
networking is also key. Affiliate to earn higher rank is probably the reason behind the scheme. He
probably makes more on that.
Oppgave 4


Free marketer

No social media expenditures

High value on stock-expected growth and future income

Herd behavior

Power person-elon musk

Oppgave 4

Kina-respect-culture-respect for elders-heritage

Liverpool/UK-the city is a country-creating a family-create togetherness-toughness-certain group

Turkey-Women empowering-muslim country

Liverpool could only apply to fans of the club or a certain part of uk.

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