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The Effectiveness of Early Educational

Interventions in the Emergency Department to
Reduce Incidence or Severity of
Postconcussion Syndrome Following a
Concussion: A Systematic Review
Leeor Eliyahu, Scott Kirkland, MSc, Sandy Campbell, MLS, and
Brian H. Rowe, MD, MSc, CCFP (EM)

Objectives: Concussions or mild traumatic brain injury are a major public health concern accounting for
85% of all brain injuries. Postconcussion syndrome (PCS) has been found to affect between 15 and 25%
of patients with concussion 1 year after the initial injury. The goal of this review is to assess the
effectiveness of early educational information or interventions provided in the emergency department on
the onset and/or severity of PCS.
Methods: A comprehensive literature search strategy involving seven electronic databases was developed.
A grey literature search of Google Scholar, recent conference proceedings in emergency medicine,
bibliographies of included studies, and clinical trial registries was also performed. The citation list was
reviewed independently by two reviewers; no restrictions on publication status or language of publication
were applied. The Cochrane risk-of-bias tool and the Newcastle-Ottawa scale were used to assess quality.
Results: From 1,325 citations retrieved, four RCTs and one controlled clinical trial met inclusion criteria.
Interventions identified in these studies included: educational information sheets, with or without
telephone or in-person follow-up, and one study on bed rest. While rarely requested, one study offered
referrals and additional treatment, if needed. None of the studies were deemed to be high quality.
Heterogeneity among outcome reporting, follow-up dates and interventions used precluded a pooled
analysis. Overall, only two of the five included studies involving adult patients receiving early educational
interventions reported a significant improvement in PCS symptoms. No reduction in PCS symptoms was
found in the study on bed rest interventions.
Conclusion: Limited evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of early educational interventions
following concussion. Standardization of the interventions, outcome measures, and follow-up periods
would make quantitative comparisons more valid. Moreover, higher-quality research in the field of early
interventions for patients in the acute care setting is urgently required.
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2016;23:531–542 © 2016 by the Society for Academic Emergency

From the Department of Emergency Medicine (LE, SK, BHR), the J. W. Scott Health Sciences Library (SC), and the School of
Public Health (LE, BHR), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Received August 11, 2015; revision received December 30, 2015; accepted January 4, 2016.
Presented in part at the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) Annual Scientific Meeting, Edmonton, AB,
Canada, May 31–June 3, 2015
Ms. Eliyahu was supported by a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research (CIHR; #274555), The Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) Studentship, and the Walter H. Johns Gradu-
ate Fellowship from the University of Alberta. Mr. Kirkland is supported by the Emergency Strategic Clinical Network (Alberta
Health Services; Edmonton, AB) and the Emergency Medicine Research Group (EMeRG) at the University of Alberta. Dr. Rowe is
supported by a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Evidence-based Emergency Medicine from the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR) through the Government of Canada (Ottawa, ON).
The authors have no potential conflicts to disclose.
Supervising Editor: Christopher R. Carpenter, MD, MSc.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Brian H. Rowe; e-mail:

© 2016 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine ISSN 1069-6563 531
doi: 10.1111/acem.12924 PII ISSN 1069-6563583 531
532 Eliyahu et al. • CONCUSSION REVIEW

ild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), also Eligibility Criteria
referred to as concussion, is the most com- Randomized controlled trials (RCT), quasi-RCTs, and
mon type of brain injury presentation to the nonrandomized prospective observational studies with
emergency department (ED).1 Concussion/mTBI has comparison groups were eligible to be included. Retro-
been defined as a “complex pathophysiological process spective studies, chart reviews, or studies with no com-
affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical forces”,2 parison group were ineligible.
and 3.8 million concussions are seen annually in the
United States.3 While it is estimated that most industri- Types of Participants
alized countries share similar incidence (100–300/ Studies enrolling adult patients > 15 years presenting to
100,000), it is believed that there is significant underre- the ED or other acute care setting (urgent care or other
porting and the true number of mTBI/concussion ambulatory care facilities) diagnosed with a simple con-
(referred to as “concussion”) may be higher.4 cussion were considered for inclusion. Concussion was
Accounting for 85% of all brain injuries,1 concussion defined by each study’s criteria. Only studies in which
has been found to leave 25%–35% of patients with lin- patients presented to the ED or acute care setting
gering symptoms 3 months after injury.5 These persis- within 72 hours of injury were eligible. Studies that
tent and often disabling symptoms have been labeled enrolled pediatric and adult patients were considered,
postconcussion syndrome (PCS) by the International assuming that data on adults were available. Similarly,
Classification of Disease (Version 10; ICD-10).6 Symp- studies that enrolled patients with any severity concus-
toms vary widely and may include a variety of neuro- sion were considered, provided that a separate analysis
logic deficits encompassing the emotional, cognitive, for discharged patients was reported.
and physical spectrums.7 There is similar variation with
respect to severity and duration.8 The ICD-10 describes Interventions
PCS as including “a number of disparate symptoms Eligible interventions included written, verbal, comput-
such as headache, dizziness (usually lacking the features erized, and/or video advice from a physician or nurse;
of true vertigo), fatigue, irritability, difficulty in concen- pamphlets or information sheets on concussion; specific
trating and performing mental tasks, impairment of discharge instructions, as well as instructions to follow
memory, insomnia, and reduced tolerance to stress, up with a primary care/family physician (e.g., appoint-
emotional excitement, or alcohol.”6 PCS has been found ments made, taxi voucher, written information to clini-
to affect between 15% and 25% of mTBI victims 1 year cian). To be included in the review, the intervention/
after initial injury.9,10 educational session had to be initiated within 10 days of
Although much uncertainty exists about the etiology4 the initial visit to the ED or acute care setting. Given the
of concussion and PCS onset,4 there is little doubt that objective of this review, any studies in which the
PCS takes an emotional and physical toll on those suf- intervention involved referrals to other health care
fering from it.6–8 Despite its importance and frequency, professionals (e.g., physiotherapists) or treatment with
no clear and consistent interventions or standard man- pharmacotherapy or potential neuroprotective therapies
agement practice currently exists within the ED,11 even were excluded. Interventions using cognitive beha-
though it is often the main or only point of contact with vioural therapy and other types of psychotherapy or
the medical system for concussion patients.12 A system- neuropsychology were also excluded.
atic review from 2005 concluded that out of all treat-
ment modalities, early patient education had the Control
strongest evidence of support.13 Therefore, the objective The control groups in the included studies were defined
of this review was to identify the effectiveness of early as the comparison group not receiving the intervention
educational interventions for patients with concussion. of interest within the given study. No studies were
excluded based on the type of care the control group
received which may have included no intervention,
usual standard care, generic discharge instructions, or a
Protocol less intense treatment option compared to the study
A study protocol was developed a priori to define the intervention (“enhanced care”).
objective, outline the search strategy, establish explicit
selection criteria, determine the primary outcome, guide Outcomes
the data collection process, and define the analysis (see All patient-oriented outcomes were considered; how-
Data Supplement S1, available as supporting informa- ever, the primary outcome was the incidence of PCS
tion in the online version of this paper). This review fol- symptoms. Individual symptoms as well as symptom
lows the PRISMA statement checklist of systematic composites were evaluated. All follow-up periods were
review reporting.14 considered. Secondary outcomes included duration and/
or severity of PCS, quality-of-life assessments, reinjury,
Research Question noncompliance with advice, financial/economic burden
The research question addressed in this review was: In (i.e., days of work lost, employment), and return to ED.
patients diagnosed in the ED with a concussion, are
brief educational interventions, with or without follow- Search Strategy
up care, effective in reducing PCS compared to usual A comprehensive search strategy was developed with
care? the help of an experienced health librarian (SC). An
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • May 2016, Vol. 23, No. 5 • 533

electronic search without restrictions on language, pub- reviewers (LE, SK) using the risk-of-bias (RoB) assess-
lications status, or dates, was employed for seven data- ment tool.17 Disagreements were resolved by consensus
bases: Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, Scopus, Proquest or third-party adjudication (BHR). RoB examines the
Dissertation and Theses, SPORT Discus, and ERIC. The adequacy of sequence generation, allocation conceal-
searches encompassed the time from 1946 to August ment, blinding of participants, personnel and outcome
2014. Google translate, which has been shown to be a assessors, addressing incomplete outcomes, freedom
moderately effective translation tool for foreign- from selective reporting, and freedom from any other
language studies,15 was used to translate any foreign lan- bias.
guage articles. Further evaluation was only conducted if
translation was able to produce a legible manuscript; Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. The Newcastle-Ottawa scale
otherwise, a native speaking translator was be used to (NOS) was used to assess the quality of nonrandomized
translate. There were no restrictions based on language studies17 by two independent reviewers (LE, SK). Dis-
or publication status. A complete search strategy can be agreements were resolved by consensus or third-party
found in Data Supplement S2 (available as supporting adjudication (BHR).
information in the online version of this paper).
Searching Grey Literature
Additional sources were searched for any potential stud- Search Results
ies including clinical trial registries (Cochrane Central The systematic and grey literature search identified
Register of Controlled Trials,, and 1336 and 83 studies, respectively; a total of 1,419 unique, Google Scholar, and hand searching citations were identified. After title and abstract review,
through the most recent emergency medicine conference 40 studies were selected for full-text review. Of these, 35
abstracts from the following journals: Canadian Journal of were excluded, and the remaining five studies, involving
Emergency Medicine (2008–2014) and Academic Emer- 822 patients, were included. The reasons for exclusion
gency Medicine (2008–2014). Bibliographies from are shown in Figure 1. There was weak reviewer agree-
included studies and reviews were searched for additional ment for identifying relevant studies (k = 0.4) and
citations. included/excluded studies (k = 0.26).

Selection of Studies Study Characteristics

Two authors (LE, SK) independently reviewed titles and Table 1 provides a summary of the characteristics of the
abstracts to identify potentially relevant trials for full- included studies. All of the included studies were pub-
text review and then independently identified articles lished, peer-reviewed articles. Four of the studies were
for inclusion using predefined inclusion/exclusion crite- RCTs,18–21 while one used a cohort design.22 The studies
ria. Interobserver agreement was measured using recruited patients presenting to the ED within 6–48
kappa statistics.16 Disagreement was resolved by third- hours of injury. The most common cause of concussion
party adjudication (BHR); reasons for exclusion were across the studies included falls,18–20,22 traffic/vehicular
documented. collisions,18 horse riding,19 sports,22 and work-related
Protocol Amendments The definition of concussion varied across studies.
The initial search excluded trials where the intervention Loss of consciousness in patients was accepted in one
was applied from 10 to 30 days postinjury. We amended study20 for up to 15 minutes and in three studies for up
the protocol to include this time frame and allow a com- to 30 minutes.18,19,22 Posttraumatic amnesia following
parison between early (≤10 days) and subacute (10– injury was acceptable for up to 1 hour in two stud-
30 days) interventions. ies19,20 and up to 24 hours in two studies.18,22 One study
simply used the American College of Rehabilitation
Data Extraction and Management Medicine’s definition of mTBI.21
Data were extracted (LE) onto standardized forms with
information about patients, methods, interventions, and Description of Intervention and Control Groups
outcomes (see Data Supplement S3, available as support- A detailed description of each study’s intervention can
ing information in the online version of this paper). The be found in Table 2. Interventions were implemented
data were independently verified by a second reviewer between 1 and 10 days18,20–22 or 14–21 days following
(SK), and disagreements were resolved by consensus. ED discharge.19 The interventions varied widely. Bell
Descriptive results of the included studies were sum- et al.18 provided patients with booklets on concussion at
marized in evidence tables. Agreement was reported discharge and provided five scheduled telephone fol-
using Kappa (k) statistics. For continuous data, mean low-up calls over 12 weeks to facilitate recovery.18 Both
differences (MD) for individual studies were calculated. control and intervention groups received a patient
For dichotomous data, odds ratios (OR) are reported. instruction handout, separate from the CDC booklets.
All results are reported with 95% confidence intervals Similarly, Ponsford et al.22 provided patients with an
(CI) using a random effects model. information booklet outlining common symptoms asso-
ciated with mild head injury, likely time course, and
Quality Assessment some suggested coping strategies. The control group
Risk of Bias for RCTs. The methodologic quality of received standard ED care with no information booklet.
the included RCTs was assessed by two independent A novel approach in one study21 provided all patients
534 Eliyahu et al. • CONCUSSION REVIEW

Figure 1. PRISMA chart of search results.

with a handout at discharge and sent three daily SMSs analyses could not be assessed as planned due to a lack
(short-message service communications) where patients of reporting.
scored their symptoms. The intervention group was
sent additional educational and reassuring messages Study Quality
tailored to the symptom they reported most, while the The overall RoB was considered high for all four RCT
control group received no such messages. Another studies (Figure 2).18–21 One study18 was deemed to have
study, studied the effects of 6 days of full bed rest, fol- a low RoB in all categories except blinding, as the
lowed by a gradual tapering to normal activity versus authors failed to blind participants or personnel. The
limited bed rest.20 Finally, Matuseviciene et al.19 pro- cohort study22 was found to be of moderate quality
vided some written information about common symp- using the NOS.
toms and outcomes at ED discharge to both control and
intervention groups but provided an additional appoint- Heterogeneity
ment at 14–21 days following discharge for the inter- Clinical heterogeneity due to the variability of interven-
vention group. Recommendations for gradual return to tions used, length of follow-up, and outcome reporting
play, detailed interview, and other standard examina- precluded efforts to pool the results in a traditional
tions were provided at this time. meta-analysis. Therefore, the studies will be summa-
rized based on outcomes below.
Follow-up timing and outcome assessments varied PCS Outcomes
across the studies. Outcome measurements in three Primary Measure. Table 3 presents the PCS results
studies were performed at 2 weeks,21 3 months,19,22 and identified across the five included studies. Briefly, Bell
6 months18 after discharge. One study assessed out- et al. reported that patients receiving the intervention
comes at multiple periods of time, including 2 weeks, were overall less likely to experience posttraumatic symp-
3 months, and 6 months.20 Two studies reported PCS toms (MD = 6.6, 95% CI = 1.2 to 12.0; p = 0016). The lar-
symptoms as individual symptoms only20,22 and three ger the MD the bigger the difference between the
studies reported on composite symptoms.18–21 Individ- posttraumatic composite mean score for the intervention
ual symptoms were reported inconsistently across stud- and control groups. Suffoletto et al. failed to demonstrate
ies due to different surveys used to assess PCS (see differences in headaches (odds ratio [OR] = 0.38, 95%
Data Supplement S4, available as supporting informa- CI = 0.07 to 1.99) or concentration (OR = 0.32, 95%
tion in the online version of this paper). CI = 0.04 to 2.24).
Quality of life was reported in one study18 and gen-
eral health status was reported in two studies.18,20 Secondary Measures (Severity). In Matuseviciene
Another study21 screened subjects for the presence of et al.19 a mean score of symptoms from the Rivermead
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One study evalu- Post-Concussion Questionnaire was reported on a 5-
ated patient’s compliance with the advice provided to point scale, where 0 = symptom not experienced at all
them; however, the fidelity of the interventions was and 4 = severe symptoms. The mean score reduction
rarely reported.20 Some proposed secondary outcome between baseline and follow-up symptoms was similar
Table 1
Summary of Findings from Included Studies

Author and Country Participant Characteris- No. of Sub- Follow-up Per- Quality of
Year of Study tics jects, % male iod (s) Follow-up Proportions Methods Main Results
Bell et al. United ≥16 y old Ctl: n = 195, 1: 6 mo Ctl: 85% High RoB Values presented as mean differences
200818 States ED admission within 64% male Int: 85% (95% CI):
48 h of injury Int: n = 171, Posttraumatic symptom composite: 6.6
LOC ≤ 30 min 66% male (1.2, 12) p = 0.016.
GCS 13–15 General health composite: 15 ( 2.2, 5.2)
PTA ≤ 24 h p = 0.417.
Home phone + address Individually significant symptoms:
No hx of neurologic or Fatigue, p = 0.042; trouble sleeping,
psych disease p = 0.002; sexual difficulties, p = 0.031;
No drug or EtOH use affected function at work, p = 0.024;
No other very severe during leisure or recreation, p = 0.027;
injuries with memory and concentration,
p = 0.011; and financial independence
p = 0.010
Subgroup analysis showed:
Males in the intervention group had a
lower symptom composite than their
male counterparts in the control group,
p = 0.008.
de Kruijk et al. Netherlands >15 y old Ctl: n = 54, 3: at 2 wk, 3 Ctl: 61% High RoB 6 full days of bed rest had no “beneficial
200220 Present to ED within 6 h 52% male mo, 6 mo Int: 87% effect on the severity of posttraumatic
of injury Int: n = 53, at 6 mo complaints or on general health status
LOC < 15 min 60% male (SF-36) at 6 mo after mTBI.”
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • May 2016, Vol. 23, No. 5 •

GCS 14–15 @ ED
PTA < 1 h
Absence of focal
neurologic signs
Lack of multiple trauma
Hx of TBI, EtOH abuse,
or psych problem were
Matuseviciene Sweden 16–70 y old Ctl: n = 49, 1: at 3 mo Ct: 84% High RoB No significant differences found between
et al. 201319 Present to ED within 47% male Int: 81% the groups as a mean RPCQ value or as
24 h of injury Int: n = 48, changes in individual symptoms at
LOC < 30 min 31% male follow up. The same was found with
GCS 14–15 depression and anxiety scores as
PTA < 1 h measured by HADS.
Included patients with
intracranial pathology
without need for


Table 1 (continued)

Author and Country Participant Characteris- No. of Sub- Follow-up Per- Quality of
Year of Study tics jects, % male iod (s) Follow-up Proportions Methods Main Results
Ponsford et al. Australia ≥16 y old Ctl: n = 126 1: at 3 months Ctl: 98% Moderate RoB Those in the intervention group reported
200222 English speaker Int: n = 136 Int: 58% fewer symptoms 3 mo after injury: sleep
LOC < 30 min Note: %male **Note: This disturbances (p < 0.01), anxiety
GCS 13–15 not described rate excludes (p < 0.04), paranoia (p < 0.01), and
PTA < 24 h outliers who hostility (p < 0.01). On the global severity
Exclusion of patients completed index scale intervention group also
with focal neurologic follow-up. reported fewer symptoms with a
signs p < 0.01. They also showed lower levels
of psychological distress on the SCL
Suffoletto United ≥18 y old Ctl: n = 25; 1: at 2 weeks Ctl: 88% High RoB No significant differences were found in
et al. 201321 States Speak English 32% male Int: 78% the median RPCQ scores or the PTSD,
Met the American Int: n = 18; anxiety, and depression screens between
College of 61% male the groups at 14-d f/u.
Rehabilitation Medicine Intervention participants had similar odds
definition of mTBI of headaches (OR = 0.38, 95% CI = 0.07–
No major confounding 1.99), concentration difficulty (OR = 0.32,
issues 95% CI = 0.04–2.24), and irritability
Has a cell phone with (OR = 0.33, 95% CI = 0.05–2.35).
SMS capability

Hx = history; PTA = posttraumatic amnesia; LOC = loss of consciousness; TBI = traumatic brain injury; GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; Int = intervention; Ctl = Control; RoB = Risk
of Bias; EtOH = alcohol; SCL-90-R = Symptom Checklist-90 revised; SMS = short message service; RPCQ = Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptom Questionnaire; OR = odds
Eliyahu et al. • CONCUSSION REVIEW
Table 2
Interventions Used by Included Studies

Intervention Components
Timing of ED Presenta-
tion Postinjury/First Con- Scheduled Telephone or Additional
Study Control Group tact Information Booklet SMS Follow-up(s) Bed Rest Treatment
Bell et al. Usual ED standard of Within 48 h of injury; Instruction handout + Scheduled telephone N/A N/A
200818 care—with patient first telephone follow- CDC booklet on mTBI contacts over first 3 mo
instruction handout. up at 2 d after provided at ED after injury to facilitate
discharge. discharge. symptom recovery.
Scheduled for 2 d and 2, 4,
8, and 12 wk postinjury.
de Kruijk et al. No bed rest; mobile Within 6 h of injury— N/A N/A Full bed rest during first N/A
200220 from the first day after intervention 6 days (12 h/d)
trauma with at most implemented the day postinjury and then
4 h of bed rest on day after injury. taper method on day 7,
1, 3 h on day 2, 2 h on as seen in control
day 3, and 1 h on day group.
Matuseviciene Treatment as usual Within 24 h of injury— Written info at ED N/A N/A Identified problems
et al. 201319 including some written intervention discharge about mTBI, related to mTBI or
info about common implemented within 14– common symptoms, comorbidities were
symptoms and 21 d. and outcomes. At the provided as needed
outcomes at ED later appointment (n = 4).
discharge. recommendations for
gradual return to play,
detailed interview, and
other standard exams
were performed.
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • May 2016, Vol. 23, No. 5 •

Ponsford et al. Standard ED treatment Within 48 h of injury— Information booklet N/A N/A N/A
200222 with no information intervention outlining common
booklet. implemented within 5–7 symptoms associated
d with mTBI; likely time
course; suggested
coping strategies.
Suffoletto Patient instruction Within 24 h of injury. Patient instruction Patients received three daily N/A Outpatient referral if
et al. 201321 handout and outpatient Intervention handout. SMS messages asking prescribed.
referral if prescribed. implemented the day them to score their
Received three daily after discharge. symptoms. If responses
SMS messages asking indicated symptoms, a
them to score their follow-up message was
symptoms. sent designed to provide
education, reassurance,
and management guidance
(one message for mild and
two for severe symptoms).

mTBI = mild traumatic brain injury; N/A = not applicable; SMS = short- message service; CDC = Center for Disease Control; ED = emergency department.
538 Eliyahu et al. • CONCUSSION REVIEW

High Low Unclear










Figure 2. Risk of bias assessments for the four randomized controlled trials included.

in the treatment and control groups (0.54 vs. 0.34) and DISCUSSION
was not considered clinically important.
The goal of this review was to provide ED clinicians
Secondary Outcomes with an up-to-date synthesis of evidence of the effective-
Quality of Life. Two studies reported on general health ness of advice and simple “at-home” (including brief fol-
indicators.18,20 While Bell et al. reported that patients low-up with a case manager) interventions that the
receiving the intervention were less likely to report an majority of patients seen in an ED could employ. Using
altered ability to work (MD = 11, 95% CI = 1 to 20), a comprehensive search and high quality methods, this
reduced function in leisure or recreational activities review identified five studies that involved early inter-
(MD = 10, 95% CI = 1 to 18), altered functioning in mem- ventions to treat concussions in the ED. Even with a
ory and concentration (MD = 12, 95% CI = 3 to 21), and focused research question, comprehensive search, and
reduced financial independence (MD = 9, 95% CI = 2 to efforts to avoid publication and selection bias, outcomes
16), general health composite scores were similar to con- were too heterogeneous to pool. Overall, the evidence
trols (DoM = 1.5, 95% CI = 2.2 to 5.2).17 Values above or in this review is limited and the studies are generally of
below 1 and not including 0 are considered statistically low quality.
significant. Ponsford et al. reported statistically signifi- Only two of the five included studies reported a sig-
cant higher general health composite scores in the nonin- nificant improvement in PCS symptoms. Using a booklet
tervention group (p < 0.001).19 de Kruijk et al. assessed and telephone follow-up, researchers reduced the com-
general health indicators from the overarching categories posite score for the PCS symptoms compared to a stan-
present on the Short Form-36 questionnaire; however, no dard care group.18 Another study found that
significant differences between groups were found.21 information booklet alone achieved some statistically
significant reductions in some individual PCS symp-
Mental Health Outcomes. Bell et al. reported that toms.22 On the other hand, one study failed to identify
patients receiving the intervention were less likely to feel any significant change in PCS symptoms among
fatigue (MD = 11, 95% CI = 0.4 to 21), difficulty sleeping patients receiving an information booklet coupled with
(MD = 17, 95% CI = 6 to 26), and sexual difficulties daily educational information and reassurance delivered
(MD = 6, 95% CI = 1 to 10).17 Ponsford et al. reported a by text messaging follow-up.21 In addition, written
statistically significant reduction in anxiety (p < 0.04), dif- information and follow-up was insufficient to produce
ficulty sleeping (p < 0.01), paranoia, (p < 0.01), and hostil- significant differences in PCS symptoms from control
ity (p < 0.01) in those receiving the intervention.21 patients.19 Finally, advising concussion patients to
Proportions of patients with anxiety and depression were remain in bed for 6 days following injury20 failed to
found to be similar among intervention and control improve outcomes.
patients in the study by Matuseviciene et al.19 Finally, no Previous systematic reviews on interventions for con-
statistically significant differences were seen in depres- cussion have assessed the efficiency of all nonsurgical
sion, anxiety, PTSD, or pain medication use in the study interventions, including cognitive and physiotherapy
by Suffoletto et al.21 and pharmacologic interventions (summarized in Data
Supplement S5, available as supporting information in
Subgroup Analysis the online version of this paper).13,23,24 In contrast, the
The influence of age, sex, and race on concussion out- aim of this review was to assess whether early educa-
comes could not be fully examined due to incomplete tional interventions improved outcomes for patients
outcome reporting. presenting to the ED with mTBI or concussion shortly
Table 3
Individual PCS Symptoms That Were Consistently Measured Across All Five Included Studies

Symptom Headache Dizziness Trouble Concentrating Difficulty Sleeping Memory Difficulty

Bell et al.18 5 7 6 17 7
Difference in percentage points at (95% CI = 5 to 16) (95% CI = 1 to 15) (95% CI = 3 to 16) (95% CI = 6 to 26) (95% CI = 3 to 17)
6-mo F/U p = 0.301 p = 0.088 p = 0.195 p = 0.002* p = 0.156
de Kruijk et al.20 1.51 1.38 0.75 1.02 0.91
Reported as the log (95% CI = 0.66 to 2.37) (95% CI = 0.72 to (95% CI = 0.35 to 1.55) (95% CI = 0.50 to (95% CI = 0.42 to
transformation of exponential b 2.63) 2.07) 1.88)
coefficient at 3-mo F/U
Matuseviciene et al.19 Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U:
4-point scale (0–3) comparisons Int: 1.51 Int: 0.48 Int: 1.24 Int: 0.53 Int: 1.20 Int: 0.73 Int: 0.89 Int: 0.66 Int: 1.32 Int: 0.71
between end points only at 3-mo Ctl: 1.55 Ctl: 0.63 Ctl: 1.05 Ctl: 0.54 Ctl: 1.12 Ctl: 0.38 Ctl: 0.74 Ctl: 0.48 Ctl: 0.89 Ctl: 0.44
F/U (no reported variance
Ponsford et al.22 Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U: Baseline: F/U:
5-point scale (1–5); comparisons N/A Int: 2.04 N/A Int: 1.48 N/A Int: 1.96 N/A Int: 1.72 N/A Int: 1.79
between end points only at 3-mo Ctl: 2.37 Ctl: 1.56 Ctl: 2.09 Ctl: 2.21 Ctl: 1.97
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • May 2016, Vol. 23, No. 5 •

F/U (no reported variance p < 0.01*

Suffoletto et al.21 Baseline: F/U: N/A Baseline: F/U: N/A N/A
Symptoms reported as mean (SD) N/A Int: 0.99 (0.98) N/A Int: 0.88 (0.93)
at day 14 F/U Ctl: 1.19 (0.89) Ctl: 1.23 (1.1)
p = 0.5 p = 0.2

N/A = no values reported; Int = intervention group; Ctl = control group; F/U = follow-up.
540 Eliyahu et al. • CONCUSSION REVIEW

after injury. The previous reviews did not attempt to be considered to have received “enhanced care” (in-
identify studies focusing on early presentations to the formation/handouts). The only study to compare
ED, even though most patients recover from symptoms information to no care failed to detect a difference in
within 1–2 weeks following injury.11,25 outcomes, reflecting the need to further explore the
While previous reviews on the topic have suggested a effectiveness of the components of current informa-
possible benefit of early educational interventions to tion handouts.
patients with concussion,23,24 these findings, however,
have been disputed. A study by Al Sayegh et al.4 claimed
that these benefits may be overstated, while another CONCLUSION
review focused its discussion on the lack of quality There is insufficient high-quality evidence to provide
research in the literature.26 To determine whether the clear recommendations about early interventions
perceived health benefit of educational interventions is designed to decrease the severity of postconcussion
valid, this review narrowed that search to only those syndrom following a concussion. Despite the multiple
interventions identified as “early.” Our current review comparisons reported in the included studies, signifi-
has shown that although meta-analysis was not feasible, cant results in favor of the interventions were infre-
three of the five studies found early educational/advice quent. None of the interventions appeared to influence
interventions reduced the frequency of either composite the primary outcomes of the systematic review. Given
or individual PCS in adults. Few comparative effective- this limited evidence regarding the effectiveness of early
ness studies were identified, and the relative effective- interventions including written information, with or
ness of the individual interventions is unclear at this without reminders to reduce postconcussion symp-
time. toms,18,22 the comparative effectiveness of different
There are widespread variability and inconsistencies strategies is unknown. Research is urgently needed on
among definitions,27,28 guidelines and outcome mea- the value of information booklets and/or teaching of
sures/reporting in the literature. Considerable ambigu- coping strategies to patients with concussion presenting
ity in the literature exists when describing the time to acute care settings in order to inform evidence-based
frame for concussion symptoms and when these guidelines and improve outcomes.
become PCS. Some studies enrolled patients and
started the intervention within days to a week of the This review was unfunded. The authors thank Drs. Jennie Pons-
injury,18–20,22,29–31 while others enrolled patients pre- ford, Giedre Matuseviciene, and Derick Wade for responding to
senting within a few weeks of the injury occurring.32–39 requests for additional information.
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542 Eliyahu et al. • CONCUSSION REVIEW

moderate head injury. Scand J Trauma Resusc Data Supplement S2. Comparison between recent
Emerg Med 2010;18:10. systematic reviews on concussion literature.
Data Supplement S3. Data extraction form.
Data Supplement S4. Variation in questionnaires
Supporting Information
used in included studies.
The following supporting information is available in the Data Supplement S5. Comparison between recent
online version of this paper: systematic reviews on concussion literature.
Data Supplement S1. Protocol for a systematic

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