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The elevator

A boy and his (z) father (sopro) visiting the big city from a small town were at a
mall. They (s.) were amaz(e)d by almost everything (m.) they (s.) saw, but especially
by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and back together (s.) again. The boy
ask(e)d his father (s.): “- What is that father (s.)?”. The father replied: “- Son, I have
never seen anything (m.) like this in my life. I don´t know what it is!”
While the boy and his father (s.) were watching wide-eyed, a very old lady in a
weelchair roll(e)d up to the moving walls and pressed(t) a button. The walls open(e)d
and the lady roll(e)d between them (s.) into a small room. The walls clos(e)d and the
boy and his father (s.) watch(e)d small circles of lights with numbers above the walls
light up: 1... 2... 3 ... 4 .... 5 ... They continu(e)d to watch the circles light up in the
reverse direction: 5... 4 ... 3... 2 ... 1... The walls open(e)d up and a beautiful young
woman stepped (t) out. When he saw this, the father shoute (i)d to his son: “Go get
your mother!”

1. What is the title of the text?

The title of the text is the elevator.
2. What is the text about?
The text is about a boy and his father that go to a shopping mall.
3. Where were the characters in the text?
The characters in the text were in a shopping mall.
4. What were they amazed by?
They were amazed by the elevator.
5. What do the numbers in the text refer to?
The numbers in the text refer to the floors the elevator reaches as it goes up or as it
goes down.
6. Was the person that entered the elevator the same one who got out of it? Explain!
No, they are diferente people. The person who entered the elevator was an old lady
in a wheelchair and the one who get out of it was a beautiful young woman.

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