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IN Nurse: R= Rosanna) 1: Here's your room, Rosanna, How are you feeling now? Re Notso bad, just a bit tired, IN: Doyou want vo sit down and Pl show you where to put ‘your things, Reve got a bax and two or three books. IN: Wel, you can put your books on the shel and your bag Inthe locker nest to your bed. The buzzer is next to the Hight if you need my help, Re Sony, where's thal? Idlon’t see it NN: Just here, above the chair, Re OK Istheroa TV? IN: Yos, it's just here, at to the window: Re Ah great, my husband can watch he tennis final whem hee comes te see me. IN: Wel. for the TV you do need to buy a card from the itt shop. R: Where's that, then? IN: Onthe ground floor, between the pharmacy ante waiting area. Re Oh, OK. N: Do you have any valuables? Re Novno, just my watch, Oh, {have a mobile phone, Can keep it with me? Ne Yes. You cam put it in the drawer, just here above the locker, but you need to keep it switched off. The public phone is down the hall, on the let after the lit, Unit 2 Pain IN = Nurse; J = James] 11 N: So, where do you feet the pain, James? My stomach, my chest. I's a really sharp pain that ‘comes suddenly and is very strong. N: OK... Can you point to where it hurts? J: Yeahs its here I see, 50 just there between your chest and your ‘stomach. It sounds like Indigestion, but let's. IN- Nurse; G - Godtrey] 2 N: So, Godirey. Can you tell me how you're feeling? G:_ Tmstill getting these headaches and they're getting worse and worse. Ne And where does it het? G: Here atthe front. N: Where exactly? G:_ On the right side, just above my ove. [As Alma; N = Nurse] 3A: Nurse Kennedy? N: Yes? A: min real pain, mn sorry. N; Where do you feel the pain, the same place? AX Yeah, the back of my hip, the left one and then it shoots down my leg. I's really painful Mr Tuer] 1 T: Istill havea headache. I's like a drum, areal throbbing pain [As Abdul] 2 A: There's a dull ache in my lower back It's quite a mild pain, but sometime ‘electric shock. ‘ean fee a shooting pain, like an Shazie| | get this burning feeling to oF three hours after food and sometimes it’s very sore. Scmetimes it's very uncomfortable ~ quite a moderate pain — but other times i's only a bit more than uncomfortable, ‘urse; C ~ Mre Chen} So the patn in your hands, Mrs Chen, what does it Tee lke? Ce It’s akin of tingling feeling like pins and needles. | get Lin my feet as well, but it's better than last week. [N= Nurse; K = Karin) 5 Ni Karin, tell me, are you in pain at the moment? K: Yes, fam. I's here in my chest Can you deseribe 1? Yes, I'sa stabbing pain, lke a knife k's a severe pain. It really hurts alot is a 8 22 N: Hello Dina, Come in and have a seat. And how’s the little one today? Dr Ah, she's teething, so she screams alot, 'm afraid. N: Don't worry, it won't take long. Ijust want to ask you 2 few questions. I that OK? Di Yes of course. She's sleoping now anyway. N: So, where does it hurt? De In my lower back. I's really painful sometimes, N: Where exactly? Di Here, ust below my waist, it goes right across my back, like that. IN: Right, And can you deseribe the pain? De Yes, there's a dull ache and sometimes I feel a shooting pain lke an electric shock N: When didit start? D: On Thursday. 1X: Thursday and today tt’, err when do you fee! the pain most? De Erm, Idon’t know. X: All the time, at night, in the morning? D x > N Monday, OK. Tell me, % Often in the evenings. ‘see. How long does it last, this pain? One oF two hours. One or two hours. right, Desoto nado ake my dager 'o ee eeu ci acme Sering ela nr ne Frans ona coy bryos Be Imac gta coon sometines mee Ertelme howe pnt he manent? Sik faweae Coots fod. Tha Pl Sealant yout te eat une rae IN - Nurse; D - Dina], Le a SE 9 ZVERERE 2 She's tne, thanks. (0K, 80 does the pal ‘Yeah like I said, lalso get this shooting or electric pain that gocs down my le. Right. The doctor wil ask you more about that, later: Tell me, what makes the pain worse? Weil, I suppose wher | it heavy objects. have to be ‘careful or it starts up again. The same when I earry my Iitele r,t starts to hurt again And what makes 1 better? II He dows or take a shower—the heat seems to ease it alice. IN; That's good. Do you have aay other problems as a result of the pain? 9 7 SRS Dr [don't sleep very well and then with the baby. [just get so tired. N: What about your appetite? How's that? Ds prepare the lids f000, but don’t get tine to really eat properly mysell.As Tsald, my husband Is away a lol and ‘when he's here | tend to ge: very angry with him when i in pal 4 Hello Me Wright. Come in and have a seat 2 Hollo Arthur. Come in and have a seat 3. Good alternoon, Denny: How ean help you 4 Good alternoon, Mr Piper. How can Lhelp you? Hello, Mr Weight. Come in and have a seat ‘Good alternoon, Mr Piper. How can Ihelp you? [A= Angle; € = Carlos] ‘A: What do you think? | don’t lke tang painkillers unless they're really necessary. ‘Yes but ginger? Ive never heard of using ginger for paln rellef. [thought it was for colds and stomach ache. No, you can also use it as an antiinflammatory. Herb therapy has been around for thousands of years, Irs one ‘of the oldest medical treatments ever used. Ginger is great for aching muscles and some ofits characteristics are similar to prescription drugs, Really? Sore, Anyway, [think W's better to take herbal theraples than chemicals, dor't you" Ie depends what Its, ‘You sulfer from back pain, don’t you? What do you take? Itried hypnotherapy once and hydrotherapy. Hy-whar? Hydrotherapy —1t means therapies usiog water ~ swimming, for example, Swimming increases circulation and relaxes the muscles. I's one of the best forms of Tow-impact exercise, expecially fer back pain Swimming is my one of my favourite sports. It sounds like a good idea and it’s cheap. Truc. But for me, the best way to relieve back pain Is chiropractic therapy. mot so sure. What happens exactly? Acchiropractor cracks your back to put the bones of your spine back in ine. Then gives you adivice on exercise and dict ‘Argh no thanks. It sounds more palnful than the backache. Alot of these therapies are more effective lor acute pain than for chronie pai. What about musie therapy? That sounds much more relaxing ‘Are you Joking? z pkaEe xP De Qe OF Unit 3 Vital signs =i IN - Nuree;P = Patlont] +N: Can you stand here while measure you please. OK, that’s one metre, sity. Thanks, you can step down now. 2X: How much do you usually weigh, Martin? Pr Around seventy-two kilos, Thin, How tall are you now, Laurie? PCa one metre, erty four centhmettes P:_ Eve put on a few kilos lately. N: Well let's take a look. OK . you're at elghty-nine point five kilos at the moment, Joan. 5 Ns Can you put baby Mathew on the seales please, Kell? Thanks, that’s great. Let's see. He now weighs twenty:-tve potnt two five kios, He's oing OK N: Now let's see how much you've groven since last time. OK = one metre, orly. You've grown over two centimetres! N= Nurse: P= Patient) 1 N: Can you empty your bladder Best? ‘went to the toilet afew minutes ago. ‘OK Can you tell ne, how tal are you? Six foot two. ‘And, whats your height iu metres? Oh, Hm not sure, sorry. I never remember, Let's check om the seale here. That's one metee cighty-cight. Can you just stand on the seales for me ‘please? OK... yes, that's shatyfve kilos Sorry Pr. not used to kilos, Sixtyfve Klos, That's just over ten stone. Ten stone Is that all? You sound a title surprised. How much do you weigh normally? [East time 1eame, Weighed about eleven stove. Can you sive me your height and weight please? (Un, my height ~ Fm around one metre gh, 1 think (OK thas about average and how much do you weigh? huncred and eighty-five pounds -'m sorry hot used to kilos Titook atthe chart. Yes, that's eignty kos. 3X So,you're..cme point seventy-five metres tall Let Ie lust note that on your Admission card. OK: Ant ‘an you just step onto the scales now. please. Yes and ol ninety-two Klos. Thank you. 4-N: So, litle Jamie s now eighty-six centimetres and let's see hiow uch he weighs. That's twelve pont eight falos. Very good. 4) Acigital blood pressure mo patient's blood pressure. 2. Athermometer is used 10 measure a patient's body temperature 3 A pulse oximetr is used to measure how much oxygen there is ina patients's blood ~ the oxygen saturation. 4 Astethoscopeis used by a nurse to listen to heart sounds 5 _Asphygmomanometer is used to measure a patient's blood pressure. IN» Nurse; CN = Charge Nurse] 1 CX: Lean find Mr Jamieson’s Obs Chart Tis Tsim dhe ward. go and get it CN: Thanks. Got if? want to check his Obs forthe 22282F 3 ZRZS 2UzE or is used to measure @

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