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Lauren sighed to herself as she transferred a few assorted

items from her backpack into her newly assigned locker. It
seemed like only yesterday that she was finishing her
sophomore year of high school and eagerly anticipating the
summer break. Now, weeks later, Lauren found herself back
in the same, bustling and chaotic hallway which she’d first
been acquainted with two years previously, preparing herself
for what would inevitably be a return to another year of
monotonous routine. It wasn’t that Lauren didn’t like school,
because, in actuality, she did. Lauren loved to learn and
prided herself on being a straight A student. She enjoyed the
crisp and unsoiled feel of a new book in her hands, whether
it was the fictional work of an undiscovered author or newly
assigned history textbook. She reveled in the challenge of
trying to solve complex math problems, liked learning about
the physiological foundations of the human form, losing
herself in the lives and struggles of those who had lived
before her. Knowledge is power, or so Lauren had often
heard and she couldn’t deny the sense of achievement that
she felt when she could apply something that she’d learnt to
a situation in her own life, even if it was only to ensure that
she consumed the recommended amount of water a day to
ensure that her kidneys didn’t go into failure. It wasn’t the
routine of school that Lauren dreaded, because actually, she
thought it would be quite nice to once again have some
structure to her day. Instead, it was the
tedious and mundane practice of everyone returning to their
assumed high school clichés and roles which Lauren
couldn’t stand. Lauren wouldn’t have ever described herself
as popular but at the same time she wasn’t ever treated like
a misfit by the rest of the student population. Lauren just kind
of existed in high school, suspended somewhere between
the social elite and the socially unacceptable. Lauren felt just
as comfortable having conversations with the few friends
that she had on the cheerleading squad as she did with
those in the school band or show choir. Perhaps that‘s why
she never liked the customary segregation which inevitably
came with the start of the school year, because for her part,
Lauren didn’t fit into the stereotypical cliques which every
coming of age movie liked to portray on screen. She was
happy with the person that her parents had raised her to be,
someone who wasn’t judgemental, who was tolerant and
openminded. Lauren didn’t pick her friends based on what
they could do for her social standing; she chose them
because of how they could enrich her own life, because of
their experiences, their intellect, their talent and their
kindness. If there was one thing which Lauren hated about
the tediousness of high school, it was the ignorance and
cruelty of some of those who attended it. Lauren sighed to
herself once again, closing her locker door firmly and almost
finding herself flattened against it by the weight of someone
pouncing on her shoulders, a small shriek of excitement
erupting from their mouths as they did so. Lauren
smiled to herself as she felt the weight evaporate almost as
soon as it had appeared and turned around to face the
unannounced intruder. “Hey!” Normani greeted animatedly,
pulling Lauren into what could only be described as an
allencompassing bear hug. “I’ve missed you this summer!”
“Manibear...” Lauren just about managed to vocalise, her
voice almost lost with the inability to draw oxygen into her
lungs due to Normani’s python like grip. Realising she was
nigh on crushing her best friend, Normani released her hold
on Lauren and smiled at her apologetically. “Sorry,” she
said, reaching for Lauren’s hand and tugging on it gently so
that it was linked with her own. “I guess I got a little bit
carried away after not seeing you for the last seven weeks.”
Lauren laughed, bumping Normani slightly with her hip as
they started to make their way down the crowded hallway
together. “It’s not like I completely abandoned you.” Lauren
protested. “We spoke on Skype at least once a week and we
text every day. You make it sound like I was away in the
Arctic with no available form of communication for the
entirety of my absence.” “Softball camp, the arctic....they
might as well be the same thing.” Normani sighed
dramatically. “Either way, my summer vacation was
seriously lacking in quality time with you so sue me for being
enthusiastic about our reunion. It’s only because I missed
you.” “I missed you too Manibear,” Lauren reciprocated
bumping Normani playfully with her shoulder before pulling
her back into her side via their entwined hands. “Well, at
least you had Ally to
keep you company in my absence.” Lauren reminded the
other girl as they continued down the hallway. “Where is she
anyway? Ithought she’d be with you.” “She said she’d meet
us here,” Normani informed Lauren. “She’s coming in with
Troy this morning.” She finished raising her eyebrow
suggestively. “Oh really?” Lauren asked, intrigued. “Tell me
more.” “Well,” Normani started, dropping her voice and
leaning closer to Lauren to prevent unwanted
eavesdroppers overhearing their conversation. “Let’s just
say that they got very serious over the summer.”
“Interesting...How serious are we talking?” Lauren asked
dropping her voice to the same level as Normani’s in search
of clarification. “Very,” Normani said. “I’m surprised that she
didn’t tell you.” “She’s been visiting family in Texas the last
couple of weeks and I’ve been busy catching up with family
since I’ve been back” Lauren shrugged indifferently. “We
haven’t had a chance to catch up properly yet. I’m sure
she’ll fill me in when I see her.” “Speaking of seeing her,”
Normani said pointing towards Ally, her short height almost
hiding her view behind the throng of students passing by.
She was standing, her back towards them whilst she talked
to her boyfriend Troy in front of a row of orange lockers
against the wall to their left. Lauren and Normani
approached the pair of them, dodging their way around both
moving and static obstacles in their path. “Hey girls,” Troy
greeted, smiling brightly when Normani and Lauren reached
them. “Hi,” they replied in unison, Lauren offering a small
wave with her free hand. “I’ll see
you at lunch?” He asked Ally, leaning down to plant a chaste
kiss on her lips. She nodded shyly in response. “See you
both later,” he said turning his attention back towards Lauren
and Normani before heading off in search of his friends,
pausing only momentarily to glance back at Ally and smile.
“Ugh,” Normani groaned jokingly. “You two are so adorable it
actually physically pains me to be around you sometimes.”
“Oh stop it,” Ally chastised, hitting Normani playfully on the
arm. “You and Arin aren’t much better.” “At least we have the
decency to keep our PDA out of the school hallway,”
Normani informed her teasingly before releasing Lauren’s
hand and reaching forward to pull the shorter girl into a warm
hug. “I’ll be sure to remind you of that the next time I have to
watch you two making out in the lunch room.” Ally said as
the two of them separated and she turned her attention to
Lauren. “Hey Lo,” Ally greeted Lauren as the two of them
embraced one another. “Allycat,” Lauren replied squeezing
Ally firmly in her arms before releasing her and leaning her
back against the locker behind her. “How was Texas?” “Nah
uh,” Ally said, resting her right shoulder against the locker to
her side as she faced Lauren. “I want to hear all about
Softball camp, more specifically, this girl that you kept
mentioning at every available opportunity. Texas can wait.”
“There’s nothing to tell really,” Lauren said smirking. “You
could have fooled us,” Normani replied huddling closer to
Ally. “I swear, every text message I received from you
mentioned Clare.” “Same,” Ally agreed nodding her
head. “So what’s the deal? Do you two still keep in touch?
Are you still seeing each other?” “No,” Lauren replied a small
smile creeping on to her lips at the memory of the girl she’d
met at camp. “It was just a summer fling. That’s all.”
“Shame,” Normani stated matter of factly. “It’s about time
you finally found someone to stop you from being the fifth
wheel on our dates.” “Ugh, thanks for that Mani,” Lauren said
feigning hurt. “I didn’t realise I was the awkward fifth wheel.”
“You know what I mean Lo,” Normani replied waving off her
previous statement. “You never date anyone at school...”
“Maybe that’s because there are surprisingly few out and
proud lesbians here besides myself,” Lauren objected. “What
about that girl you went out with towards the end of school
last year....what was her name?” Normani questioned.
“Rachel?” Lauren asked. “Yeah, that’s the one.” Normani
confirmed. “She was cute.” “She was also completely in the
closet,” Lauren informed her friends. “I don’t want to hide
who I am. You know that.” “Yeah we know,” Normani said
reaching for Lauren’s hand and squeezing it reassuringly.
“It’s just you deserve to have someone that makes you
happy and....” Normani’s words were interrupted by the
sound of books being scattered across the floor behind her
and she jumped reflexively at the sudden noise. “Shit!”
someone cursed loudly causing Lauren and the other two
girls to look in the direction it had originated from. From her
position further along the hallway Lauren noted the back of a
small brunette girl that she didn’t
recognise bending down to pick up the offending items and
failing miserably at the task. “Wow,” Ally said in surprise. “I
didn’t expect to see her back at school today.” “Who?”
Lauren asked watching the brunette finally manage to get
one of the notebooks she’d dropped back into her hands
whilst trying to avoid being trodden on by the oblivious
students that walked by, completely ignoring her difficulties.
“Camila,” Ally told her. “Cabello?” Normani asked
astonished, studying the girl closer from her vantage point.
“Yeah,” Ally replied turning back to face Lauren who was
examining the girl as she scrambled to pick up another of
her notebooks trying to put a face to the name. “Isn’t she the
girl that lives down your street?” Lauren asked trying to
recollect an image of the girl. “Your families go to church
together right?” “Yeah,” Ally confirmed. “I don’t get it,”
Lauren said confused. “Why is it such a surprise that she’s
back at school?” “Are you serious?” Normani asked amazed.
“Didn’t you hear what happened to her?” “No,” Lauren
replied. “What?” “She almost died this summer,” Ally told
Lauren. “I thought I’d told you about it when we spoke on
Skype? I guess not.” “What?” Lauren said glancing back at
the girl who was still struggling with her books. “Are you sure
it was her? She looks fine.” “Positive.” Ally informed her. “It
was in all the local papers and our church would light
candles and pray for her.” “Why what happened to her?”
Lauren asked still not believing Ally’s story. Follow “I can’t
believe you haven’t heard,” Normani stated. “Everyone was
talking about it. I’m surprised
your parents didn’t fill you in when you got back from camp.”
“Yeah,” Ally agreed. “It was all my parents could talk about
for weeks.” Ally paused a moment to cast a quick look over
her shoulder at Camila who had finally managed to pick up
her books, only to drop them once again as someone tried to
rush past her and knocked them from her hands. The girl
groaned in frustration, throwing her back onto the floor at the
foot of her locker and bending down once again to retrieve
them. “She was hit by a car whilst crossing the road at the
beginning of the summer,” Ally continued, turning her
attention back to Lauren who was still watching Camila with
interest. “Apparently, the car didn’t even stop. It just went
straight through a red light and ran her down as she made
her way over the crossing.” “I go to dance class with her
friend Dinah,” Normani went on. “She was literally
devastated after it happened. Apparently, Camila was in a
coma for three weeks after the accident and the doctors had
told her parents to prepare for the worst. Dinah was
distraught. She said the doctors had said it was a miracle
that Camila had even woken up at all.” “My parents told me
that they’d spoken to her parents at church and that the
doctors had said that if it hadn’t have been for the
bystanders who called the ambulance straight away she
would have died,” Ally confirmed. “She was in hospital for
weeks. I think she was only released home last Monday.”
“She looks alright now though,” Lauren said numbly glancing
back at the girl who had now retrieved her notebooks and
was trying to open her locker.
“Dinah told me that she suffered a massive head injury
though,” Normani confided with Lauren. “She had to have
brain surgery and everything.” “It’s true,” Ally supported.
“She had a massive bleed in her brain or something and
they had to remove it.” “I don’t remember seeing her around
last year.” Lauren admitted. “Has she always attended
here?” “Yeah,” Normani said, “she’s kind of shy though. I
think Dinah is one of her only friends. They’ve known each
other since they were born. I think their parents were friends
in high school or something.” “She’s actually really nice,” Ally
supplied. “I had a couple of classes with her last year. She
used to help me out with some of my AP math work.” They
all turned in the girls direction once again as they heard the
sound of books colliding with the floor and discovered that
Camila had managed to open her locker, only to lose her
grip on the troublesome stationery. Camila cursed aloud and
bent down to reclaim the books once again from the floor
before her. Lauren noted that one of them had found its way
into the middle of the hallway just as it collided with an
oncoming student’s foot and was kicked unintentionally in
their direction. The notebook slid unimpeded until it collided
with Normani’s foot and Lauren bent down to pick it up, the
other girls watching intently. The notebook was thick and the
pages crumpled around the edges from being used
repetitively. Lauren couldn’t help but flick the pages open out
of habit and her eyes fell on the work within where she
paused. “What is that?” Normani asked glancing over the
page as
Lauren held the book in front of her. “Writing,” Lauren said
sighing guiltily, realising that she’d unintentionally invaded
Camila’s privacy. “I can’t even read it,” Normani said
squinting. “That’s not Camila’s writing,” Ally said after
catching a quick glance of the work as Lauren hastily closed
the book. “Her handwriting was really neat. I remember it
from some of the math work she showed me. That writing is
barely legible.” “Well,” Lauren said sadly. “This is her writing
now.” “Oh,” Ally said, realisation dawning on her. “You
mean...” “I think this is an exercise book,” Lauren admitted
as she stepped around Normani and started to make her
way towards Camila who knelt on the floor surveying it in
search of her last missing book, the others now safely
stashed in her locker. Normani and Ally watched as Lauren
approached the brunette and tapped her gently on the left
shoulder. “Hey,” Lauren greeted as Camila turned to face
her, “I think you...” Lauren’s words caught in her throat as
Camila lifted her face to look at who was addressing her.
The first thing Lauren noticed was the other girl’s eyes.
Deep, dark pools of chocolate brown which she was in the
very real danger of drowning in as Camila stood up to her full
height. “Uhh....” Lauren tried to finish her thought, the
notebook held out between the two of them. “Thanks,”
Camila said gratefully as she glanced down at the item in
Lauren’s hands and took it back in her own. The loss of eye
contact, allowed Lauren the opportunity to recover her wits.
Camila scrutinised the book in her hands, flicking through
pages as though she didn’t recognise it and Lauren used
this time to examine the other girls’ features properly. It was
only from this distance that Lauren could see the marks of
Camila’s accident and accept the truth of Ally and Normani’s
words. The left side of Camila’s head was shaved close to
her skull, a thick, pink, circular scar protruding from her
scalp where’d she obviously had surgery. From a distance, a
long layer of hair had hidden it from view but up close, what
was effectively an undercut did little to disguise the obvious
trauma Camila had undergone. Camila lifted her gaze to
look at Lauren once again, closing the notebook in her
hands as she did so. Lauren finally saw the other girls face
properly for the first time and despite the obvious scar which
extended from her forehead and across her left eyebrow,
she couldn’t help but find Camila stunning. Lauren wondered
how she’d never paid any attention to the other girl over the
past two years together at school, not when she was
standing here now, lost for words and for the first time in her
life, completely paralysed but the butterflies she felt erupting
in her stomach. Lauren caught herself staring at Camila and
quickly glanced back towards the notebook between them,
her eyes sweeping over Camila’s delicate fingers and taking
in the stiff wrist splint which covered her left hand. Camila,
obviously following Lauren’s gaze, pulled at the sleeve of
her sweater subconsciously in an attempt to cover her hand.
“I’m sorry,” Lauren apologised, sensing the other girls
discomfort. “That’s ok,” Camila replied, turning to place the
notebook in her
locker. “I’m getting used to it.” “No, it was rude of me to
stare,” Lauren reiterated, watching as Camila closed her
locker. “Well...” Was all Camila responded, her voice trailing
off as though her thoughts were lost midsentence. Camila
picked her bag up from the floor and put it over her shoulder
before making a move to leave. Lauren stopped her,
reaching for the other girls hand and pulling on it gently. “I’m
Lauren,” she said as Camila turned back around to face her.
“Ok,” Camila answered simply. Lauren shifted uncomfortably
on her feet, unsure whether Camila was going to introduce
herself. After a moment of awkward silence, Lauren decided
that she wasn’t and so asked, “You’re Camila right?” “Yeah,”
Camila replied frowning suspiciously. “Listen, I wondered
if....” Lauren began, but she was interrupted by someone
shouting Camila’s name off to her right. Lauren turned just
as another girl reached them, slightly out of breath and
anxious. “Mila,” the other girl said once she’d caught her
breath. “I went to the guidance counsellor’s room looking for
you only to find you weren’t there. I’ve been searching all
over for you “I’m here,” Camila answered matter of factly.
“Well I can see that,” the other girl responded. “You were
supposed to wait there for me so I could make sure you get
to class ok.” “I needed to put some things in my locker,”
Camila answered as though it were the most obvious thing
in the world. “Mila,” the other girl said, casting a confused
look at Lauren when she finally noticed her standing there.
“’re not were. Didn’t you listen to
what the guidance counsellor said?” “No,” Camila admitted.
“My mom did.” “What did your mom say after the meeting?”
The other girl asked seemingly frustrated. “I don’t know,”
Camila said honestly. “Didn’t she say anything?” The other
girl asked. “She did,” Camila informed her. “What was it? Did
she write it down for you?” The other girl questioned again,
her eyes searching Camila’s arms for the notebooks she’d
had earlier. “Where’s your notebook?” “In my locker,” Camila
replied. “Mila,” the other girl groaned slightly. “Umm....I
should go,” Lauren interrupted feeling out of place. “Leave
you guys to it...” Camila and her friend both looked at
Lauren, the other girl finally acknowledging her presence.
“Sorry,” she apologised. “I hope she wasn’t bothering you.”
“Actually, I was bothering her,” Lauren replied slightly
confused. “She dropped her notebook. I was it
back to her.” “Oh, thanks...” The other girl said searchingly.
“Lauren,” she informed her. “Thanks Lauren.” The other girl
said now that she had a name. “I’m Dinah.” “Hi,” Lauren
greeted before turning back to Camila who was watching the
interaction silently. “Maybe I’ll see you around Camila?”
“Maybe,” Camila agreed causing Lauren to smile. “You don’t
really say too much do you?” Lauren questioned noticing
Camila’s lack of small talk. “Can’t,” she answered simply
pointing at the scar on her head. “Oh,” Lauren said feeling
bad for the second time in ten minutes. “Sorry.” Camila
looked at Dinah expectantly. “She sometimes has trouble
with her words.” Dinah informed Lauren for Camila. “You
since the accident. She’s getting better though, right Mila?”
Camila gave Lauren a thumbs up with her right hand.
“Right,” she said in response to Dinah’s words. “She can
manage a few short sentences but, when she tries to talk a
lot the words get jumbled up or she gets stuck and she
doesn’t want to look like an idiot.” Dinah continued to
explain. Camila pouted as Dinah spoke and Lauren couldn’t
help the feeling that swept through her at the adorable
expression on the other girls face. Camila nodded after
Dinah had finished speaking and smiled at Lauren. “Well,”
Dinah continued chuckling to herself. “Any more of an idiot
then she already was, that is.” Camila pulled a stupid face
and spun her finger around by her head to emphasise
Dinah’s words causing a wide grin to spread across Lauren’s
features. The warning bell rang to signal that they should all
start moving towards their first class and Lauren glanced
back in the direction of Normani and Ally who’d been
watching the interaction with great interest from where they’d
been standing by the lockers further along the hallway. “I
should go,” Lauren said turning back to face Camila and
Dinah. “Thanks for your help,” Dinah said sincerely. “I didn’t
really do anything.” Lauren replied. “Yeah, but, still...thanks”
Dinah reiterated. “No problem,” Lauren answered smiling at
Camila who was watching her closely grinning. “Bye
Camila.” She said. Camila waved her right hand slightly.
“Goodbye Lauren.” Camila reciprocated enunciating each
word slowly. “Maybe I’ll see you around.” Lauren smiled as
she repeated Camila’s own words
from earlier back to her, “maybe.” Camila laughed a loud,
reflexive laugh, which reached deep down into Lauren’s soul
and made the butterflies in her stomach flutter even more
than they already had been. It was one of the most
infectious laughs that Lauren had ever heard and the
reaction that it gained from Dinah, told Lauren that it was
probably something she hadn’t heard from her friend in a
while the other girl was grinning so much. Lauren smiled at
the pair of them before turning around and making her way
back towards Ally and Normani, casting quick glances back
at Camila and Dinah as she did so. Dinah was rummaging
through Camila’s locker in search of her notebook whilst
Camila watched Lauren as she left, curiosity etched on her
face. “Ok,” Normani said when Lauren reached her and Ally.
“What was that?” she asked as they started to head down
the hallway towards first period. “What was what?” Lauren
asked, trying to stifle the grin that was plastered across her
face. “Oh my God,” Ally said reading her friends face. “You
like her don’t you?” “What?” Lauren asked surprised. “Don’t
be ridiculous Ally. Ijust met her.” “Then why do you look like
you’ve just won a million dollars?” Normani asked. “I don’t,”
Lauren protested, casting a look over her shoulder back in
Camila’s direction and feeling her stomach drop slightly
when she noticed the other girl struggling to explain
something to Dinah who was reading something out of her
notebook. “You can’t keep your eyes off her,” Ally observed.
“You like her.” “I’m just worried about her.” Lauren
responded. “You didn’t even know her two
minutes ago,” Normani reminded her of her own words.
“She’s interesting,” Lauren acknowledged. “I mean, if what
you said is true then she’s been through a lot this summer. I
find it kind of inspiring that she’s already back at school and
pushing through it.” Normani and Ally shared a meaningful
look which didn’t go unnoticed by Lauren. “I don’t like her,”
Lauren repeated stubbornly. “Yeah ok,” Normani said
sarcastically as Lauren cast another glance back at Camila
just before they turned a corner and she was out of sight. “I
would just kind of like to know her story that’s all.” Lauren
continued as they came to a stop outside of her classroom.
Normani raised her eyebrow slightly and Ally just looked at
Lauren knowingly. “Crap,” Lauren said finally admitting it.
“Ilike her.” “No shit,” Normani stated simply, leaving Lauren
to watch as her and Ally made their way to their own
classes. ‘Fuck’ Lauren thought as she turned and made her
way into first period alone.“I really like her.”


The first class of the new school year, biology, passed by

uneventfully and in all honesty, painfully slowly for Lauren
who had sat alone, her thoughts consumed by this
morning’s interaction with Camila. Luckily, being the first
day back after summer break, most of today’s classes
would be concerned with seating assignments, discussion
around the syllabus for that semester and allocation of
textbooks rather than anything of any great import. Ever
since she’d spoken to Camila this morning, the
brunette was all Lauren seemed to be able to think about.
She consumed every thought, the recollection of her dark
chocolate eyes, the memory of her deep infectious laugh,
stirring feelings in Lauren which she’d never experienced
before. Camila intrigued Lauren in a way no one else ever
had, her mere existence posing an endless array of
questions which Lauren would gladly take the time to find
answers to, if the opportunity should present itself. Lauren
had spoken to Camila for maybe ten minutes this morning,
but she was already craving her like a drug addict did their
next hit. There was something about Camila that Lauren
couldn’t shake off. It was like the small brunette had crawled
under her skin and set up permanent residence there and to
be brutally honest, the feelings it evoked within her managed
to both scare the shit out of Lauren and excite her all at the
same time. Finally, the bell signalling the end to first period
rang and Lauren collected up her backpack from its position
on the floor and filled it with her newly acquired textbooks.
She briskly flung the bag over her shoulder and made a
beeline for the door, escaping the confines of the strangely
oppressive classroom and joining the thong of students
hastily moving throughout the hallway beyond it. Once
outside, Lauren couldn’t help but scan the sea of faces in
search of the eyes which seemed to have been permanently
imprinted in her memory but, was disappointed not to locate
them anywhere in the local vicinity as she quickly made her
way to homeroom for registration. Lauren’s high school had
some elective classes
scheduled at the beginning of the day, so, homeroom was
pushed back slightly to fall between first and second period.
As Lauren entered the rapidly filling classroom, she noted
Ally waving at her from a seat in the far right hand corner of
the room and made her way towards an empty desk located
just in front of her. Lauren threw her bag under the desk and
sat down, turning around in her chair slightly to face Ally so
that they could talk. “Hey,” she said greeting the smaller girl
with a smile. “I didn’t realise you had Miss Lovato for
homeroom too.” “Yeah,” Ally replied happily. “We didn’t really
get a chance to compare schedules before first period in the
end.” “Do you know if Normani has Miss Lovato as well?”
Lauren asked hopefully. “No,” Ally informed Lauren.
“Normani and Troy both have Mr Lopez.” “Sucks,” Lauren
noted, casting a wary eye over her shoulder quickly to make
sure Miss Lovato had still not arrived. “At least we know
each other,” Ally noted thankfully. “It could have been
worse.” “True,” Lauren agreed before asking. “So how was
first period? Did anything exciting happen?” “No,” Ally
responded sighing slightly. “It was just the standard first day
back routine, nothing more, nothing less.” “What did you
have?” Lauren asked her curiously. “AP math,” Ally told her.
“Oh,” Lauren responded, wondering whether to ask her next
question. “You’re so obvious that it’s almost painful to
watch,” Ally stated simply, watching Lauren’s internal
dilemma with amusement. “What do you mean?” Lauren
asked. “You want to know whether Camila was in my class,”
Ally replied laughing to
herself. “Am Ithat obvious?” Lauren asked. “Surprisingly
yes,” Ally began. “It’s funny actually. I don’t think I’ve ever
seen you like this before. What did the two of you talk about
that made you like her so much?” “That’s the thing!” Lauren
answered in frustration. “We didn’t really talk about anything.
Iliterally just gave her the notebook back and then her friend
turned up.” Lauren paused for a moment to run her hand
through her hair and move it out of her eyes. “Well, in
answer to your well veiled question,” Ally said reaching
forward to place a hand on Lauren’s wrist. “No, Camila
wasn’t in my AP math class.” “Crap,” Lauren stated. Ally
laughed. “Were you hoping that I could get some intel on her
for you?” she asked. “No Ally,” Lauren said nodding in the
direction of the door as Camila and Dinah entered. “Oh....”
Ally said following Lauren’s gaze. “Crap.” Lauren watched as
Dinah and Camila took two empty together seats towards
the middle of the room before turning back to Ally who was
watching her in amusement. “Wow,” Ally said noticing how
nervous her normally calm and collected friend appeared.
“You’ve really fallen hard for her. You’re usually so
selfassured and confident. What the hell happened to you?
You were fine this morning.” “I don’t know,” Lauren admitted
between gritted teeth, trying to keep her voice low. “That’s
the problem. I barely even know Camila but she’s literally
been all I’ve thought about since I spoke to her this
morning.” “It’s probably just a crush,” Ally informed her,
waving her hand dismissively. “Everyone gets them. I’m sure
it’ll pass in a day or two.” “Are you
sure?” Lauren asked uncertainly. “I mean, I thought I’d had
crushes before but this...this is nothing like anything I’ve
ever felt in the past.” “Lauren,” Ally said seriously taking the
other girls hand in her own and squeezing it reassuringly.
“I’m going to tell you something that you may or may not
like.” Lauren frowned at Ally’s words. “What?” she asked
uneasily. “You love people with stories.” Ally continued and
a look of confusion fell across Lauren’s face. “Ok,” Lauren
said drawing out the word puzzled. “Camila,” Ally said,
nodding her head in the direction of the girl who was sat a
few feet in front, her forehead resting on her arms atop her
desk. “She has a really good story.” “Ally,” Lauren protested.
“What the hell are you talking about?” “Think about it
Lauren,” Ally responded. “Camila has been going to this
school for the last two years and you’ve never even once
given her a second thought. Why is that? Why is it just now
that you’re suddenly interested in her?” Lauren raised her
eyebrow, shaking her head slightly and Ally took it as a sign
to go on. “It’s because now she has a story.” Ally told her as
though it should be obvious. “She’s been through something
that a lot of people at this school will never understand or
ever experience. She almost died.” Ally paused for effect.
“That is what is drawing you to her.” Ally finished. “You’re
intrigued because you want to know what it’s like to come
face to face with your own mortality and not succumb to it.”
Lauren glanced back in Camila’s direction and pondered
Ally’s words. In a weird way, they kind of made sense,
but, at the same time, Lauren couldn’t help but feel that her
attraction to Camila was more than just on an intellectual
and academic level. It was physical too. She was attracted to
Camila, to her physical form, her long dark hair, deep
chocolate eyes and full lips. It wasn’t just about the stories
she could tell or the experiences she could share with
Lauren. It was Camila herself. Lauren heard the classroom
door close and turned to see Miss Lovato making her way
towards the front of the classroom. She turned around in her
seat to face forward and watched as the young teacher,
placed her shoulder bag on her chair before walking around
the desk and perching herself on top of it, facing the room.
Lauren had been in Miss Lovato’s English class last year
and had very quickly decided that she was one of her, if not
her favourite teacher at school. She was younger than most
of the teachers that worked here having only been out of
college for a few years but she respected the students at the
school, treating them like adults, which in turn earned her
their respect. Miss Lovato went through the formalities
required of homeroom, taking attendance and handing out a
few school notices before addressing the students before
her on a more personal level. “Ok,” she started, surveying
the faces before her, a large smile on her face. “How was
everyone’s summer vacation? Did you all have a good
break?” Miss Lovato stood slowly from where she’d been
leant against her desk and stood up, pacing back and forth
in front of the class, seemingly comfortable to talk as though
they were all
old friend who were just catching up after a couple of months
apart. “I personally had a great summer vacation.” she went
on as she continued pacing. “I went to Africa for a few weeks
to visit the orphanages out there and even had the amazing
opportunity of going on safari.” She stopped pacing once she
reached the middle of the room and leant back against her
desk again. “David,” she said addressing a boy sat in the
middle of the front row. “What did you get up to this
summer?” “Uh,” David clearly surprised at being put on the
spot. “I went to basketball camp.” “Excellent,” Miss Lovato
responded. “Ally, what about you?” she said standing up and
walking down the aisle towards where her and Lauren sat. “I
stayed home.” Ally answered. “That’s it?” Miss Lovato asked.
“You didn’t do anything else over the summer?” “Well,” Ally
started, “I went to Texas to see my grandparents.” “Great,”
Miss Lovato said enthusiastically, turning around and
starting to make her way back towards the front of the room.
Lauren watched her as she passed Camila, who, with the
current topic of conversation had sat up in her chair
anxiously, clearly dreading the thought that she would be
addressed with the same question. To her credit, Miss
Lovato squeezed Camila’s shoulder reassuringly as she
passed, not making eye contact and quickly changing tact.
“Alright,” she said as she arrived back at the front of the
class. “You guys have twenty minutes until your next period.
I want you to turn to the person on your right and discuss
with them the following things.” Miss Lovato made her way to
the whiteboard
and began to make a list of questions. They included trivial
things such as what you did over the summer, your
favourite band, your favourite books etc. “By the end of
homeroom, I want everyone to have at least learnt
something new about one other person in this room.” She
informed them. “I’m not saying you’ll become friends or
anything but, you never know, stranger things have

Accepting Miss Lovato’s instructions without question, the

room broke out into noisy conversation as everyone started
chatting enthusiastically. Lauren turned to her right, only to
realise that the desk was empty and quickly looked around
the room to see if anyone else was without a partner.
“Lauren,” she heard Miss Lovato say as she came up beside
her. “Could you go and sit next to Dinah?” she asked. “Uh,
Miss Lovato,” Lauren began confused. “Camila is sat next to
Dinah.” “I know,” Miss Lovato agreed. “I’m asking you to
please switch with her.” Lauren looked towards where
Camila was sitting and noticed the other girl watching her
conversation as though waiting for something. “Camila,”
Miss Lovato beckoned the brunette as Lauren slowly stood
from her chair casting a puzzled look in Ally’s direction, the
other girl having looked up on noticing her friend’s
movement. Lauren picked up her bag and made her way
down to where Camila had been sitting, but, now stood
standing patiently. “I guess we will be seeing each other
around,” Camila managed slowly as Lauren reached her, a
small smile creeping onto her lips. Lauren couldn’t
help but smile back at her as Camila moved out of the way
and allowed her to take her seat. “I guess we will.” Lauren
agreed as she lowered herself into the chair beside Dinah.
“Hi again,” Lauren greeted and Dinah smiled warmly at her.
“Hi,” the other girl replied. “So...summer vacation? Tell me
everything.” “Camila,” Miss Lovato beckoned the other girl
again and she shared a look with both Dinah and Lauren
before making her way up towards the empty desks which
the teacher had pushed closer together. “Here have a seat.”
She offered kindly. Camila did as she was asked and Miss
Lovato took a seat at the desk beside her, leaning over and
closing the gap in between them to try and keep their
conversation as confidential as possible in a room full of
students. “Firstly,” Miss Lovato started placing a hand on top
of Camila’s kindly. “It’s really nice to see you back at school
today, I wasn’t sure that you would be back so soon.” “Me
neither,” Camila answered honestly. “How has everything
been so far?” Miss Lovato asked. “Any problems I should be
aware of?” “Beside me?” Camila asked disparagingly.
“Camila you aren’t’ a problem.” Miss Lovato informed the
youngster. “Miss Lovato,” Camila started, pausing for a
moment to think about her next words. “The school has been
really good letting me.....come back but...” Camila dropped
her gaze momentarily thinking and Miss Lovato waited
patiently for the girl to continue. “I can’t write,” Camila
admitted, meeting her gaze again. “I struggle to read
sometimes...” “So do a lot of students here Camila,” Miss
Lovato encouraged. “I can’t
speak properly.” Camila said ashamed. “You’re speaking
fine.” Miss Lovato praised reassuringly. “I don’t sleep
anymore.” Camila told her, “I get headaches and I can’t
concentrate properly.” “So far,” Miss Lovato said smiling
kindly. “You sound like every other kid I’ve taught at this
school. I don’t’ want you to think that you’re alone going
through this, ok?” “I had to drop all my AP classes,” Camila
said dejectedly, “I...I be a....straight A student...”
she managed to force out, “now...I can’t even...ttie my own...
shoelaces properly.” Miss Lovato smiled at Camila sadly.
“Camila, you have been through a lot over the summer. No
one is expecting you to get better overnight. It’ll take time
and hard work. From what I’ve heard, you weren’t even
breathing by yourself ten weeks ago...” Miss Lovato placed a
reassuring hand on Camila’s shoulder. “Look at how far
you’ve come since then.” “I’m probably going to be held back
at the end of the year.” Camila stated simply. “You don’t
know that.” Miss Lovato told her. “It’ll be hard Camila. I’m not
going to pretend it won’t but there are systems in place here
to help you. All your teachers have spoken to Miss Spears
the guidance counsellor. We’ve been given strategies from
your therapists to help you transition back into high school
again.” “I know,” Camila said. “What I need from you,” Miss
Lovato continued. “Is to know if you are having any problems
and what they are ok? It could be anything, big or small but, I
can’t help you if I don’t know what they are. So I guess what
I’m saying is that I am here to talk with if you need me,
My door is always open for you. Please, promise me that
you’ll use it from time to time, even if it’s just to check in.”
“Ok,” Camila said. “I promise I will.” “Alright,” Miss Lovato
replied smiling and making a move to stand from her chair.
“Miss Lovato?” Camila said staying her teacher by reaching
for her hand. She sat back down next to Camila and waited
for her to continue. “Camila you can talk to me,” Miss Lovato
urged. “What did you want to say?” “I’m sorry,” Camila
responded and Miss Lovato furrowed her brow in confusion.
“What are you sorry for?” she asked baffled. “I get...angry.”
Camila said averting her gaze from her teachers.
“Frustrated.” “Ok,” Miss Lovato acknowledged still not fully
understanding Camila’s apology. “I...hit my sister once,”
Camila shared “and kicked a hole through my bedroom
door.” Camila looked at Miss Lovato searching for
understanding and finding none. “I don’t want you to hate
me.” She clarified. “If, something. I’m
different....since the accident...I can’t control myself...”
Camila swallowed hard, her mouth dry. “I’m not explaining
myself very well.” She managed to get out, clearly becoming
more flustered. “Camila,” Miss Lovato started understanding
finally dawning on her. “We have the reports from your
therapist. All the teachers are aware of the behavioural
difficulties and personality changes since your head injury.
We’ll try to prevent any problems as much as possible but in
the event that something does happen it will be dealt with
appropriately. We know that the intent isn’t there,
disinhibition and emotional
instability are common after what you’ve been through.”
“What if I hurt someone?” Camila asked. “Then we’ll deal
with it together,” Miss Lovato answered honestly. “That’s all I
can promise for now. Is that ok?” “Ok,” Camila agreed
nodding her head affirmatively. “You’re with me next period
aren’t you?” Miss Lovato asked as she stood from her chair
and glanced at the clock. Camila flicked open her notebook
to find her timetable and stared at the clock on the wall.
“Yeah,” Camila informed her. “Alright then,” Miss Lovato
smiled reassuringly. “Stay put ok?” “Ok,” Camila agreed,
leaning back in her chair and watching as Miss Lovato made
her way to the front of the class. Camila noticed Dinah and
Lauren stop their conversation to glance in her direction as
Miss Lovato passed them. Dinah raised her eyebrow
questioningly, gesturing to silently ask Camila if everything
was alright. Camila made the conscious effort to put a smile
on her face despite her insecurities and formed an ‘ok’ sign
with her hand to illustrate that everything was fine. Dinah
stuck her left thumb up in response. Camila pulled out her
notebook ready for the next class, observing her scrawled
and unintelligible handwriting for a brief moment before
slamming it closed again on the table, wondering why she
bothered to even take notes if she couldn’t refer back to
them later on. Remaining in her seat, Camila leant her head
back and closed her eyes, folding her arms across her chest
in front of her. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly,
counting to ten in her head just as the therapist had
instructed her to. Practically Camila
knew the reason why she was supposed to take notes. It
wasn’t for reference. All her teachers were going to provide
her with everything she’d need in order to study the material
at home, or so the note her mom had written in her
notebook read. The reason she was meant to do it was
because she needed all the handwriting practice she could
get at the moment. Even her sister had more legible script
then she did and Sofia was only six. She heard the bell
signalling the end of homeroom, but stayed as she was,
briefly noting Miss Lovato’s goodbye to the departing
students and the ruckus as chairs were scraped back
against the tiled floor beneath them. Camila felt someone’s
presence above her and lifted her head up, opening her
eyes as she did so to look at them. “This seat taken,” Lauren
asked gesturing to the desk beside Camila. Camila sat up in
her chair slightly and glanced at the desk which Miss Lovato
had occupied earlier. “No,” she replied. “Do you mind if I sit
here?” Lauren questioned. “No,” Camila answered and
Lauren lowered herself into the seat just as Dinah finished
speaking with Miss Lovato and approached from the front of
the classroom. “Mila, I’ve got Chem lab now so I’ll come and
find you afterwards alright?” Dinah asked. “I can walk
Camila to her next class if you want.” Lauren offered.
“Really?” Dinah asked. “I can walk myself.” Camila stated. “I
didn’t rehab know.” Camila cursed
inwardly at the lack of fluidity to her speech. “I know,” Dinah
said apologetically. “I’m sorry, it’s just....I’m worried alright.
Your mom asked me to
make sure you’re’s us...not you.” Camila sighed. “I
know. I’m sorry.” “So you’ll go with Lauren to your next
class?” Dinah asked. “Sure.” Camila agreed. “Lunch?” she
asked. “You bet,” Dinah replied happily as she gave the pair
of them a small wave and hurried off to her next class. “You
pissed at her?” Lauren asked Camila once they were alone
and awaiting the rest of their English class to arrive. “No,”
Camila answered honestly. “You pissed at yourself?” Lauren
probed intuitively. Camila didn’t answer the question which
Lauren felt spoke volumes. Instead she asked Lauren a
question of her own. “You learn a lot?” Camila said. “About
Dinah?” Lauren asked laughing slightly. “Ithink she learnt
more about me than I did about her.” Camila smiled at the
thought of Dinah interrogating Lauren. “I did however; learn
that she has an unhealthy obsession with Beyoncé.” Lauren
continued trying to maintain a conversation with the other girl
as new students started to arrive and take their seats. “She
does.” Camila replied. “It’s....that’s....ugh, crap...” Camila
lifted a hand to her head and rubbed her temple with her
fingers firmly. “Are you ok?” Lauren asked concerned etched
on her face. “Should I do something?” “No,” Camila
responded trying to smile reassuringly.
“It’” She managed to get out.
“Comes....and....” “Goes?” Lauren offered. Camila stuck her
thumb up and nodded. “Fu....” Camila tried before groaning.
“Fuck indeed.” Lauren finished for her chuckling. Camila
managed a laugh at her response and Lauren felt her
stomach rise in what was becoming
a very familiar way. “Fu...” Camila tried again. “Here let me,”
Lauren began, cracking her knuckles dramatically in front of
her. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” “Lauren,” Miss Lovato
scolded as she made a move to close the door to the girl’s
right. “Yes Miss,” Lauren answered embarrassed, realising
that all eyes in the classroom were now turned on her. “Is
there a problem?” Miss Lovato asked eyeing Camila out of
the corner of her eye with concern as she noticed her head
bowed in her head and her fingers rubbing frantically at the
side of her temple. “Well, you see miss,” Lauren opened but
was soon cut short the sounds of Camila’s stifled laughs.
“It’s well...umm....” She tried to find a valid reply which would
excuse her behaviour but was unable to concentrate with
the sweet sound of Camila’s giggles beside her. “Camila?”
Miss Lovato asked. “Anything you wish to add to Lauren’s
eloquent response?” Camila lifted her head up and her
laughing finally died down. She could see the slight hint of
amusement in her teacher’s eyes but knew she was trying
to make a point in front of the class. Unable to speak a
response, Camila shook her head. “I’ll speak to the pair of
you after class,” Miss Lovato said turning and making her
way back down towards the front of the classroom. She
stopped at her desk and started rummaging through some
papers before introducing them to the syllabus for this
semester. “Thanks for that,” Lauren whispered, leaning
closer to Camila who was listening to Miss Lovato. “Jesus,
Ithought she was going to give me detention.” Camila tore
gaze away from the front of the classroom to meet Lauren’s.
“Sorry.” She apologised in hushed tones having found her
voice again. “I didn’t realise... she was right...there.” “Well
shit,” Lauren said slightly stunned. “You can speak again.”
“Just about.” Camila confirmed. “That must be so annoying.”
Lauren noted, glancing up at the front of the classroom to
make sure they weren’t at risk of being caught chatting. Miss
Lovato had her back turned to the room and was writing
something on the whiteboard so Lauren continued. “Will it
ever come back completely?” Camila shrugged. “Pass.” “You
fed up of talking to me already?” Lauren asked jokingly trying
to make Camila laugh. She would swear, hearing that soft
throaty chuckle would probably put a smile on her face even
when she was in the worst mood. “Maybe.” Camila
answered a sly smile on her lips. “Maybe?” Lauren said in
mock astonishment, her voice rising slightly so that she had
to check that Miss Lovato had not heard. Luckily, she was
still writing something on the
tribulationschapter2 8/10 board and hadn’t noted their covert
conversation. “After I almost took a bullet for you a moment
ago?” “You cursed.” Camila stated matter of factly. “Not me.”
“Only because you couldn’t!” Lauren replied feigning
disbelief. “I was going to say fun,’ Camila informed Lauren a
wide grin spreading across her face. “You were not!” Lauren
protested. “Ye....” Camila started, rolling her eyes and
sighing heavily when
the rest of her sentence wouldn’t come. “Yeti?” Lauren
offered, raising her eyebrow playfully. “Yyyyeeeeeesss.”
Camila managed to pronounce slowly. “Yes a yeti.” Lauren
repeated nodding her head. “Interesting turn in conversation
we’re having here.” Camila turned back to face the front of
the class as Miss Lovato made her way along the row of
desks handing out their text books and reading material for
the semester. Once she had returned to the front of the
room, she turned her attention back to Lauren. “Thanks,”
Camila said to her sincerely. “What for?” Lauren asked. “Not
treating me differently.” Camila managed to say quietly.
Lauren felt her insides lurch at Camila’s words and her heart
flutter at the sight of the small smile which was on the other
girls face as she watched Miss Lovato who stood explaining
something at the front of the class. She bowed her head
slightly, turning it to look at Lauren once again. “It’s nice to
feel a little bit ordinary for a change.” She whispered. Lauren
leant back in her chair as Camila returned her attention to
the front of the class. You’ll never be ordinary. Lauren
thought to herself, watching Camila intently from her vantage
point. “Ithink you’re extraordinary,” Lauren whispered out
loud unintentionally. “What?” Camila asked turning her
attention back to Lauren, having not heard her properly.
“You’re welcome,” Lauren covered and Camila smiled at her,
those soft chocolate eyes lingering on her own a beat too
long. “Ok,” Miss Lovato said, causing Camila to glance back
at their teacher who was walking along the row. “Everyone
your copy of ‘Frankenstein.’ She paused beside Camila’s
desk and looked at Lauren who was in the process of
leaning forward. “Lauren would you care to start reading.”
Miss Lovato instructed rather than asked. “Sure,” Lauren
said picking up the book and opening it up. She cleared her
throat, noting that Camila’s book remained where it was on
the top of her desk but she started to read regardless. “You
will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the
commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded
with such evil forebodings.....”


The rest of English passed by with relative ease, each

student taking it in turns to read excerpts from Mary
Shelley’s famous literary work out loud to the rest of the
assembled class. Miss Lovato would select students at
random, allowing them to read a few paragraphs before
choosing someone else to take over in their stead. Lauren
could sense Camila’s growing unease as each of their
classmates was selected but, to Miss Lovato’s credit, she
did not call upon the other girl to participate understanding
the difficulties that she may have. Throughout the rest of
the period, Camila didn’t pick up her copy of ‘Frankenstein’
once, instead focusing her attention astutely on each of the
assorted narrators as they spoke, her head resting securely
in her right hand, her elbow planted solidly on her desk.
Finally, the bell rang and students began vacating the room
en masse, leaving Camila and Lauren to speak to Miss
Lovato regarding the excessive use of
profanities at the beginning of class. “Lauren,” Miss Lovato
started, perching herself on a desk facing the pair of them. “I
won’t tolerate language like that in my class from anyone,
especially you. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes Miss,” Lauren
replied sheepishly. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” “I’m
surprised it happened at all.” Miss Lovato noted. “I’ve never
heard you curse in class before Lauren. I don’t mind how
you behave outside of my classroom but....” “Miss Lovato,”
Camila spoke up, interrupting the teacher. “It was my fault.”
“Camila...” Miss Lovato started. “No really,” Camila cut her
off. “Lauren...she was just trying” Miss
Lovato raised her eyebrow questioningly and Camila turned
to Lauren for help with her explanation. “Don’t listen to her,”
Lauren said dismissing Camila’s words indifferently not
wanting her to get in trouble. “We both know it was me and I
accept responsibility. From now on I’ll be on my best
behaviour.” “Lauren,” Camila protested. “Miss....I!” Camila slammed her hand against the
desk in frustration and gave Lauren a pleading look. “Ok,”
Miss Lovato said taking Camila’s hand in her own to stop her
from repeating the action. “Take a breath a moment.” Camila
did as she was instructed, not once removing her eyes from
Lauren. Lauren shifted uncomfortably in her seat, Camila’s
eyes boring into her so much that she had to avert her gaze.
Camila shook her head annoyed, not wanting Lauren to take
the blame for something that only happened because of her.
Lauren didn’t owe her
anything, she shouldn’t be thought badly of by Miss Lovato
because she was trying to make her smile.
“I....curs...ed....f...f...fir...” Camila groaned. “First.” She
managed to force out, turning her attention back to Miss
Lovato who was watching her closely. “Me.” Camila looked
back at Lauren. “Please,” she almost begged. “T..te...”
tribulationschapter3 2/10 Miss Lovato turned to Lauren
sensing Camila’s distress at not being able to express
herself. “Ok fine,” Lauren relented, her stomach churning at
the sight of Camila so desperate to get her point across.
“Camila technically started it but, I chose to continue and I
shouldn’t have.” Camila ran a hand through her hair in relief,
flashing both Lauren and Miss Lovato a glimpse of the scar
on the left side of her head before a few long dark locks
obscured it once more. She rubbed at her left eye before
rubbing her temple gently and giving Lauren a grateful look.
“She couldn’t speak,” Lauren went on as Miss Lovato eyed
Camila worriedly. “She was frustrated and trying to curse
but couldn’t so....I cursed for her.” “The report from your
speech therapist says that your speech is worse when
you’re tired,” Miss Lovato noted. “Principal Michaels has
agreed for you to have a phased return to school. If you
need to go home Camila then we can arrange that.” Camila
shook her head. “No,” she said stubbornly. “Camila, you
don’t need to be a martyr. It’s the first day back. Nothing
much is going to be happening.” Miss Lovato
informed her. “It’s better to take it slowly this week and build
up to a full day properly. Don’t try and rush back to
everything all at once.” “Please,” Camila pleaded her eyes
wide. “I’m ok.” Miss Lovato smiled sadly. “Who are you
trying to convince?” Miss Lovato asked with understanding.
“I don’t...want to go...home.” Camila said miserably. “I’m
so....sick....of being....stuck... there...please?” Lauren looked
to Miss Lovato for a response but none came. Instead the
teacher continued to watch Camila keenly, her mind
debating what decision to make for the best. Lauren looked
at Camila and felt her herself struggle to hold back the
sudden wave of sadness which came over her. Her chest
ached, not in the way it had this morning during biology
when all her thoughts were consumed with Camila, a mix of
excitement and anxiousness, but, miserably. Everything in
her body was telling her to shuffle closer to the other girl, to
wrap her arms around her and pull her into her side, her
body providing comfort when it felt like no words could. Miss
Lovato sighed in defeat, her mind obviously made up. “I
want you to come and see me after lunch ok?” She
compromised. “If you’re still struggling then I’m going to
have to send you home.” Camila let out a breath that Lauren
hadn’t noticed she’d been holding and nodded happily,
giving Miss Lovato an ‘ok’ sign with her hand. “No more
swearing,” Miss Lovato scolded the girls playfully pointing
her finger at them. “Either of you, ok?” They both nodded
their heads in assent. “Th...thank you.” Camila almost sang.
“Also,” Miss
Lovato said goodhumouredly as she turned to Camila, “don’t
encourage it. I saw you giggling and that is just in bad taste.
Especially if your friend is getting in trouble because of
something you started.” Lauren couldn’t help but smile at the
way Miss Lovato had referred to her as Camila’s friend and
she felt the ache in her chest from moments ago dissipate
almost immediately to be replaced with the familiar flutter
from before. Lauren liked the idea of her being Camila’s
friend. “Ok,” Camila replied. “Ok,” Miss Lovato repeated.
“Now, get going the pair of you otherwise you’ll be late to
your next class.” Miss Lovato handed them each a note to
give to their next teacher just in case and the two of them
stood, collected their things and disappeared into the
hallway quickly.
tribulationschapter3 3/10 Camila had US history with Mr
Lopez next so Lauren escorted her to the allocated
classroom quickly, neither one speaking. Every few minutes
Lauren would look at Camila out of the corner of her eye,
desperately wanting to break the silence which had fallen
between them but fearful that she’d somehow hurt her by
trying to dismiss her part in the whole cursing debacle. Her
stomach churned uncomfortably, like the waves of a sea
during a violent storm. Lauren hated the thought that she
may have offended the other girl, especially because it had
all stemmed from an inexplicable desire to protect her. They
paused briefly outside Camila’s next classroom and Lauren
waited, too anxious to say anything. Camila may be the one
with speech difficulties but right now, Lauren felt unable to
communicate even a single word, her mouth as dry as the
Sahara. She was paralysed, completely fearful of further
upsetting the other girl and causing an even bigger rift to
form between them. Finally, Camila looked up to meet
Lauren’s gaze, opening her mouth as though to say
something and then rolling her eyes once again in
frustration. Unable to speak again, Camila stepped forward
and wrapped her arms around Lauren, squeezing her body
for a mere instant in gratitude. It was so unexpected that
Lauren almost choked on the air in her own lungs,
something that was only further compounded by the
appreciative smile that appeared on Camila’s face as she
turned and disappeared into her next class, the door closing
swiftly behind her. Lauren stood alone in stunned silence for
a moment, her mind taking a moment to register what had
just happened, to appreciate the warmth which had
encompassed her whole body at the touch of Camila’s limbs
wrapped around her, a heat which had no doubt made her
face bright. She smiled to herself as she finally commanded
her body to move and made her way hastily to her next
class, chemistry. She was already ten minutes late when
she stepped into the class but was pleased to find that Mr
Stone was receptive to the note which Miss Lovato had
provided her. He instructed her to take a seat, and as her
eyes scanned the lab for a vacant one she saw an
enthusiastic Normani beckoning her to a vacant place at her
station. Lauren’s grin grew wide as she made her way over
to her friend and she swiftly sat down beside her, flinging her
bag under the table once she’d collected her notebook and a
pen from it. “You’re late,” Normani observed. “I was starting
to think you weren’t in this class after all.” “How did you know
I was?” Lauren asked. “I managed to catch a glimpse of Mr
Stone’s attendance list,” Normani informed her. “Sneaky.”
Lauren replied approvingly. “Ilike it.” “I’ve been saving this
seat ever since,” Normani told her proudly. “Some guy off
the basketball team tried to take if.” “You don’t like
basketball players?” Lauren teased raising her eyebrow.
“More than you do,” Normani joked back. “Well, I’m flattered
that you’d give up sitting beside potential eye candy to put
up with me,” Lauren jested. “I guess that means you like me,
huh?” “Not as much as you like yourself clearly.” Normani
said as Mr Stone passed by and dropped two chemistry
books on the bench in front of them. She paused to study
the book in front of her for a moment before asking, “Why
were you so late anyway?” “I had to stay back in English for
cursing.” Lauren admitted. “Miss Lovato wanted to speak to
me.” “Well, well, well,” Normani started in disbelief, looking at
her friend. “Lauren Jauregui having to stay behind in
class....when was the last time that happened? I thought you
were a regular teacher’s pet. I can’t even remember the last
time you had a detention.” “That’s because I haven’t had
one,” Lauren told her. “Is this the start of your teenage
rebellion?” Normani asked playfully. “Are you going to start
smoking and hanging out under the bleachers?” “Shut up,”
Lauren said hitting her playfully. “It’s not that big a deal.”
tribulationschapter3 4/10 “I beg to differ,” Normani said
laughing. “What happened?” “I....” Lauren started but was
cut off by Mr Stone talking at the front of the class. She
lowered her voice and continued in a whisper. “I was
swearing because of Camila.” “Oooh,” Normani whispered
back. “You have English with your new crush?” “Yes,”
Lauren replied quietly. “Was she touching you in
inappropriate places under the desk?” Normani asked
making Lauren choke on the breath she’d been trying to
inhale and causing her to burst out in a coughing fit.
“Everything alright Miss Jauregui?” Mr Stone asked on
noting the youngster’s distress. Lauren raised her hand in
response and Mr Stone continued with what he’d been
saying. Once her coughing had finally settled down, Lauren
turned to look at Normani who was watching her with an
amused expression on her face, which if Lauren was honest,
she’d kind of like to wipe off it with her fist. “Oh my god,”
Lauren muttered under her breath. “No Normani. That is not
what happened. Geez....” Normani chuckled at Lauren’s
discomfort. “You’re loving this aren’t you?” Lauren asked her
after a moment when Normani’s laughter didn’t die down.
“I’m sorry,” Normani apologised leaning closer to Lauren and
lowering her voice. “It’s just you gave me so much crap
when I started crushing on Arin that it’s only fair that now I
get to pay you back for it.” “Ahh,”
Lauren said, tilting her head slightly as she recollected the
innocuous teasing she’d given Normani last year before her
and Arin started officially dating. “Fair enough then.” “So,”
Normani began her tone more serious. “What really
happened?” “Long story short?” Lauren asked. “Always,”
Normani stated. “She couldn’t speak, got pissed, tried to
curse and couldn’t.” Lauren said. “So I cursed instead.” “That
is probably the weirdest mating ritual I’ve ever heard of,”
Normani told her casting an eye at the front of the classroom
where Mr Stone had turned on a video for the class to
watch, something about lab safety if the last two years were
anything to go by. “Shut up,” Lauren said reproachfully. “It
wasn’t like that alright. Ifeel really bad for her. I was just
trying to make her laugh.” “Is her speech really that bad?”
Normani asked. “Not all the time,” Lauren said, “sometimes
it’s’ fine.” “What about other times?” Normani asked
interestedly. “Other times she can’t speak at all.” Lauren
informed her. “That sucks,” Normani stated simply. “Yep,”
Lauren agreed. “When I walked her to her history class she
couldn’t even say anything....just hugged me instead.” “You
walked her to her history class?” Normani asked a grin
spreading across her features again. “Wow, you’re already
whipped and it’s only been a few hours.” “Itold Dinah I
would,” Lauren reprimanded. “Of course you did,” Normani
responded chuckling softly, “because Dinah asked you to
right?” “Well, no.” Lauren replied. “I offered.” Normani raised
her eyebrow in response to Lauren’s words.
“You’re so chivalrous Lauren.”
tribulationschapter3 5/10 “Dinah had to rush off to her next
class,” Lauren tried to justify. “Hey,” Normani said, putting
her hands up in front of her airily. “I think it’s really sweet.”
Lauren rolled her eyes at her friend. “No seriously though
Lo,” Normani said, “you’re kind of adorable when you’re
crushing on someone. Being in love is definitely a good look
for you.” “Woah,” Lauren protested. “Wait a minute....I don’t
love her.” Normani gave Lauren a meaningful look. “I don’t,”
Lauren repeated. “Iliterally just met the girl today.” “By the
way, I’d ship it,” Normani stated simply ignoring Lauren’s
protest. “Just so you’re aware.” “Normani!” Lauren groaned
in exasperation. “What?” Normani questioned. “I think you’d
look good together and if she can make you this happy and
this...” she paused to wave her hand in front of Lauren’s
body, “glowy in less than a day I’m all for it.” “Glowy?”
Lauren asked. “You know, bouncy and bright.” Normani
clarified. “You and happiness are my OTP. If Camila makes
you feel all jittery and nervous, you know, in the goodway
then I’ll gladly captain your ship.” “You spend too much time
on tumblr.” Lauren noted. “Remind me to have words with
your mom about that.” “You wouldn’t dare,” Normani
responded with certainty and Lauren knew she was right. Mr
Stone stood from where he’d been sat at the front of the
class and both Normani and Lauren turned to watch him for
a moment as he started to address the
assembled students again. “Having heard about your
summer love everyday” Normani went on in hushed tones.
“Clare wasn’t it? I can honestly say that I already like Camila
better.” “You never even met Clare,” Lauren objected.
“Exactly,” Normani said. “Strike one for her.” “You’re an
idiot.” Lauren laughed. “Maybe,” Normani acquiesced, “but,
I’d bet you my Beyoncé concert tickets that you haven’t
thought about Clare once since you spoke to Camila this
morning.” Lauren pouted and crossed her arms over her
chest causing Normani to chuckle. “Ithought as much.” She
replied. “I hate you,” Lauren said turning to face Mr Stone.
“No you don’t,” Normani replied simply laughing and
following suit. After they’d ‘watched’ the lab safety video and
Mr Stone had discussed the semester’s syllabus with them,
the rest of the class was dedicated to conducting a few fun
experiments until it ended an hour later. Normani and Lauren
grabbed their things and headed out into the bustling
corridor to merge with what felt like the entire population of
the school it was so packed. “Hey, isn’t that your crush
walking towards us with Ally?” Normani asked as she
spotted the two of them making their way down the corridor
together. “Ugh, yeah,” Lauren replied nervously. “What are
they doing together?” “They knew each other last year
right?” Normani asked. “Didn’t Ally say they took AP math
together? Perhaps they’ve just had it.” “No, Ally had AP math
first period.” Lauren informed her. “Camila wasn’t there.”
Normani gave Lauren a questioning look. “Me and Ally have
homeroom together,” she
told her simply. “It may have come up.”
tribulationschapter3 6/10 Normani shook her head in
amusement as Ally and Camila reached them. “Hey,” Ally
greeted the two of them. “You guys on lunch now?” “Yeah,”
Normani replied. “Want to go and find somewhere to sit?”
“Sure,” Ally said. “You want to join us Camila?” Ally asked
her kindly. “Thanks but I said I’d meet Dinah.” Camila
replied. “She’ll find you,” Normani said seriously. “You
should come and hang out with us.” Lauren gave Normani a
‘what the fuck’ look which luckily Camila missed as she
quickly did another sweep of the hallway with her eyes. “Ok,”
she said, making eye contact with Normani again, “as long
as you don’t’ mind?” “Not at all,” Normani replied and Lauren
punched her in the leg lightly sensing the mischief in her
tone. “I’m Normani,” she said introducing herself and offering
a small wave. “You go to dance with Dinah right?” Camila
asked. “Right.” Normani confirmed smiling. “Cool,” was all
Camila said as the four of them turned and began to make
their way towards the quad. They found an empty table
under the shade of a tree and sat themselves down, Camila
beside Ally, Normani and Lauren opposite. “So...” Lauren
said trying to broach the subject tactfully. “How did you two
talking?” She gestured between Camila and Ally as she
spoke. “Camila is in my US history class,” Ally answered
smirking slightly. “Small world huh?” “Tiny,” Lauren agreed
worriedly. “We had to get into pairs for an activity so I asked
Camila,” Ally continued throwing Lauren a look. “We used to
have AP math together last year,” Camila informed them,
unaware that Normani and Lauren were already aware of
that fact. “Not this year though?” Normani asked, even
though she already knew the answer. She cast a sideways
glance at Lauren, enjoying her discomfort. “No,” Camila
admitted. “I had to drop all my AP classes.” “Oh,” Normani
said. “Why?” “Normani,” Lauren protested. “No that’s
alright,” Camila said turning to look at Normani. “I don’t think
I’d be able to keep up this year....what know.”
“Sorry,” Normani apologised sincerely. “Yeah well,” Camila
replied and Lauren kicked Normani under the table. Normani
managed to stifle her cry of pain and waved to someone
behind Ally and Camila who was approaching. “Hi Dinah,”
she greeted, kicking Lauren back sneakily as Ally and
Camila turned to face their new arrival. Lauren glared at
Normani for a moment as Dinah took a seat beside Camila.
“Hey Normani,” Dinah returned before turning to Lauren,
“Lauren,” she continued. She glanced at Ally for a moment
awkwardly. “Hey,” Ally greeted with a small wave. “I’m Ally.”
“Hi Ally,” Dinah returned warmly. “What I don’t get a hello?”
Camila asked playfully and Lauren couldn’t help but smile. It
made Lauren happy to see this lighter side of Camila. It was
a much nicer than the crestfallen Camila that she’d
witnessed with Miss Lovato earlier today and for that she
was glad.
tribulationschapter3 7/10 “I see you all the time,” Dinah
jested. “I
ain’t got time to say hello to you at every opportunity.” “Why
am I even friends with you?” Camila asked laughing,
Lauren’s heart skipping a beat reflexively at the sound. “Uh,
because I’m hilarious,” Dinah replied. “That’s why.” “You are
pretty funny,” Camila admitted turning back to face the
others and shaking her head contractively and the other girls
laughed. Dinah hit Camila playfully on the arm causing her to
wince slightly. “Crap, I’m sorry,” Dinah apologised quickly.
“S’Ok,” Camila said through gritted teeth, rubbing her arm
with her right hand. “I’m such an idiot.” Dinah went on. “I
keep forgetting...” “Dinah its fine,” Camila cut her off
reaching for the other girls hand and squeezing it
reassuringly. “I’ve been through worse.” No one said
anything and Camila glanced around at each of their faces
before saying, “Wow....tough crowd.” The rest of the girls
smiled at her as she said, “I guess the accident didn’t make
me any funnier.” “The good news is it didn’t make your jokes
any worse,” Dinah replied laughing. “Ok hit me,” Camila said
throwing her hand on the table. “What?” Normani asked
confused. “You want me to hit you?” “No,” Camila clarified.
“Ask me about it. I know you want to.” Normani glanced
between Lauren and Ally. “It’s like the elephant or whatever.”
Camila tried to explain. “Let’s get it out the way.” “Camila,”
Dinah began to protest but Normani answered, “Alright
then.” “Great.” Camila responded, her body relaxing slightly.
“Was it true that you were in a coma for three weeks?”
Normani asked. “Yes,” Camila answered. “Do you remember
it?” Ally
questioned. “No,” Camila said frowning. “It was like being
asleep.” She paused for a moment, “but without dreams.”
She added. “Did they catch the driver?” Lauren asked
leaning forward slightly, an unexpected anger taking over
her at the thought that someone had driven off and left
Camila to die. “No,” Camila replied. “I don’t think so. Not yet.”
“Do you miss your life before?” Dinah asked, her gaze
dropped to the floor. Camila looked at her friend a sad
expression on her face. “Do you?” Camila asked her. Dinah
lifted her gaze. “Sometimes.” Dinah admitted. Camila sighed.
“All the time,” she answered. “What do you miss about it?”
Lauren asked with interest. “Yeah I mean, you look like
you’re doing pretty well.” Normani praised. “Little things
really.” Camila answered. “Playing the guitar” Dinah stated
knowingly and Camila nodded her head. “You were really
good at that Mila.” Camila smiled at Dinah’s kind words.
“Writing,” Camila admitted.
tribulationschapter3 8/10 “Stories?” Ally asked. “Songs,”
Camila clarified. “Singing?” Dinah asked. “Singing,” Camila
agreed. “In fact, speaking properly in general.” “You’re
speech is good though.” Normani noted. “At the moment,”
Camila replied nodding her head and sharing a look with
Lauren. “Not so much earlier today right Lauren?” “Yeah but
I have that effect on a lot of girls,” Lauren flirted without
realisation. As soon as she realised what she’d said her
cheeks flushed a bright red and proceeded to get even
hotter as she met Normani’s disbelieving look. Camila
laughed along with Dinah and the other girls followed suit.
God I’m such an idiot. Lauren thought. “I miss being able to
read more than two lines of text without getting distracted.”
Camila went on, taking the attention back off Lauren’s
words. “You can’t read?” Ally asked. “I can, sort of” Camila
said, “but I have the attention span of a fish now. I get
distracted.” “You always had the attention span of a fish
Mila,” Dinah chimed in smiling. “True.” Camila granted. “It’s
worse now though.” Camila thought for a moment, a
comfortable silence falling over the group. “I miss me,”
Camila finally admitted, “the old me.” She glanced at Dinah.
“I know you do too.” “Camila,” Dinah said shaking her head
slightly. “No I know you do Dinah,” Camila said. “You feel
like you’re my babysitter now.” “That is not true,” Dinah
protested sternly before abruptly taking on a jovial tone. “I’ve
always felt like your babysitter.” Camila laughed as Dinah
pulled her into a hug. She kissed Camila on the top of the
head gently. “I don’t care,” Dinah continued, “As long as I’ve
still got you around to annoy me.” Camila pushed Dinah
gently causing her to laugh heartily and the other girls to
follow suit. “Any other questions?” Camila asked chuckling at
Dinah. “I have one more.” Ally said. “What are you two doing
after school?” Lauren gave Ally a startled looked. “Nothing,”
Dinah replied. “Probably sleeping,” Camila admitted
honestly. “Well,” Ally went on, “I normally have these two
over for a BBQ at mine the first day back at school, you
know, to catch up properly after the’re more
welcome to come.” “What are you doing?” Lauren mouthed
to Ally as Dinah and Camila exchanged questioning looks.
Ally responded with a small smirk and couldn’t help but feel
that she was being completely set up. “Sounds great! I’m in,”
Dinah accepted thankfully. “Camila?” Ally asked. “What
about you?” “I don’t know.” Camila said uncertainly. “My
mom...” “She’s in,” Dinah interrupted. Camila looked at
Dinah and shrugged.
tribulationschapter3 9/10 “Ok, well I guess I’m in as well.”
Camila replied. “Thanks.” “Great!” Ally said happily, clapping
her hands together and turning to face Lauren and Normani.
“That alright with you girls?” she asked them. “Sounds good
to me,” Normani replied her eyes burning a hole in the side
of Lauren’s head who was making a concerted effort not to
make eye contact with her. “Lauren?” Ally asked with a
meaningful tone to her voice. “Sounds like fun,” she replied
glaring at Ally in disbelief. “Perfect,” Ally practically sang
winking at Lauren. Lauren groaned internally at her friends
obvious meddling. Great, she thought.This is just what I


The girls spent the rest of their lunch break in easy

conversation and comfortable joviality, Normani and Ally
furtively teasing Lauren for her crush on Camila at every
available opportunity that presented itself. Much to Lauren’s
relief, Camila either missed their veiled mocking of her
current infatuation or chose to ignore

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