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When you exercise, your blood chemistry changes and your brain becomes the very happy
recipient of important nutrients. It repays the favour by amping up its performance –
specifically memory, attention, information processing and problem solving. Here are a couple
of reasons your brain and exercise are one of the great love stories:

•  Exercise increases the levels of a crucial brain-derived neurotophic

factor, (let’s call it BDNF – it’s much easier to spell). BDNF is important for
the growth of brain cells, mood and learning. 

•  Exercise releases a powerful cocktail of important hormones including

serotonin (the mood booster), dopamine (for learning and attention)
and norepinephrine (for awareness, attention and concentration). 

Try for 20-30 minutes a day. Anything that incre exercise ases your heart rate will do the
trick – running, bike-riding, walking, kicking a ball or turning up the beats and dancing it out. It
doesn’t have to be beautiful, strong or graceful. It just has to be active.  

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