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Day of the dead


Sally Kristen Ride


Nora Naid Arenas Avila




I’m sally Kristen Ride as known as Sally Ride
I was born on May 26 in 1951
I was an American astronaut, physic and engineer. I joined to the NASA and I became in
the first American woman in the space
I was the third woman in the space after, Valentina Tereshkova and Sueltana Savitskaya
I was the youngest American astronaut to has traveled at the space at the age of 32
After flying twice in the Orbiter Challenger. I left NASA, then I worked for two years at
Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Arms Control, then at the
University of California as a professor of physic
I participed in the investigation of the space disasters
I dead of pancreatics cancer on July 23 in 2012

“The stars don’t look bigger, but they do look brighter”

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