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My pedagogical philosophy

My pedagogical philosophy ... How difficult it is to think about your pedagogical philosophy with little
experience! How difficult it is to separate pedagogical philosophy from philosophy of life in general!
Reflecting on this question, I mentally turn the pages of my life.

Once upon a time, when I was the same schoolgirl as my children, I dreamed of being a teacher. But
only with age do you understand about the naivety of childhood dreams, about the instability of
decisions made, about the necessary direction and further choice. Most children always have clean
plans for the future, some funny, sometimes unpredictable. Also, my plans changed often, and it
probably depended on the interests that surrounded me at one point or another in my life. But as they
say, “you can't escape fate,” and after the end of the 11th grade, the very “arbiters of fate” appeared in
my life - my parents who “sent” me to Pedagogical University, having listened to my priorities at this
stage. Now, I can say with confidence that the choice of my profession was not wrong.

My pedagogical philosophy is everything that is included in my professional activity. I would also

include teaching success here, because finding its recipe is the dream of any teacher. This probably does
not exist, but I collect mine myself. It includes: Kindness, Honor, Sincerity, Justice, Dignity. Now it is
more an essential part of my outlook on life, to some extent - my perception of the world. Today, as on
the first day of teaching practice at school, I am worried about how my relationship with the children
will develop. Will it be comfortable and easy for them in my lessons, will I be able to convey to them
everything that I have planned, despite the fact that there are enough lessons to be done, in order to
hide some kind of insecurity, fear.

I strive to become a master of my craft - this is also my pedagogical philosophy. The teacher, as a
master of his craft, must be fluent in pedagogical technologies, knowledge and abilities, communication
skills. I share the opinion of KD Ushinsky: “A teacher lives as long as he learns,” therefore any teacher is
always a student. In modern conditions, in order to meet the constantly changing needs of society, it is
necessary to persistently seek new information and use it professionally. I, as a teacher, am in a
constant professional search for my "I" in the profession.

I teach a subject that is so necessary in the 21st century. The English language is, in a way, a pass to a
new society, to the next round of life, to a new world, in which there are more than enough
opportunities for all kinds of accomplishments. Learning a foreign language is, first of all, the
development of the cultural level of a person, and secondly, the improvement of oneself as a person.
Therefore, I believe that every cultured person should know at least one foreign language. But at school
with children, when learning a foreign language, the problem arises that not all children are amenable
to learning, because from childhood it is in their parents' minds that they do not need to know a foreign
language. And no matter how hard the teacher tries, no matter what methods he uses, there are some
children who have nothing to do with the subject of "English." But I try to solve this problem by
involving parents. Because I believe that a child has two direct mentors in life – school and parents.

The most interesting thing for me is to think about how to build a lesson, decide in what sequence,
what and how to do in the lesson, how to organize the work of different students, what types of work to
carry out in the lesson. And since I actively use game teaching methods, I first of all think about how the
game situation will help me to reveal the topic of the lesson and come to the intended goal. Since the
mission of a foreign language teacher is to teach children to communicate in the target language, in the
classroom I create a model of a real situation, I start the game process. I try to develop the child's
abilities by teaching him to communicate, his most favorite activity - play. The lesson uses various
organizational forms of work:a group,a pair, individual. In order to involve everyone and everyone, I
develop and improve my organizational skills to prepare a kind of lesson scenario. An important factor is
the creation of positive motivation in learning a foreign language. This was achieved by using techniques
that arouse the students' personal interest in completing assignments. These include: speech tasks,
problem situations. In the upbringing and educational process I use such pedagogical technologies as
multimedia, fairy tale therapy, health-preserving, experimentation, and design. In connection with the
transition of school education to a new program containing Federal state requirements, I use the project
method. Also, in my foreign language lessons, there is always an atmosphere of a favorable
psychological climate, an atmosphere of democratic relations. Because this atmosphere is an integral
part of a successful lesson.

Reflecting on my little experience, I come to the conclusion that I am moving in the right direction.
The light of knowledge that my students receive from me, they will carry further through life, giving it to
their loved ones and all those in need. Even if they don't become teachers or translators, they are bound
to be real people. I believe in them and love my students. As Elbert Hubbard said, "He who loves his
children very much will achieve success and respect." I am still a young teacher, I have chosen a
profession to my liking, and I can do it. Although there are setbacks and disappointments. I try to treat
them positively, and my main goal of professional life is personal development.

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