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How to be a good citizen?


Well, the first thing we must take into account is: A good citizen is informed about the

Wel, te forst tein wi most taik intu acauntdes: a gud citezen is informed abaut ta

problems of his community, he is attentive to the news and tries to give his opinion when he

problums of is quimiunit, ji is atentivi tu te nius end trais tu gif is upinion win ji

has enough data to do so with foundation. A good citizen is exemplary in his respect for civic

jas enof dar to su wit fandeishon. A gud citezen is exemplary in jis respect four cevec

values. A good citizen cares about the environment. To be a good citizen we must be

valius. A gud citezen quiars abaut te envairoment. Tu bi a gud citizen wi mast bi

responsible, always have a good attitude, etc.

responsabol, olwais jaf a gud adetiood, etc.

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