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The Horse and the Snail

The story begins on a sunny day with a horse and a snail. The horse is very proud of

himself while the snail crawls slowly when he travels from one place to another. As the horse

observes the snail, he thinks of an idea and challenges the snail for a race. Due to the horse

making fun of his competitor, the snail gets angry and agrees to the race. Afterward, they

schedule the activity on Sunday. 

The snail comes home and hurriedly tells his entire clan about its race with the horse.

With this, they are becoming eager to beat the big and powerful horse. They plan to defeat and

outsmart the bigger one. They are doing thorough planning with the days left before the race. 

Now the beautiful and sunny Sunday comes and all of the snails gather around as early as

they can before the activity starts. They eagerly make hiding places such as rock, cactus, and

grass. They take their secret area a little distant through each other. After that, they form a line

from the starting point up to the finish line with the help of their little hiding place. 

Immediately, the snails finished their tasks and the race is now starting. Confidently, the

horse ran just a little while looking up — thinking that it can beat the snail in a blink. He reaches

the finish line and he was stunned as the snail is already there. 

Consequently, as the horse is still in awe, the second race is starting again. This time, the

horse increases its pace. Shockingly, the snail is still ahead. 

Not long after, the third and last race starts. For this round, the horse is running faster and

his steps are indeed harder. Still, however hard the effort and energy the horse is exuding, the

snail is still ahead of him.

The horse finally gives up and offers the crown of winning to the snail. The story ends

with the snail winning three consecutive races and beating the humble horse. Indeed, being wise

can conquer strength alone.

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