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Het hotel Bouraillais, nummer 13 Place Vendôme, nel 1°

district Parijs, het kabinet van de minister
Tél : 0 820 820 001


N/Réf : DMEIA/DMEI/15092015/AN
We, the undersigned, Banque Bnp Paribas, having its registered office at 168
Boulevard Anatole 93200 Saint-Denis - FRANCE, hereby declare that Ms.Watanabe
Renee is the only heir entitled to the amount of Three hundred thousand euros (€
300,000) which is rightly his..

Beneficiary name Ms.Watanabe Renee

Bank name Bank of America
IBAN 291032193697

According to:
In the minutes of the collective decision of February 1, 2006 and March 13, 2006 in
our possession, the only signatories of the transfer account were Ms.Yasmine
Schaerbeek Plante, and the notary Ms. Paula Meesenou, also the beneficiary of the
funds, Ms. Watanabe Renee.
In the minutes of the collective decision of July 16, 2008, Watanabe Renee, became
the sole signatory of the withdrawal of funds from the account of Ms.Yasmine
Schaerbeek Plante.

This signing power ended in September 2012 after the minutes of the collective
decision of September 12, 2012 are still in our possession.

The beneficiary, Ms. Watanabe Renee, would pay a sum of 699 euros as a bank
registration fee to the bank before the actual transfer to her account.

This certificate is issued at the request of the customer to serve and enforce his

MADE IN PARI S03/03/2021

THE NOTARY: Beneficiary : THE DONOR:

Paula Messenou Watanabe Renee Yasmine Schaerbeek Plante

De algemeen directeur ;

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