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German 1545

Dear Shelby

Hope you are fine. I think you have heard about the Wittenberg reformation.

A member of Medici family called Pope Leo X. He spent Church money freely on
himself as a patron of arts. H wanted to rebuild ST. Peter's Church in Rome.

A priest named Martin Luther saw the sale of indulgences taking place near the
German town of Wittenberg. Selling forgiveness for future shocked him more. In
1517 he nailed 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg. In 1521
Luther put a trial for his beliefs. In that trial Luther explained that he did not intend to
hurt the Church. A German prince, Frederick became Luther's patron. He provide
Luther for his protection and a place to live to continue his job. Luther translated the
bible from Greek to German and his translation was published in 1534. Luther's
translation of the bible spread quickly and many people become his followers
(Lutherans) and formed Lutheran church. Some princes from northern Germany help
with Luther's movement.

Charles V and other Catholic leaders tried to end to Luther's movement however
Luther's supporters protested and stopped the actions. The movement started by
Luther became known as reformation. And it also spread to other parts of country.
The Europe was now divide into 2 parts catholic and protestant states.

Hope you read this letter and and waiting for your reply.

Your Faithfully,

Chan Myae Aung

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