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Alone at home

Once I was alone at home, my parents were out of station I was

watching TV suddenly I heard a noise from outside. I looked around and
scared. I saw nothing. Then continued watching my favourite show. I
was immense into the show when I heard the noise again. Now I was
scared. I listened to the noise again and found that someone was
knocking at the door. I slowly walked towards the door. I opened it and
saw a skinny kid covered in wounds and blood. I gasped and was closing
my door when he started begging me to let him in. He said that they will
kill him. I felt bad for him and let him enter my house. He was shivering
due to the cold. I prepared a hot bath for him ,treated his wounds and
gave him fresh clothes. I cooked some soup for him and he ate it
deliciously. Once he was finished eating I asked him why he was
injured. He told me that his parents died when he was 4 years old and
some people kidnapped him. They abused him and made him beg for
money so he decided to run away. He got so emotional while talking
about it that he started crying. After an hour my parents came back. I
told them everything about the boy. They decided to adopt him. The
kidnappers were also arrested and the kids were send back to their
parents. Everyone was happy in the end.

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